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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. Okay I misunderstood you, You mean everything in vision. Yes. Everything in the visual field is color and shape.
  2. I cant draw it here but the visual field has a limit. You cant see 360. So you can imagine a color but it will be limited by your visual field. The visual field has a circular quality. Its good that you take my question seriously but I would advise you not to be so hasty. Think about it first.
  3. Learned a bit of philosophy today. Read about David Hume. Awesome guy. Apparently he knew about Buddhism. Thats why he invented the concept of the Bundle Theory Of Self which is very similar The Skandhas/Five Aggregates. He also talked about induction. Induction is when you assume that the quality of one thing is inherent in the quality of all similar ones. For examples... All fires are hot... All swans are white. Induction can be good but it can also trap us. All swans are not white. Most fires are hot but we dont know if all of them are because we havent explored the entire universe.
  4. Okay Im changing this journal to just have random stuff in it, not just SD
  5. Dude knew whats up. Western Philosophy underrated on this forum. Also good, not Hume though.
  6. Depends on where youre at in the Spiral, purple/Green is pretty woo-woo, I would say a combination of Orange/Green is the best. Dont forget the nose-ring.
  7. Im daily having these small glimpses of "Omg reality is actually real, how is this possible?" Experiences, like my consciousness gets superfocused into the Is-ness of reality... Like Im waking up to a dream almost Its frightening so my ego backs off after about 2 seconds. My question is... is there any name for these types of "Actuality" experiences? Its not realizing Consciousness itself so its not really Awakening... Whats it called? Anyone know? I want to know so I can read about it and perhaps guide myself through this new uncharted terrain. First time it happened.
  8. Thanks for all the replies! Seems I have to navigate this terrain by Not Knowing, which is fine! Spirituality is a journey to be made in solitude!
  9. "But Leo... How do you know all this?!" "Well.. God told me, I am God so there is no difference" *cheeky smile* funniest quote ever lol
  10. Yeah... This is EXACTLY it! Thank you for atleast having the same experience! Thats an interesting way to put it... Im very grateful to experience this weird thing we call reality...
  11. Division Vs Unity. Underrated Episode! I was reading that Brexit might cause Scotland to want to become a sovereign nation and thought, wow, change is constant, reality will keep dividing and uniting, the map of our world will be totally different in a 100 years.
  12. So true... Im expecting it this month... Something big Unless my consciousness retracts again... Gosh, sounds like Im talking about a spiritual pregnancy.
  13. meta level
  14. I understand, just be careful with how you interpret it, the media portrays them in a skewed way, youve probably never met one of those SJWs in real life right? The internet is a funnel for negative stereotypes. The worst of the worst float to the top.