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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. I hope it gets better, my friend, tinnitus sucks for real... Im happy youre good other than that.
  2. Man, that sucks, have you talked to a doctor? Has it gotten better or worse?
  3. @undeather @AtheisticNonduality Awesome, guys!
  4. Oh boy, I could easily come up with a rationalist bingo too. "It's just brain stuff duuude."
  5. I'm in University right now.
  6. You dont want to die, you want to live better. Suicide is when you want to get away from uncomfortable feelings like depression and anxiety, the egos fantasy is that in death it will find relief, why not find relief here in life, change the feelings in your body and you will not want to die. Source: Was suicidal on and off for 10 years.
  7. SD is about values, can you see the value of multiple perspectives, of integrating lower stages, of being radically open-minded? Then youre on the way to Yellow, you dont have to have high IQ, average is fine.
  8. Simone De Bouiver - The Second Sex Angela Davis - Women, Race and Class Judith Butler - Gender Trouble Men Explain Things To Me - Rebecca Solnit Aint I A Woman - bell hooks Delusions Of Gender - Cordelia Fine Whipping Girl - Julia Serano Backlash - Susan Faludi Susan Brownmiller - Against Our Will Everyday Sexism - Laura Bates Betty Friedan - The Feminine Mystique Sexual Politics - Kate Millet Naomi Wolf - The Beauty Myth Shulamith Firestone - Dialectic Of Sex Sister, Outsider - Audre Lorde These are all the "classics" I havent read all of them, the ones in bold are keytexts.
  9. Great movie that shows the limits of Orange in the beginning of the 20th century. Also shows a historical transition from Blue to Orange and the conflicts that arise.