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Everything posted by MarkusSweden

  1. Thanks, I'll check it. Could be worth paying for it, if it offers great insights into third tier. A friend of mine Say that there are only two stages(colours) in third tier. Hence, fourth tier is already around the corner once you start studying third! ?
  2. @White @John Iverson @Outer @Ether Controlled opposition, find out for yourself (((who))) you (or anyone else, like Alex Jones) can't criticise! Otherwise he(Jones) wouldn't be successful. I'm not sure if it's even allowed to answer your question here. But this is the place of truth, and this is the answer to your question! So if there's anywhere in the world where it can be mentioned, it's probably here..
  3. This is a very i interesting question. When you Transcend your ego, you transcend your whole story. And you transcend thoughts about "who" you are. And once enlightened, when you rest in presence, when you live in the NOW, do you even remember "who" "you" once were??? Because if you die ego death and become enlightened But remember who you use to be, then you at least have the memory. But if you will lose every trace of who you were, not even have a singel memory what it was like to be that ego, Then you really really die when you become enlightened I don't know if I want to die in such a complete way, at least I want to have a memory what it was like to be me. To end the story scare me very much. Is it any middle way to become enlightened, where you can Keep the story of "you" and only kill the other parts of the ego?
  4. Maybe so! We cut out the good parts, cover up the bad parts of the history that we like, and recycle it for more Then it's worth.
  5. Yup, That's the right direction. Thank you!
  6. Thanks Colin! Yeah, it came from my heart! It was pure. But other posts I made might be nonsense. I mix it up pretty well. I'm the kind of guy who are serious only now and Then. ?
  7. You are my fellow countryman. I thought we were friends? Specially now in the times of world cup in soccer. Sweeds shouldn't attac each other. I find your comment slightly offensive, specially since I concider myself enlightened these days..
  8. Identification with a story(thought story). It creates the illusion of separateness. It's sad, indeed.
  9. You're right, I mean red of Course, we have talked so much about blue at This forum lately so I write blue out of habit even though I mean Red! ? I'll change it..
  10. @Rilles Do you like jaffarbyn Rilles?
  11. Spiritual rapper XXXTENTANCION is dead! ☹️ Killed tonight in a red area(refering to spiral dynamics) in Miami. Rest in Peace you Beautiful soul!!!
  12. Prabhaker steps in and speaks some liberating stuff that has sanity to it! As always. ?
  13. @White Sounds great! Off topic: Funny how we both have profile pictures of music icons of the 60's. ? You think Joplin and Lennon ever met? Maybe they known eachother..
  14. This was paradoxical and deep! Good stuff. Thanks for food for thoughts!
  15. What about Denver, Colorado? I always loved Colorado, nature, moutains, skiing, lakes, fishing. It orange/green, right?
  16. Some scientific minded people will claim that they are lowlifes and people with low IQ. Nothing can be more far from truth. Africans are just as much part of oneness that we are. Those black tribal people are nothing less than God, remember? We see people from all over the world here, North and South America, Europe, Australia, Asia, but none from Africa. Those poor people have internet, right? How can we spread the knowledge of Mooji, Tolle, Spira, Leo, Adyashanti, Osho, Sadhguru etcetera. How cool wouldn't that be with people from the deep middle parts of Africa like Congo, South Sudan, Uganda and central African republic. REUNITE THE WORLD NOW!
  17. People can get uncomfortable when a big smile all over ones face shines on them for no reason. Well, there is a reason of course, CREATION. How to handle when people think you have too high ideas about yourself just because you are happy and smiling? People like to Crash that happiness. Everyone should be the happiest! How is it not possible? Mania? Fuck that shit and those labels. Infinite happiness is the most natural thing there is! Here's A poem, a stream of consciousness poem that I will write now... -------------------- People talk and talk, how can they look so serious I thought to myself. I can't pick up anything what they talk about, I'm totally distract by creation, so much joy and love. Spiral dynamics? Lol WAKE UP! Can't wipe that smile away from my face. Just too much beauty and humour everywhere. Meditation? Lol, just WAKE UP god dammigt, will you? I understand everything, lol, I get it now, I know all the truth in the world. Yet I don't know anything at all(of course) What the fuck is this all about? Yet, it is perfectly clear what it's all about. Yoga? Chacras? Psychedelics? Teachers? Gurus? Work? WORK??? WOOOOORK??? LOL, what work??? WAKE THE FUCK UP, WILL YOU? Can't wipe that smile of my face.
  18. @Ether doesn't pick up "Tones" at all I'm afraid. He is a funny guy though. ?
  19. Not in the Times of world cup in soccer! Didn't you see the game yesterday? ? SWEDEN!! I Love you!
  20. You know I respect your work, and I known from the beginning that you had something special! Just as you thought there were something special with me also. But please, take it easy with Rilles, he is also a great dude, and he's my fellow countrymen. No need to be harsh with the Sweeds! ?