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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. That would be brainwashing myself, I prefer to look at the chair without any labels at all.
  2. Meh, let him take his time, hes on the right path, atleast hes curious about reality.
  3. I love how he sat down in a full lotus. Based!
  4. Dictators have to be low consciousness otherwise they cant hold on to power, its absolutely necessary. You cant kill your detractors if youre high consciousness.
  5. This is a thread for sharing your anecdotal experience not Youtube videos.
  6. Fox News isnt so much news as it is propaganda, its pretty obvious. If you want unbiased news go to Reuters or something. If you want to study the conservative mindset watch Fox News, lol.
  7. There called spores not seeds, not tryna be a douche, just informing.
  8. How do you know your mom is not made up by your mind right now?
  9. Then prepare to get your ass handed to you, maybe you'll become wiser.
  10. I mean, you had a good first trip, maybe you were just lucky, be careful not to overdose and mindfuck yourself, be humble.
  11. Her (the ladies) heyday was probably in the 60-70s, when a girl was taught to be thin, pretty and quiet. She is probably projecting alot of repressed emotion onto this poor girl.
  12. Its your responsibilty to not take insults seriously. Its my responsibility to not insult you. See, now were both happy.
  13. This is what church should really be like imo.
  14. You might have an anxiety disorder, I do, I usually feel pretty gloomy in the first 30 minutes of waking up. I quit coffee for good, cut it out of your life, its not helping you. My energy levels are balanced out now after being off it for 1 month, if you want extra energy in the morning then do yoga for maybe 10 minutes, some Sun Salutations and drink a smoothie. Also, you should question your anxious thoughts constantly via Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, there is nothing to be anxious about really, its a learned habit.
  15. I grew up in Orange/Green society but I remember Stage Red moments from when I was maybe 5 or 6 years old. 1. Me and my friend went to school after closing and broke a window with a rock and ran away. I guess I had some Blue in me because I still felt some guilt about it. 2. I once lost a music competition and to get revenge I stole the prize from the boys who won and trashed it in secret. It was some sort of bath soap, teachers found out, my dad was asked to come to school and talk about it, he didnt give a shit haha, guess he thought I shouldve won anyway.
  16. "Thou shall not judge" - Jesus "Youre fat, get out" - Church Karen
  17. Zubin seems pretty Yellow, talks about Non-duality, self-deception, taking science to the next level, etc etc.
  18. He has clearly brainwashed his child with an extreme Orange mentality, a 10 year old child should not be thinking about work. And the amount of make-up she has on is very toxic as well.
  19. Start with low dose Psilocybin 1-2 grams max or LSD or even San Pedro.
  20. So sorry to hear that, blood clots are scary, I definitely think they need to do something about the link between clots and vaccine, atleast not force people with bloodclots to take vaccines.
  21. Leo when he is telepathically communicating with Joe on the peak of 5-Meo DMT.