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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. I didnt say to question too much. But if I believed everything the TV taught me I would have never stumbled upon Leo, a sort of curiosity to step outside the boundaries of mainstream culture is needed. What if the TV tells you socialism is evil? Are you just gonna swallow that and not research for yourself?
  2. Yes, by bettering our education for future generations, not by telling kids what to believe but how to think, epistemology, open-mindedness, real skepticism, fact-checking. The MAGA boomers are already screwed, cant save em'. In a sense this delusional madness were going through right now is proto-Yellow (dont throw tomatoes at me just yet) since people ARE starting to question society and thinking for themselves, theyre just doing it in a very crude dangerous way. Its better to question society than to eat up whatever the TV is feeding you.
  3. teenage boys torture animals? sounds like signs of psychopathy to me
  4. Wow. Thats some misogynist brainwashing right there.
  5. I dont think the Myth Of Science was about finding something "better" than science as it was about getting out of the mindset that science is the ONLY sense-making tool we have. There are other ways of ways of interacting with reality rather than math. Also, science doesnt have to be "debunked" only integrated with all the other ways of truth-seeking so it can become a more holistic science, what would be it be like to have a laboratory where 500 scientists sit and do self-inquiry everyday? Radical, right? Science has become our modern day religion and its important to be mindful of how it limits us in our thinking.
  6. Thats what worries me. MAGA and Qanon wont just go poof when Biden takes office, were way past the tipping point, a powder keg is about to go boom.
  7. Basically everything Leo teaches... Openmindedness, Epistemology, Systems Thinking, Chaos theory, Non-linearity, Philosophy of science, non-binary thinking, Open-ended thinking, Going Meta, Multi-Perspectival, Going where noone dares to go, Non-judgemental, Investigating the Shadow, Body-Mind synergy, Intution, Psychedelics for inner discovery etc etc etc
  8. When epistemology master Leo is sure of himself thats when you know shits about to go down.
  9. I wanna see him go Beige and suck his thumb.
  10. I see! Less government in what? In the markets? Less government is kind of a broad statement...
  11. Globalization is inevitable. Whats wrong with government? Are you a libertarian?
  12. Atleast roller-skates get you somewhere Even though Biden isnt exactly radical, I think he atleast understands Orange/Green America which is important so he doesnt strip them of rights.
  13. I dont think anyone here is very excited about Bidens presidency, hes more of a placeholder and peacekeeper. I think we all know Bernie is what we really wanted. Its a "Atleast its not Trump" kind of deal.
  14. Why gender roles and feminine and masculine traits dont hold up to scrutiny. Act like a man. If you say "men are active and outgoing". Then you catch me being passive and introverted and say "men are not supposed to be that", do you see how the argument that men "are" outgoing is false? If it was true then I wouldnt have "act" outgoing to be a man. Why are we trying to live up to these roles? How can we be more of what we already are? How can a male be more male? It makes no sense. Either you are a male/man or youre not, then you would be female or transgender. Anything else is acting. Acting is not being authentic. Stop telling someone to "be more womanly" or "man up". There is nothing to be other than what you are. Theres a nuance here to be added. There is nothing wrong with being active or passive, they are both useful in different situations, but they are not traits that make you more of a man or woman. They are just behaviours, sometimes you can change them sometimes you can not.
  15. Dont bother. The Muh Bubuzuela argument has been debunked so many times but Right-Wingers still insist on using it, they dont want to hear it.
  16. BUT THATS TOTALITARIAN COMMUNISM! The US is a prosperous country with the highest incarceration rate in the world, endless wars and people cooking meth because they cant afford healthcare (see Breaking Bad). Long live capitalism!