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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. Because the ego thinks its always good and it frequently denies that it can hurt others, usually through blind spots and ignorance. So when someone tells them they have hurt you it creates a cognitive dissonance because they cant possible hurt you right... theyve always been nice to you, theyre good ol boys. To become better at accepting that you have hurt someone you have to do Shadow Work to realize that you have the capability to hurt someone and that you can actually be a limited piece of shit and accept that fully and love yourself for it.
  2. Imo its about experience. Happiness is just one small part of reality. The vastness of experience you can have is way bigger than just being happy and comfortable. Real life consists of darkness, dissappointment, regret, fear, shame, madness, mystery doesnt it? Try to throw away the idea of happiness being the end goal and actually look at what is going on. Life will test you and throw curveballs at you, not because it hates you, because it wants you to experience. Thats what stretches your mind to new horizons. You can try cooping up and holding on to little nuggets of happiness but they will slip through your hands eventually. Try to flow with the oscillations instead. Marvel at this strange thing we call reality. You can disagree, this is just my little perspective. I want to have a relative discussion, so dont be too Neo-Advaitish in your replies. What do you think?
  3. Yep, even just realizing noone is looking out through the eyes has taken a long time to see... even though its so damn obvious. Mainly because awareness/focus is bouncing all over the place and its hard to separate subtle thoughts from direct experience.
  4. My intution tells me I need to look in my direct experience at what the "person" actually is. So far its pretty obvious that the person is created in the thoughts, memories and mental images. I will start there.
  5. Interesting... Thanks! Awareness is key to everything!
  6. This is some great advice! The backstory is so sticky though. Guess I will be very busy untangling this shit for a few years. Until I realize its myself Im untangling. Haha "Until I dont..." This will be a bumpy ride.
  7. KRS is mega-woke. This is self-inquiry for f sake.
  8. I dont like his music but X was pretty woke, very creative thinker.
  9. @Leo Gura New video coming next Sunday? 12 Dec? Guess youre taking a break, makes me think something huge is coming.
  10. Art requires imperfection, so no. Look at graphics of video games from the 90s, why do they look so beautiful, its not because they are perfectly realistic, its because they are childish and imperfect, thats whats makes them awesome. Or listen to a rock song generated by a computer program vs a real band, obviously the band sounds much better.
  11. Yes but my point wasnt "Whats is egoic life all about?" My point was "What is life all about?" ?
  12. Okay, sort of agree, good=survival. Whats your overall point?
  13. Feelings vs good boy ego. Why do you eat cookies even though mommy told you no?
  14. Same thing. Id rather die as a good boy than fail my God.
  15. Suicide is the survival attempt of the ego. "Rather die than be known as this". Get it?
  16. I wouldnt kill anyone. I cant see the ultimate outcome. What if I kill Hitler and someone else worse takes place and creates a horrible dictatorship for 3000 years.
  17. There is no Advaita. There is only Neo. The one. I am that.
  18. Forgiveness all abound! Have this love! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  19. I forgive you for being willfully dense.