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Everything posted by MarkusSweden

  1. @John Iverson I never learned how to fap, thanks god. All the problems it seem to create, it seems as if I didn't miss out on anything. But I plan to sleep with a woman in the future, so I might eventually find out what a so called orgasm feels like.
  2. Sometimes people say that we should avoid dairy-products. At the same time other people say that yoghurt is good for health and stomach. What is true here?
  3. @WildeChilde Love this so much, from Six feet under! Most beautiful epic scene in the history of movies/series/TV-shows.
  4. Or imagine you're sitting in an airplane about to crash, facing a certain death! Or maybe some other event with deadly outcome for 'you'. Let's say there is no pain involved in any scenario, just an instant death with guarantee. Would 'you' be afraid, would fear come up? Or could 'you' face any of these situations that brings physical death to 'your' body-mind with perfectly ease and no fear what so ever? After all, you're not your body-mind. How enlightened is it possible to be?
  5. Very interesting! Thanks for sharing! This thread was meant for this answer I feel.
  6. I agree on that btw. It's madness!
  7. Sounds like a Rupert Spira quotation!
  8. Nice little anecdote! Your posts are always 'alive' in some sense, it's uplifting to read even if it's a scary story. "Yeah come catch me bro" = great attitude. Love it! No judgement!
  9. @WildeChilde See for yourself, everything is continuation and interdependent. Short answer - No!
  10. @egoless God Bye! I will miss you. You were one of few here who really acted independently, it was a joy to read your posts. I think you are at a wrong place atm, but who am I to judge? Anyway, only true independent people find the truth in the end, and the path include being lost in deception, you'll come out of this phase, I'm sure. You have high integrity and honesty about you, you'll find the way towards truth in the end. I hope you will find your way back to us, and guide us all to higher awareness! All the best!
  11. But @Preetom , this is a very dark picture! Are you serious?
  12. Love your answer because it come from love and tolerance! And in that regard your post is very true, because love is what reality is, unfiltered be delusion. However, you are still lost in duality, can you see that? There are no distinction within oneness what so ever. That's not fancy words, there is literary not a single distinction within infinite reality. So, yes indeed, the suffering Buddha come in contact with, he had it all inside of him. His projections created maya with suffering. There is an absolute correlation, a direct proportionality with 'your' inner and with the 'outer' world(maya). 'You'(all there is) create the outer. EVERY SINGLE FACETT OF REALITY IS NOTHING BUT AN ILLUSION THAT 'YOUR' INNER PROJECT TO CREATE THE WORLD(MAYA). You see how simple this is? Makes you wanna laugh! Can you see that your expressions that you use in the post such as 'his students', 'he must', 'of him'. 'another person,', 'they are', 'our own', 'When we', 'we don't' etcetera, comes from a false idea of duality? But I am glad that you at least mix it with non dual light, love that is!
  13. Yes, but the world is nothing but illusions. And your inner state determines these illusions(world, maya) The illusions are an EXACT EQUAL to you inner state! (Non duality) It's literary impossible to find a single lie in the world if lies are not part of your inner being. There is a direct proportional relationship between inner being and the world(illusions/maya) Non duality is so crucial for a happy life. Duality is false and deceptive, see for yourself!
  14. @Preetom This is all BS. Everything you see and come in contact with is a only a reflection of your own inner being. It's all one, literary! If your inner being is pure, then the world(maya) is equally pure and innocent. The outer is a manifestation of your inner. When you find peace and truth in your being, you see that everything in the world is a reflection of that. If you cultivate your love and beauty and never manipulate or lie, it will literary become impossible for you to find nothing but that same absolute truth in the world(maya). It's so simple that its insane. Carlin had inner anger, anxiety, fear and hate. And see, to him the world(maya) become like his inner state. Don't you see this @Preetom ? This man was severely ill, don't be inspired by that! IT'S ALL ONE, WHEN SHALL PEOPLE UNDERSTAND THAT? That clip comes from the delusion of duality. THAT'S WHY THE DUALITY NARRATIVE IS SO SO SO DANGEROUS !!!!
  15. To me, meditation happens spontaneously, it's never a disciplin, it just happens when I spend time on my own - for example when I driving my car, when I'm on a train or having a bath at home. I call it casual meditation. My overall wellbeing is rather good and I feel happy and at peace most of the time. But one can always feel better and optimise ones life(I guess). Could any spiritual practice evolve my state further? Like a yoga disciplin or Sadhana? Or do I better not bother about that, since I don't feel any direct need for a discipline? Maybe my contemplation/meditation that happens automatically is enough, or should I devote more time through a method/discipline?
  16. Ah, @Nahm, feel a synchronicity with you! Sometimes I only find God in music, thanks God for music. I'm actually happy I wasn't around in the 60's, that way I can romanise it into an era where nothing happened but the music of Dylan, Joplin, The Doors. Jefferson Airplane among my other heroes. But there is one music-God above all else, and you know who that is.
  17. @Nahm Beautiful! Simple and clear. Love how good art/music has a common ground with what we do here!
  18. @Shanmugam Wow, your contribution to this forum is quite amazing. Thank you! Those Lao Tzu quotes are so beautiful, timeless truths!
  19. @egoless I hear what you are saying, but don't you see that you crack our non dual narrative? Since nobody knows anything, any paradigm is vulnerable. But people here(me included) wants to hold on to something. And in this particular forum we choose to hold on to non duality. If you don't burst our bubble, we will not burst yours. Do you see how you screw things up for us? Please sign up with our team or let us be here alone. We don't force our agenda upon anyone outside this forum. You shouldn't come here and force your agenda upon us either. Do you want us to feel bad or something?
  20. Yes, it is, it's quite beautiful, indeed! Have you tried sadhana btw, or are you completely self realised? Have you noticed I changed my profile pic, you know who that beautiful girl is?
  21. Very interesting article about blockchain technology and consciousness. Some quotes... Here are some comments on the article.
  22. I don't talk about neurotic happiness where there is suffering below the surface of happiness. I talk about real happiness. Real happiness is peace in motion Real peace is happiness at peace When you find this, you are home, there is nothing more to life/reality, but it is infinitely rich as it is! Namaste.
  23. There is not even "AM", because "AM" refers to presence, and it suggest in a subtle way that there is something which is "not present" or "not being" "AM" has no contrast, there is no such thing as "not being", there is nothing that is 'not present' that which is never ceases to be, that which is not never come into existence Ever the idea of presence or being(AM) is made out of a subtle reference to a believe that there is something that disappears, something that was real and has now vanished, but that is never true, that is never experienced In saying 'I AM' you make a reference to 'yourself' as presence/being, in contrast to something that is not, but there is no such thing. Therefore the 'AM' vanish. You see how you must let go of 'AM', just as you let go of self/time? Can you see this?
  24. @pluto Beautiful! There are very few pure innocent souls in here, but you and @Dodo are two of them!