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Everything posted by Moses

  1. i think that the way you chose to express your thougts is very aggressive. do you want the other side to listen? if so.. i suggest you try a more loving approach.
  2. @Rahul yadav Thank You !?
  3. Sending you love ! the struggle is real. the good side is that the path gets easier and easier as long as you keep developing & being true to yourself, with compassion - especially in ruff moments like you are having right now. ??
  4. found this one on shutterstock
  5. wow, really touched me ! the ending was brilliant
  6. This is an attempt to improve this post's purpose to help you find self actualizing people near you. We all know how difficult and important it is to surround ourselves with like minded people, so simply register your location on the map and start making friends in the real world! Follow this link Search your main address in the search bar: Click on 'add to map': Click on the small 'edit' button: Finally, in the description box, add a link to your profile, and save: Any suggestions on how to improve are welcome!
  7. Interesting discussion guys, Thank you!
  8. it starts to look pretty good, don't forget to add a link to your profile !
  9. Hello all ? I find it difficult to communicate with my family in an authentic, honest and healthy manner. It all started when I decided not to the University and follow the autodidact path. my family sees my decisions as irresponsible and naive.. they worry a lot. things escalated more when I decided to go Vegan about a year ago.. they don't understand/accept my choices and I always find myself hopeless/speechless when we talk about my life (for a long time now, 90% of our conversations surround about the way I choose to run my life). I understand that their perspective is different and I acknowledge that most of their worries come from their love for me. recently, I have improved a lot when it comes to not judging people and I manage to remain patient & understanding around different people and friends. but how should I approach my family? they are my family and I want to stay truly connected to them.. here are some examples so you will get the vibe: when I stay at my parents house, I "hide" and lock the door when meditating.. recently my brother invited me to a drink and when I refused explaining him that I am preparing for an upcoming Vipassana retreat, he burst out laughing in my face. I try to imagine @Leo Gura coming with full radical honesty to his family.. telling them about using psychedelics for example, and I am like.. how?! For a short time I thought that maybe by explaining them what is happening to me using the Spiral Dynamics model, would be a good idea. but then I remembered that people at different stages just won't understand or will interpret it through their lenses. I want them to understand me. One can find friends and community of people who share his worldview, but you can't choose/change your family. How do you deal with this kind of frustration? Thank you ?
  10. I came up with the idea of opening a public Google map, where anyone can register his location on our globe. I believe it would be more friendly and easy to find our actualized neighbors that way So let's try it out, first go to this link: Then search your main address in the search bar: Then, click on 'add to map': Then, click on the small 'edit' button: finally, in the description box, add a link to your profile, and save: @nightlight if people will accept the idea, please copy this to your first message on this thread, this thread is pretty popular and I don't wish to open a new one. If anyone has any ideas on how to improve the system, please share (:
  11. @Sahil Pandit @Andrewww My main issue is not failing to raise my family's levels of development\consciousness, my problem is how can I be truly open with them? @Sahil Pandit you said "don't rely on them". contemplating on these words.. deepens my realization of how all of my unauthentic relationship with them may really hinder my growth. @Moreira So how do you communicate with your family? I perceive "self actualization" as a way of life.. not just a 'topic'.
  12. @Andrewww Thank you for the reply, I am not sure how preaching stage green and above values to a mostly stage blue people, would be effective.. we communicate on a different frequency. Maybe their is a way to convince them through a blue person's lens of the world.. but I have no idea how
  13. @Hello from Russia we definitely face a similar dilemma.! if you come from a russian family.. well so do I. ??‍♂️ even if we completey drop all the judgements toward our close ones and we accept their views.. they still don't accept ours.. what should we do? break off contact? ignore what they are saying? act fake around them? stay quiet and stop sharing our life experiences witht them? there must be an healthy solution ??
  14. I find myself many times throughout the day dependent on time: count my sleeping hours and set an alarm clock time my meditation time my running set blocking time for studying time my breaks during the study if i want to take a nap so also time it and more small related stuff.. I know that this is basic in our modern times and it helps me a lot to stay productive, but recently I find myself getting sick of the feeling to always "stay on schedule" . I think that the issue is with how I relate to it. Any tips on how to accept and be able to feel more free with less worries about TIME? Thank you!
  15. @Faceless thank you very much! It is hard for me to grasp what you say right now, but I am inspired to figure it out and start my way to change my relationship with time. seems like Eckhart Tolle precisely describes this issue im having.
  16. @Nahm @Charlotte Thanks a lot, I will checkout those resources of wisdom (; @zoey101 It is possible and we will figure it out !
  17. @zoey101 thank you for the tip zoey, except for the morning part, I do spice up the routine from time to time but I still find myself for example counting how much hours I have left before I need to go to bed and stuff like that. I do my best to stay mindfull when I am on a specific kind of activity, it's just that the fact that I need to set a specific time for this activity which annoys me, because their is more then one or two activities during that day - and I was pretty fine with that until recently when I find myself too much "chasing the clock" and I wish I could just flow with each day and approach everything I do more easily and without any kind of stress
  18. Hey @Martita thanks a lot for your words of wisdom, i can really resonate with what you are saying and one of the reasons I go travel by myself now is because I hope to learn more to let go and flow more easily with life.. and being less harsh with myself thanks again!
  19. Hello everyone and nice to meet you (: I play my ego game by the name of Moshe (Moses), 24 years old from Israel and I am new here on this forum (got familiar with self actualization about two years ago with a lot of help from Leo..) I write this topic because I need your help with my dilemmas on how to continue and improve my journey of self actualization and of my life in general, so thank you for those who will take the time to read: In about three months, I am going to travel for at least six months, probably in India, Nepal and the rest of Southeast Asia. Right after the trip, I will begin studying for a degree (4 intense years) which supports my life purpose (at the last stages of the amazing course). I am very new on the subject of pursuing enlightenment and I understand that this is something I will need to work on sooner or later in my life and the sooner the better.. but it's not something to take as a "small hobby" and one must really take this seriously, and I will admit that it's stresses me a little bit because even if right now I have a really strong meditation habit (30 minutes which will become 60 minutes at least) and my hobby\workout routine is running for long distances, and I wish to be a serious student and focus on building my mastery on the subject - Can I really include a strong routine of deep spiritual work? (and I haven't mentioned the issue of maintaining a good and healthy romantic relationship). Second thing I need your suggestion on is, on what to focus my attention right now in self actualization? my main focus goes to studying hard for an "SAT" test in order to get accepted to the university I want. I am afraid that i'm falling to a stage of "mental masturbation" when it comes to self actualization because I don't have one main subject to focus on (like I had when I was working on my life purpose). right now as I said I study the spiritual stuff and theory but I worry that this is more "mental masturbation" because all I do is enjoy the theory.. for example, I really want to read the books by Peter Ralston, but what if I will gain way more by reading them when I will actually do the work? Third and last, any suggestions on how can I make the most out of my big trip? I am speaking of anything related to high quality consciousness activities, special retreats? places? tips? anything ! Thanks!!!
  20. welcome to the world of introverts i would recommend you reading this book: really made me feel comfortable with those struggles about social interactions, which you are also talking about !