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Everything posted by Patang

  1. @pluto it is all beautiful, it is all in the open, so why to seek anything. seeking is the result of a lack. lacking is the result of fragmention (duality). fragmention brings suffering. let go of the seeking and just be. ?
  2. @danton for AI to be awaken, it has to be aware that it is aware. it has to "get out of its mind", go beyond its electric circuitry. is it possible? will it still be there hovering around even when electricity is cut off?
  3. what materialism/spirituality is for the body and world, enlightenment is for awareness.
  4. Everything is fine. The video in question is an example of harsh criticism and judgment that joins a personal opinion that is not based on personal experience. It is permissible for any person to think and believe in whatever he chooses. Every person is entitled to see himself as a separate being who experiences the world in the way he chooses. Every person sees reality and understands it in his own way, and that's fine, everything is fine. The dreamers are managed and controlled by thoughts, and the awaken ones are aware to the real nature of reality and know who they really are. either way, it's fine.
  5. everything has already been written and been spoken about so-called consciousness. so many words, almost none of them can describe it directly. the only word that fit it perfectly is the "I", and it exists in every human language. I do not change while everything else is. I am aware to what is changed. I am being aware of being aware. I am knowing. I am everything, some call it consciousness. everyone knows who they really are. almost none pay attention to the "I" with regard to themselves. the "I" is hidden behind the concept of duality. the "I" can only be expressed, during a direct, non-dual experience. now, "i" is a word, and like any other word, it is only a concept. concepts do not exist by their own. concepts only describe things. things do not exist in a non-dual experience, and so do i.
  6. the truth is that you, the real you, are god/consciousness/awareness and so is everybody else. everything else is not what it appears to be.
  7. once you realize that you are not your "self", you are out of the maze, you are free, you are all and no-thing simultaneously. a side effect to that is that you don't exists either.
  8. @Ingit you see, reality (us included) is only a ripple on the fabric of consciousness. reality changes but remains the same. we come and go but always stay.
  9. for the clarity of this post, when referring to myself, the "i" noun will be used. so now, it is totally makes sense and feels just right to me, that "i" should use the "we" pronoun (in the context of "we as one"), when referring to myself. but, i know i can't do it in public when referring to myself, because surely i will be perceived as a lunatic or a member of some cult. now it feels awkward to use the "i" noun when referring to myself. we can not see it otherwise relatively speaking. are we good?
  10. kim jong-un, the 3rd supreme leader of north korea, is just one step away from revealing his true nature. as a core belief in a communist flavoured reign, that is: "one is all (in body & mind) and all are his". so, the next step is dropping his huge ego, in the rate it is dropped during the process of dying. when one dies, he is becoming much less interested in himself, his past and the surrounding, and focusing on the next occurrence in the process. when that happens, the self along with the ego are dropped dead, and what is left is awareness. humans which had a near-death experience (NDE), find themselves repeatedly getting "insights", a glimpses to the "other side", and are been exposed to the "fabric of reality". they live their lives as an awaken beings, even though much of them don't realize that. now, because i have never really died (and i was never born) as far as i know, i could be wrong all along, and when one is dead, it is like an endless dreamless sleep, a void, nothing that lasts for eternity.
  11. @onacloudynight on the conceptual level, memories are only attributes of who you are in the mind/body shell. who you are is the sum of your experiences as a living being. the way we respond or act to the occurrences around us, and the outcome to that, the information we accumulate during our lifetime, all of that determines our memories which defines who you are in the mind/body shell. when you eradicate parts of who you are, all the memories associated with those are lost too. this is why, when we grow up and change our perspective to life, "brain patterns" are changing, and so are our memories. when you live in the NOW and you are not "looking" at the past, the current experience fade away immediately after occurring and no memories are created. when there are no memories of the past, no comparison is made, no judgement is feasible and no opinion is formed. the way out of your mind/body shell is short now, and from there, you can see crystal clear how it all works. i bet you are now not an ambitious guy, on the contrary, you live a humble life, and your only assets are empathy and love which you have in abundance.
  12. ok, i know it's all consciousness (or whatever), nothing is real, it is all a fake, an illusion upon illusion, all based upon rules, which in turn are based upon other rules, and so on until reach the equation, a single enabler that allows it all, some calls it "the theory of everything" (way beyond hawking's theory). so, lets talk a little about the illusion of the human existance. the most different aspect of the human mind is the human imagination. while all other aspects of the mind are involve with the concept of time (thinking and feeling), the human imagination deals with the present moment. it's a different kind of a thought, it's an experiential thought. a human imagination can be experienced as a reality reflected as a mirror of the "self," in which the imaginative desires are expressed as an alternative reality. or, it can be experienced way beyond that. once nothing is defined, no comparison is made, no judgment is done and no opinion is expressed. this time the alternative reality can be experienced as a complete experience, as it is. so, human imagination creates an imaginary reality. psychedelic substances affect the perceiver imagination, and by omitting some or all of the "self" awareness, the behind-the-scenes of the illusion is revealed. the question is who is experiencing that experience? i believe you know the answer for that, so to speak.
