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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. This is Stage Green at its most confrontational, I kind of understand where they are coming from but at the same time I think its making it worse not better, a softer more systemic Yellow approach would be better. But I also understand this is where we are as a society, unity vs division, were becoming extremely divided only to become more united in the next 50-100 years. If you can avoid being triggered or identifying too much with being male/white/western/hetero then this Green phase has alot of good meta points that are very useful, but most people arent that detached from their cultural identity, or mature.
  2. I dont want to argue, I just see the words feminine and masculine energy being thrown around in New Age circles and the forum and nobody even questions if its actually real or just a buzzword. Where is this energy? Can we find it? Why is it anthropomorphized? Do animals have it too? Just asking yall to think twice about concepts you use. @The_Truth_Seeker That sounds like belief and dogma to me. "It just exists".
  3. Im not even going that far. You calling one thing feminine and another masculine is causing you to get stuck in your development. Your mind is not free when its stuck in this made up black and white category.
  4. There is no such thing as feminine or masculine energy. Its a made up construct.
  5. I agree, but if this is his first release he should/can release atleast 10 songs until he finds a sort of unique style. It has taken me atleast 3 years to figure out what I like and Im not still really there, although I know what my personal sound or vibe is. I have studied all my favourite artists deeply for about a year though, so I agree, active studying will get you there faster.
  6. Not really survival, but I thought it was a cool example of the mystery of nature.
  7. Green probably. Orange is still a bit too focused on the material.
  8. Hahaha How do you people come up with this shit?!
  9. Imo, everybody starts out by ripping off (I havent heard Kollegah btw) and eventually get tired of it and find their own sound. To me it is not a big deal, I like the song.
  10. Then deconstruct it... For example... Would you want to go heaven if you knew 90% of humanity was suffering for eternity? Do you want to hang out with that kind of a deity? Do want to you be in heaven for eternity knowing that those people are suffering? And if you do know that how can heaven be pleasurable? If you dont know that then arent you just a robot under control by God? Sorry for the rant. Something I have been pondering for a while is all. Keep deconstucting and eventually the idea of the Abrahamic God becomes ludicrous.
  11. Satori happens out of the blue. There is no time horizon. It may never happen. The more you do Self-Inquiry the bigger the chance.
  12. This is dope! Nice vocal production and you have very good presence! Subbed! ?? Shame I dont understand German but its a dope language so its okay. I love that youre slightly off beat, makes it sound a bit sluggish which fits the mood.
  13. JP is such a moralist that he will inevitably become more BLUE rather than going towards YELLOW. He is really dying to make sense of the world and it seems in Christianity he finds his sense-making. You can hear that desperation in his voice.
  14. "In a 2017 interview, Peterson was asked if he was a Christian; he responded, "I suppose the most straight-forward answer to that is yes." When asked if he believes in God, Petersonresponded: "I think the proper response to that is No, but I'm afraid He might exist." "He says as a Westerner he is "conditioned in every cell" by the Judeo-Christian worldview and tries to live his life as though God exists: "That's the fundamental hallmark of belief." You tell me. Cant say Im surprised.
  15. Nope, I study history as a hobby and sometimes stumble upon cool stuff.
  16. He looks like a Muslim. Guess thats why hes doing Ramadan right now.
  17. Probably because we form idols and heroes out of people, especially ones that have influenced us alot, its harder to see something negative in someone you really like. When someone criticizes Leo I do admit I feel a certain tension in my chest... "How dare they!" Dont forget Tony is one of the biggest self-help gurus out there and his charisma is huge! He really seems like a gentle giant! Huge smile! This video really shocked me to be honest.