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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. I was in Nashville, Tennessee last year. After the show I went to a Waffle House. I'm not proud of it, I was hungry. And I'm alone, I'm eating and I'm reading a book, right? Waitress walks over to me: 'Hey, whatcha readin' for?' Isn't that the weirdest fuckin' question you've ever heard? Not what am I reading, but what am I reading FOR? Well, goddamnit, ya stumped me! Why do I read? Well . . . hmmm...I dunno...I guess I read for a lot of reasons and the main one is so I don't end up being a fuckin' waffle waitress. Bill Hicks
  2. @MarkusSweden Indeed! But isn’t humor a movement of thought? Aren’t we ultimately seeking psychological security in the humourous?
  3. do as much stupid shit as you can
  4. @Jack River What helps is usually to look around and see what is going on in reality *cricket noise*
  5. just watched this a few days ago, probably one of my favorites
  6. use your 5 senses, look at the reality around you intensely, listen to the any sound you hear, feel your hands, feel your stomach, feel your feet, have you noticed the the huge difference between awareness and thinking? its like being pulled back and forth between the inside and the outside, thats a good start, good luck
  7. @Mirror of Confusion hahahahaha and i love the music in the background amazing movie
  8. but addiction and habit are different, addiction has withdrawal symptoms, you guys are not sweating and shaking are you...?
  9. @nethernalbeing @Viking Beautiful thank you for all your advice! my experiences have led me to want to investigate where else im fantasizing in life... so i guess this is good
  10. Holy Mountain (1973) deeply esoteric and trippy (watch while stoned?jk)
  11. @see_on_see that makes alot of sense! i think thats what i need Exactly, I really discovered myself during those 3 years and saw my many hidden neurosis come to the surface so I wanted to fix that before I did anything else. Yes! Staying conscious is becoming easier, I can spot a lower desire pretty quickly nowadays, not that theres anything wrong with that but its easy to see when its a distraction from deeper issues.
  12. @see_on_see I do want a relationship but this doesnt seem like a healthy way to start one, I just came out of a 3 year relationship and I wanted some time to gather myself and do some actualization but then this started happening just a few months after.
  13. @see_on_see I meditate daily, thats probably the only reason why i became aware of this, i guess knowing something is the first step to solving it
  14. @see_on_see and then what? furthering the delusion , getting in a relationship again and then out and then replaying the cycle, this is not about one girl or a crush, i attach to complete strangers like 5 different in one day, just getting good at pickup is a surface level solution not getting to the root
  15. funny how you can define “normal” in many different ways...
  16. Just keep in the mind that you are an ego right now, and the ego does everything it can to keep you stabile and alive both mentally and physically, anything that is threatening to YOU will become something that ego must resolve or sweep under the rug, when you die however your ego won’t be there anymore so there won’t be a problem, do you see what I mean?
  17. but why are sure youll return? just because you know this place doesnt mean youll go there when you die does it? did you actually get tangible evidente for this? otherwise youre worrying for no reason, i understand that certain trips can be horrifying just be careful not to play into your ego blowing things out of proportion!
  18. why do you feel that you will return? you dont know whats gonna happen when you die, if you have a nightmare are you sure that you will return to that nightmare next time you sleep?
  19. @MM1988 Source? I need a direct experience that what youre saying is truth with a capital T.
  20. maybe Morning Glory? its legal in most places , but be careful because ive heard it can cause leg cramps, do some research, there are thousands of psychedelics out there.
  21. maybe hes in DiMiTri world
  22. probably making a deeper video, typically takes a bit longer to get right