  13. there is a slight difference between the one that is awaken and the one that dreams, not for the better, not for the worse (of course!). the awakened one is aware to the fact, that what he is calling "i", and what he is calling "reality", are only a simulation (a model, if you will), where awareness(or consciousness, if you prefer) is simulating itself.
  14. you can understand this through the concept of empathy. look inside, and remember a situation in your past in which you experienced a meaningful experience. now, can you connect to that previous version of yours? can you feel now the same emotions you had once again? can you sense now the same sensations you had once again? can you think now the same thoughts you had once again? This way you train your empathy "muscle". now look outside, now, can you connect with other humans (or animals)? can you feel the same feelings/emotions they are having right now? can you sense the same sensations they are having right now? Can you think the same thoughts they are having right now? If you have succeeded in all these, you realize that through empathy, all "others" are just "mirrors" that show you sides in your personality. and that's how "We are all one".
  15. i'll skip this illusionary reality, and put myself in a model where i am an awareness, that is aware to the illusion of a tangible reality. in this reality nothing is really alive, not humans, not animals nor plants. so, why shouldn't i grab a machete and slice up them all? the answer is because it's meaningless. instead, i can take the next step and immerse myself completely back in that illusionary reality, where the inside and the outside are the same, where i can conduct my relationships with all of the illusionary beings (me included), with an unconditional love, and witnessing the magical occurrences unfolding as reality changes. this is how an awareness is aware of itself. BTW: the next step is meaningless too, but it's more fun.
  16. “to be, or not to be, that is the question...” (Hamlet, William Shakespeare). but really, there are no beings, it's all an illusion, no-thing exists ,even awareness, no-thing. but hey, we can still have fun, can't we.
  17. once, some years ago, a little after i began my inner journey, i've been asking myself, is that quest for spiritual growth really applicable, or i'm delusioning myself, i'm chasing a mirage, an illusion. some answers i've got were that there is nothing out there, this is the reality, so deal with it, you asshole (that was me, yes!). now, after i've touched the core of my human image i've got a wakeup call. now i know that there is nothing out there, all of this, as far as i can feel, taste, smell, hear or see, is nothing, an illusion, and simply does not exist (even if i lift my dark glasses, i can still see nothing). further more, i myself does not exist, nor my consciousness and any sense of self. i am an awareness experiencing itself.
  19. for the sake of argument, imagine for a moment you had been involved in a catastrophic accident, in which you had lost all connection to the known reality through your bodily senses. you are been taken to a hospital, there you are been taken care of, for all your phisical needs. at first you will feel frightened and disoriented. after a while you will start to feel relaxed and then calm down, and start to re-live your life from your memory. your awake and sleep cycles will be merge into a timeless awareness. in the process, your sense of self will be disintegrated, all sense of time will be lost, past and future as separated concepts will be gone. all that there is, is awareness, and it is not yours. now, suppose your body is miraculously healed and all your senses comes on-line anew. whats now? how would you refer to the perceived reality? to anything? i invite you to meditate using the same "state of mind" described above, and see what happens. some may experience a psychedelic free mini-trip, that its intensity depends on their intent intensity.
  20. after all, it is an endless nothing
  21. @Ether at osho's meditation center, visitors can practice dozens types of meditations. i chose three types: 1. dynamic meditation for mind cleansing. 2. kundalini meditation for energizing the body. 3. evening meeting gathering for centering and focusing. they were all experiential, each for a different purpose. they were all a good start for my inner journey.
  22. there is no right or wrong, it is merely an opinion based on one's own perspective. everyone have their own perspective to reality and one can express it as he find suitable.
  23. a little over six years ago, as a part of my spiritual quest i took back then, i went to india for the first time in my life, and made my way to the osho international meditation resort. i didn't know what india was like, who osho was and who his followers were. i found my stay to be entertaining and rewarding in the meditative aspect of the experiance. i met mostly young people and was coached primarily by older ones. now, after watching the mini-series, i aperently knew nothing about osho all of those years, about his followers, about the meditation center and its activities. this is an amazing story of an enlightened human being, who consciously and deliberately chose aspects of greediness and cunning in the human ego/mind he was using. it is amazing that some of his followers from back then, chose also to adopt greediness and cunning as a way of life. this is not an opinion, nor judgment nor criticism, it is just an experiential description of some part of my spiritual journey i took back then. as always, life is fuckin amazing!!! i'm back!!!