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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. When you level up from Red to Blue!
  2. I wouldnt go so far, but interfering and harassing like this is not believing in democracy... This is not cool. Not that Im surprised though.
  3. Lets just agree we like Bill alot.
  4. The guy went from an Orange alcoholic with a cocaine problem to a Green hippie. We can split hairs but he wasnt Turquoise, now if you think he was Im not gonna debate you, but in my opinion he wasnt. He definitely tapped into some Turquoise though, that I can agree with.
  5. Nah, Green with some red. He was way too pissed off at the world to be Turquoise. He did alot of mushrooms and saw some things, this happens to alot of Green.
  6. If Bill was still alive today he would be a full blown mystic.
  7. Thanks ! Will definitely try some soon.
  8. This is a litmus test to help pull you up to Yellow. Frankly Im just scratching the surface Im more Green I wanted to challenge myself a bit but I think this is the radical difference between the two from my understanding. Here it goes. Do you want a solution for the entire spiral? Do you care about the rich as much as the middle class and the poor? Are you actually stepping OUTSIDE of your own perspective? For example: If you died right now and had no skin in the game what would be best for the entire planet? Are you thinking of creative new solutions or stuck in old ideologies like Left vs Right? Communism, Anarchism, Libertarianism, Conservativism, Centrism, Socialism? How far ahead are you thinking? Are you futuristic? Can you imagine what innovations will have happened in 50-100 years and how they will change the entire system? How does that change your paradigm? Can you imagine a radical new system? In what dark, dusty corner of the globe can you find innovative ideas that havent been used and integrate them? Can we invent something that takes all of humanity to the next level? Like The Wheel, Agriculture, The Internet, The Printing Press, The Telephone. Small innovations capable of gigantic change. Can you see the backfiring mechanisms before they happen? Will your solution make one side happy and one side angry? How will that pan out? Are you okay with chaos and conflict before everything becomes harmonious again? How patient are you? Can you compromise? Are you flexible? Are you okay with suffering for a while? There it is, hope it gets you thinking.
  9. We can probably close this thread, OP got his answer. 5-10 years if he wants it bad enough. @Forestluv @Nahm @Leo Gura @allislove
  10. Interesting...
  11. Poland is about 1 hour flight from where I live... Scary.
  12. Limits in Human development over history. Purple: The limit of the tribe. For humanity to develop we had to break free from the tribe. Red: The limit of anarchy. For society to function well we had to learn to get along, religion became the government. Blue: The limit of religion. For humanity to expand even further we had to free our thinking. Orange: The limit of the planet and survival of the species. Once we were allowed to think we became global. Weve gone too far. The environment is in peril. This might be the end of the world as we know it. We had to go back to nature. Green: Limit? Dont know. Tier 2: Will we live to become a Tier 2 society or will Tier 1 be the end of us all? We will see.
  13. I've made a list of my 100 most toxic and limiting beliefs that are holding me back. Only gotten to 24 so far but I think thats a good way of changing your mindset. Keep in mind that I've been observing these beliefs for about a year, they might take some time to show themselves clearly in your awareness. Examples not from my personal list: 1.Im so stupid. 2.I cant change. 3.Its pointless to try. 4.People are generally dumb. 5.People are sheep. 6.Nobody likes me 7.I will be single forever Etc. Seeing them like this really shows you how toxic they are.
  14. I havent reached that state. Sounds kind of nice to be honest.
  15. This is mostly for contemplation and to inspire you to think big! But kudos to you!
  16. Isnt that what everyone does though...? Whats so special about Yellow then?