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About Patang

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  1. Buddhism in the United States takes on the characteristics of a religion. It cannot be a cult, as it supports love and brotherhood, peace and tranquility. It is the nature of religion that it loses the primary narrative, and turns out to be a framework for accumulating power and respect and controlling the masses. Karl Heinrich Marx said that "religion [...] is the opium of the masses"
  2. It is against the law of the MATRIX. There is nothing encapsulating the MATRIX ? And to be mundane for a moment, the Matrix is a quantum system. According to the theory of quantum mechanics, the properties of a particle are potential and can only be known after observation. Likewise, "future" events are also potential and will unfold in due course as needed.
  3. Who is he who calls himself God? Who feels alone? Who wants to be divine? Thoughts do not provide answers ??
  4. Yes, We Are All dreaming!, but come on, that dream is a great one, so great that we call it LIFE ??
  5. @The Blade You're right, it's a waste of time, that's what your thoughts are tell you. Now, deal with your thoughts. Look at them, look beyond them. They don't know what they are talking about ??
  6. @Razard86 Who did you write this post to? Yourself? Why?
  7. @Holykael Please look for the one in you that cares about free will. Well, i don't believe you will ever find him.
  8. You see, God is infinite and contains all that exists. Leo realized many years ago that he is God himself, and is trying to make you understand that you are also like him, the embodiment of God in the reality we call life.
  9. You have to remember that other people's lives are their own lives. You just watch them as you watch yourself. All that exists are occurrences and changes in this conscious dream called life.
  10. Hello, my name is Patang. I am a simple guy who started his journey of awakening ten years ago. I started writing here to get inspiration, to peek a little further into the awareness of those who are "ahead of me" on their journey. I started a journey to know myself; to check what I am made of, and how these components were present during my life. I learned who I am, I learned to love and accept myself without criticism and judgment, I found the source of love and abundance. Who I really am is vastly different from the one whose thoughts once defined who he was. These external thoughts activate emotions in the body managed by the ego, which defines itself by beliefs about itself and the world, and uses filters that determine its personal world view. We are the one consciousness that witnesses all the happenings in this dream called life, and thus experiences it itself. Since then my main occupation is teaching self-love, and spreading love to the entire universe, which is I, the SELF.
  11. @Leo Gura, what have you been hiding from us?, you naughty one...
  12. There are three areas in which human beings have been defined as authorities in terms of describing reality and how one should act in this reality. The authorities are: 1. Secular governmental authority - philosophical and sociological bases. 2. Religious (governmental) authority - spiritual and social bases. 3. Scientific authority - physical models. Each is based on a hierarchical structure, so that from the more basic element, the authority is drawn to the elements that follow it. None of them is a natural authority and all derive their source of strength from those who believe in them and their principles. All of them, each in its own territory, guarantee better living conditions for those who recognize it as a source of authority. Each pretends to hold on to the truth, but no one has proof of the truthfulness of its principles or the promises it makes to its followers. All these authorities are social structures designed to serve their members. Humanity follows them like a blind herd from cradle to grave. The authority is not out there, it is here within you.
  13. @tecladocasio yes, the mind creates duality, that's how it functions. @Truth Addict yes, the mind, by nature, "thinks" it knows everything but in fact it "knows" nothing. it is good for survival mode, it is part of the life intellect, it cannot see beyond that.
  14. About time Time is a concept. There is no meaning to time. There is only now and that's it. That past as it is called, does not exist. No one has never been in the past, nothing has never occurred in the past, all that happens is happening now. The past is a memory of an event, labeled as already happened. When one brings a past event to the now, he kind of creates an alternate reality. The same happens with the future. It is only an imaginary thought, describing a futuristic event, that may or may not happen. When one imagines a futuristic event, he kind of creates an alternate reality. All of that happens, the "past" and the "future", are happening in the now and only then. About causality Causality is a simplified explanation to synchronicity. Causality is inherent in synchronicity, or synchronicity can be a replacement for causality. Causality is used when referring to an objective reality. When reality is perceived as a whole, an undivided existence, synchronicity can explain what is happening and why. About existence The only "thing" (so to speak) that exists is "being" (which is not a thing), and sometimes referred as "god" or "awareness" or "consciousness". There is no opposite to "being", there is no non-existence. all that there is are derived from it (so to speak). About duality Duality is a conceptualization of what is perceived by the mind. Duality is derived from non-duality, like objects are derived from existence, like humans are derived from god.