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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. If you never take the leap youll never know what you miss...
  2. Isnt the third eye just another name for consciousness?
  3. The confusing part is trying to pin people to one Stage, but thats why its a model and limited, if we would be truly honest there is probably a 100 Stages people go through... For example, is a violent dictator the same as a serial killer stalking the streets... Technically no... Although they might share some values...
  4. Interesting point. Guess I have alot to contemplate, to be honest I kind of just want to throw away the colors and stages and just start looking at the values themselves now... SD feels like its been limiting me alot lately.
  5. Alexander killed his best friend Cleitus by shoving a javelin through his heart in a drunken fight... Pure Red... Although he was said to have been depressed for weeks after that... Interesting psychology right there...
  6. @Hardkill I would say it is a mix of Red/Blue. A leader like Saddam would have had alot of Blue influence but still a fairly damaged twisted Red mind, then you can have more low-life street criminals who (funnily enough) arent as developed as Saddam, I would say they are even lower in development than he was. Think of the values as a mixed bag. Saddam, lets say values disclipine, power and violence. Johhny the street rat, values easy money, power and violence.
  7. Im certainly not Christian but damn... William Lane Craig is on point!
  8. It truly baffled me today. How can people believe there is an objective world! Reality is literally being experienced hands on by one subject! Me! Right now! Thats all I have ever experienced... This bubble! I have never been outside it. I have never experienced birth, I just appeared at around 3 years old as an ego, out of nowhere I came! And the world came along with me! Reality and me are conjoined like siamese twins! So much fantasy... so much thinking... so much delusion. Truth is right before my eyes... If I actually look.
  9. I love these (first one vanished for some reason)
  10. Welp, thats it then, pack up your lab equipment, turn off your particle colliders and go home.
  11. The problem with these kinds of videos is that they assume that poking the brain changes conscioussness but its not, its changing perception, which is very different. Consciousness is that which experiences the changing of the perception! Also, its so conceptual and jargony, consciousness is right here!! Experience it directly!! Stop thinking about it!! Haha! "...words are very unneccessary, they can only do harm..."
  12. Youch... Thats brutal... I will have to look into tribal cultures more, Im far from an expert on Purple.
  13. What is it you want to achieve by reading these books?
  14. Discipline at different stages I guess. Red is the first time Purple realizes that the world is at its feet, "I can have anything I want, wow, and noone can stop me!" They break out of order (Purple) into disorder (Red) only to go back to order again (Blue). My opinion...
  15. Usually Red lack discipline hence why they kill, rob and plunder to get what they want. Now you can argue that figuring out a way to steal without being caught requires discipline but its still being very lazy.
  16. Feel the same. I highly doubt were gonna be watching Netflix with aliens anyway, if they do reveal themselves they will probably stay up in their spaceships watching us make asses of ourselves.
  17. Well thats not possible when it comes to this. Relatively speaking its important to know that this is not some fraudster attention seeker doing the AMA, I mean... Would someone who has been in such high positions really forget to capitalize his I... seems weird to me.
  18. His spelling is hella sloppy, seems weird, how do we know he's legit...
  19. "Our own existence once presented the greatest of all mysteries, but... it is a mystery no longer because it is solved. Darwin and Wallace solved it..." - Richard Dawkins
  20. Its not meaningless, it has just become too bloated and narcissistic, people seem to think science knows everything nowadays, they tend to forget the human biases. There is nothing wrong with using concepts to manipulate reality but sometimes you want to look at a tree as just a tree and marvel at its beauty.
  21. No, being open-minded, attentive and loving as an atheist gives you a better chance of "conversion."
  22. I experience something similar when I study history, I think Im just insecure. I almost constantly repeat to myself "Will I be able to explain this event well enough to others?" Lol.