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Everything posted by str4

  1. The thing I contemplated today was: Is my memory of past things really evidence that the things really happened? And I don't mean that I'm questioning my memory. But I mean that is memory really a reflection of something that really happened, or is it just a hologram of a sort of a thing that never happened anywhere, but the hologram leads me to believe that it really happened. What if there is no time at all, and all I am living is in a present moment. When I try to remember things happened in the past, the reflection of my past just comes from somewhere and was never a reality.
  2. It's easy to think that we have free will, because we are doing small everyday decisions all the time. However, we have no knowledge of the different outcomes our decision making leads us, because we cannot step back in time, and choose to act differently in any given situation. This makes us believe that the decisions we make are thoroughly thought of and we think that we are in control of those decisions. However, we have no data to compare - no evidence that we would have acted differently. When we act, the decision time is already over. I think that our ego is kind of this shitpile we have gathered, so to speak. We have gathered enormous amounts of different garbage and glued it into ourselves, forming the ego. This ego makes us act in different ways to various situations, but the decision is not an expression of free will, it's just our shitpile - the ego - reacting to stuff in various ways. However when we get rid of the ego, become enlightened that is, do we have free will after that? Well, I wouldn't know, because I'm not enlightened. All I know is that if there is no I, then the "I", I think I am, is not separable from say, a tree. If consciousness is all there is - all the other things I am seeing must not be true. I am not in any way more true than a tree, which has no free will. I don't know if this made any sense, just babbling here
  3. Hi, I've been wondering on what is your take on enlightenment, consciousness and the brain? I mean, from what I've read is that the main take on enlightenment is that there is only consciousness, and everything else is just an illusion inside consciousness, including ourselves. But is the human brain just a vessel to try and reach enlightenment, or is the human brain just an illusion altogether? Or is the human brain like a radio receiver which you can use to tap into consciousness? What if you have brain damage and say you're in vegetable state, and you are not able to think anymore, nor try to reach enlightenment? Doesn't a physical damage then deny you from your spiritual path? If everything is happening inside consciousness, the consciousness should be "stronger" than the physical damage. I know this sounds like my ego is coming up with all these questions resisting the enlightenment and it probably is just that.
  4. Yeah, it would be nice to have an enlightened scientist. Some of my thoughts concerning this topic came from reading Jed Mckenna, he's always referring our universe as dreamstate, and all the other character he's interacting with are just dream characters, and not real. From what I know, from my own experience, is that I don't have a brain damage and I am able to think clearly. What if you all are just dream characters in my dreamstate, and no such thing as brain damage actually exists, it is just this concept created by my own mind. Since I personally don't have or haven't had a direct experience of a brain damage, I can only believe that there is such a thing as brain damage. Sure there are several million papers and videos and whatnot about brain damage, but I haven't experienced it myself. Thus it's just a very very very comprehensive belief that there exists such a thing as brain damage. But it's still just a belief. Do I even have a brain... I haven't seen my brain...