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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. Haha Im not "Awake" but isnt funny how that loser created you so you could complain about him creating you badly?
  2. I thought this was some new magazine called Psychedelics Weekly.
  3. Contemplations on... Predictability You cant predict who will come in to your life. There are a million choices. If you exclude non-citiziens of your country there are 10 billion choices. Reality is always ahead of you. It is Intelligence beyond any supercomputer. You cant win the chess game. You can project the past but not the future. You can increase your probability of randomness by exposing yourself to more of it. Going to the city to meet people increases your chances of seeing an old friend or a crazy person. The less choice you have, the easier it is to predict. Its easy to predict a coin toss, its very hard to predict 10 coin tosses. Too much unpredictability is uncomfortable, which is why we have a complex society to prevent it, but we cant get away from it. We like certain randomness, we call it excitement, too much predictability is boredom. A battlefield is too unpredictable, sitting in a locked white room for 7 days is too much boredom and will drive us insane. We enjoy some chaos, we like to gossip about it, a big event like a terror attack or a pandemic gets you excited as long as it doesnt happen to you... dont lie.
  4. Maybe we all have different ideas of what love is
  5. Disease is just growth that isnt conducive to your survival. Some other organism wants to feed on you and you say "Hell no! This is my body! Here are some antibodies to fight you off!" Ramana Maharshi apparently said "The body itself is a disease" when he died.
  6. The infatuation scenes between June and Luke in the Handmaids Tale is one of the best depictions of head over heels Ive ever seen .
  7. Incredible documentary. Ruthless Stage Red king but he changed history so dramatically!
  8. Im not the one making the point about hypocrisy. I think we should be able to discuss the path before reaching the destination. What if the map is upside down and so on.
  9. Well then Leo is a hypocrite too. He talked about Enlightenment for years before he "awoke". Well, here you are on his forum.
  10. So Im not allowed to talk about this stuff because Im not awake? Well then you might as well kick 98% of people off this forum then.
  11. Do you see me mentioning the word Truth anywhere here?
  12. Bold of you to assume Im a conspiracy theorist with no evidence, very scientific of you, bye!
  13. i dont dismiss spiritual practice, i dismiss the scientific part, its impossible to predict anyone awakening besides there are many methods, no one method is the best, it depends on who you are
  14. A post-critique of post-post modernism jk, who was Foucault
  15. This is the first video where I actual feel I could grasp 0.001% of what he means. More of these guided ones would be nice actually.
  16. Why do you assume consciousness means control? Why do you assume its "yours"? Have you experienced it? Find it first! Otherwise its speculation. The world is upside down according to science. Haha. And also at the same time its not. Depends on how you look at it. In space up and down are relative. But these are endless philosophical questions, find yourself first.
  17. That is a good question to contemplate. But who is being aware of the thought? You can look at it from two levels. 1.Where does thought come from philosophically but you can also study it as if youre studying a frog in a laboratory. 2.Look at thought itself! What is the substance of it? Who is aware of it? Are you the thought? Literally? Nah... you dont feel like a thought right? Sounds kind of silly? Go look. Do you dissappear with the passing thought?
  18. Consciousness is not a feeling. You can be consciouss of thought Am I right? Consciousness is that which knows the feeling, what is that which knows? Dont answer. Look for yourself...