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Everything posted by Patang

  1. the inevitability nature of reality, is widely accepted by the vast majority of the human society, when they believe in fate, feeling it in their guts, saying that it is written in the stars, and so on.... and hence, free will is merely an illusion, here in the dream state. free will is actually a resistance to the inevitability nature of reality, and therefore will always leads to discontent and suffer, which are illusions themselves, produced and promoted by the deceptive ego, which in turn, is an illusion by itself.
  2. houston we have a problem... either way or another, If you realize that the "self" does not exist, there is no need to actualize nor master it. check your "self" realization.
  3. @cetus56 beautiful paradox!!! sure, drop it on us, it's okay, your woman will understand it for sure, they always does (that means, the enlightened ones). prepare to die...
  4. hahaha, not today my friend, i've already been had today once or twice.
  5. @Max_V everything is just fine. now, if you want to go on the fast track, then you have to sort what is true and what is not. all that is false, must be thrown straight out the window, torn from what was once called "you". blissful times ahead of you (just after some miserable ones). otherwise, keep it cool, it will happen anyway, but in a slower pace.
  6. how can intuition indicate enlightenment, when it does not know what and where it is. therefore, enlightenment is counter-intuitive.
  7. all is one and one is all, and the one is nothing at all.
  8. @Deep you see, if free will is false, thats mean that you are god!
  9. this is absolutely correct!!! despite being an illusion itself.
  10. this you have to ask @Deep, he referred to god in his question, and I answered in the context of that reference. for me god is what there is ..... and .... nothing, merely a concept...
  11. we already agreed that the future is merely an illusion, so all of those pretend to predict the future, are illusionists. this is the paradox of the inevitability nature of reality. let me explain. the human body develops while in the womb according to plan, and is getting old over the years. how would it looks like in the coming years can only be guessed. however, its aging process in predetermined by plan.
  12. @Deep you see, free will means you can choose between different alternatives. god, on the other hand, does not have to choose, he is doing it all.
  13. sealed, but not to be seen upfront.
  14. @Nahm thank you ?? that was truthful and fulfilling
  15. @cetus56 and that's the way things are
  16. @Nahm mmmm... nothing? this is a live showcase of how is it to be a no-self being. no-self being can have fun full of joy, just from the fact that he has been had.
  17. @Nahm hahaha... i've been had, well done!!! you naughty one, THIS is FUN !!! ???
  18. bulls-eye. you've gone all the way to nothingness, all the way to the the one and only truth that there is, and there is nothing more to say about it. it is no one but you to say that you have reached the nothingness.
  19. i did not say anything about focusing on the next step, it is crucial to focus in the now, not in the past nor in the future. determination is only about being truthful (and submissive) in your quest to find the truth yourself. it is true, that being in your center is crucial for self-inquiry.
  20. you look like a million bucks!
  21. you see, your determination has nothing to do with free will, which is an illusion by itself (there is a post about it). it is not about changing reality, it is about your submissive quest to find the truth yourself . actually, we mean the same thing, but in other words.
  22. ok guys, let me elaborate on this a little. an illusion is a mirage, something that is not real, something which can be accepted, because it is based upon a belief (or an imprint), something that can be misleading and easily be fooled by. past and future are merely illusions, there is only now, this precise moment, nothing more. you see, the inevitability nature of reality is not about the future (that cannot be perceived), it is about the inability to really change anything regarding reality. further more, all the events that already have happened, must have been happened, in order for reality to be exactly as it is right now. once it has occurred, the event is no longer relevant, and could disappear into oblivion. looking back, can you see the event stream of the inevitability nature of reality? if you accept the inevitability nature of reality, and you accept that reality is merely an illusion, here in the dream state, you must realize (not believe) that free will is merely an illusion, and it is a damn good one.