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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. @EltonThanks! I do meditate everyday, guess this is just a test of maturity and growth that I need to pass.
  2. Thank you Nahm! Thats what I needed! A slippery slope to hell indeed
  3. Good Will Hunting!
  4. He’s at a higher level of cornflakeness!
  5. Hes in the newsless void blissing out.
  6. Why would you do that? If you wanna face your fear of death go play with a poison snake or something
  7. Look into what your values will produce in the long term, for example; if one of your values is comfort then visualize where this value could take you, it probably wont be a place you want to be. Do the same with a positive value like discipline, when you see something in your minds eye it can really make a difference.
  8. I have to say this is the best forum I’ve seen, I very rarely see arguments and the fun-level is very high, you restore my faith in humanity boys and girls But we can always improve
  9. I want to share all my insights but I feel like I’m too far down the rabbit hole, it would take 3 years to explain it to even my friend, so I mostly stay quiet.
  10. @abrakamowse The third one is total lego-death man
  11. Thats why you have to be careful in non-duality to demonize thoughts and mind as something bad. There is nothing bad about thoughts or mind, its just a mechanism like anything else in the body.
  12. @QandC @ArchangelG Hej på er! Hihi
  13. @DoubleYou Thanks! I’ll try this in my next session.
  14. I’ve been meditating for about 3 Months and I noticed that my mind becomes calm and more present ,my body however has not aligned with the peacefulness, my body is just as tense as when I started, are there meditations more directed towards calming the body? Thanks
  15. Thanks! I’ll look into buying it, I’m not afraid of crazy stuff, been following Leo since 2016
  16. Leo is going to rescue his father from the underworld and slay the dragon. Have fun and good luck 5-Leo!
  17. This was incredible! Thank you for putting so much time into this!