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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. @Ether...and Sadhguru heard the song and in an instant he saw his true nature.
  2. @Sparkist On a forum... and then Zeus came and locked the thread.
  3. Because it exists and I have no idea why. Its the miracle of miracles.
  4. I clearly remember growing through all the stages. One day when I was like 14 I I started watching videos on Atheism, that was my Blue to Orange transition, I wasnt religious before that but I hadnt learned how to be skeptical. At around 18 y.o pure Orange started to seem untenable so I started growing into Green which is were Im currently at.
  5. @Prabhaker That is a good point, it does bring forth ego of out the shadows.
  6. @Ether Black and Yellow, Black and Yellow
  7. @Prabhaker I get where youre coming from but what does having pages and pages of arguing have to do with it?
  8. @MarkusSweden Havent heard of him/them, will look it up Wouldnt shooting someone in a robbery be considered Red? What do you mean by Blue area?
  9. The Book Of Not Knowing - Peter Ralston very clear and simple but profound
  10. Hehe, eitherway, really cool! You could easily fool some poor sucker with the Johhny Depp facepaint...
  11. @Sparkist Who is nr 2? Looks like Aphex Twin?
  12. @Joseph Maynor I wont bother, your posts speak for themselves. Good luck in your future ventures, you do have very valuable work.
  13. @cirkussmile This is not self-esteem, this is self-praise, how is this not obvious.
  14. @John Iverson Youre not unconscious. Maybe you can use your YouTube channel to help Philippines into higher stages. Yes Duterte is what we call a necessary ”evil”.
  15. @Sparkist Same here, ”Because I said so” are the 4 worst words I hate the most.
  16. @AMS Have you ever heard Eyedea - First Born, similar topic, I think youll like it
  17. Classic example of Blue gone off the rails Stage Blue vs Stage Orange