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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. A body exists with sensations and it has convinced itself it is an I. If you put a shoe on your foot how come you dont believe that you are that shoe? Its attached to you isnt it? Are you your hair? Your nails? Your legs? Keep deconstructing and eventually youll get to what you really think you are; a perceiver.
  2. So now you know not to mess around with paranormal things. Keep your eye on your I instead.
  3. Buddhist term! Superimportant topic for doing self inquiry, looking into body sensations and how they unconsciously form an ego and body image.
  4. @BuddhaTree Yeah I’ve watched Leos videos, just wanted some other sources, with really direct practices,Leos Neti Neti video is really good and probably what i’ve made most progress from. Thanks for the tip! I’ll check them out EDIT : Did some inquiry just now and got a realization that there is noone experiencing sensations, sensations are just experiencing themselves. Hope to dive deeper in that.
  5. I’ve realized •There is noone observing behind the eyes/in the skull •Body sensations isn’t evidence that I exist Anyone have any other practical tips for doing self inquiry i can use to deconstruct my ego more? Thanks
  6. @MarkusSweden Blacks are stupider than whites? So you mean i’m smarter than Obama? Wouldn’t you say you’re generalizing ALOT now?
  7. @Guido What do you hope to get out of reading about the evolution of ego, I love studying it myself so i’m not bashing you or anything, i’m curious? Btw I think Leo will make a series about evolution soon, he has mentioned it before.
  8. You dont need to look at evolution to see how ego was created, just look at your own life, when did “you” first appear? and how did “you” develop?
  9. Youre tired because you’re lost in your mind, believe me, start a daily practice of meditation and eventually things will start come up roses. ❤️
  10. Some advice can be good though, like telling your children not to play in traffic.
  11. Holy shit! really? I didn’t know! That’s messed up
  12. Its definitely weird though haha, sometimes if i stare at something it will start to move sideways too.
  13. Don’t mean to rain on your parade but i think you just experienced some common visual phenomena, i can do this on command if i keep my vision really still while i stare at something.
  14. A reality for many people. In Tibet they watch vultures feed off corpses as a contemplation, now that would put things into perspective wouldn’t it.
  15. Youre fucked too, you are decaying right now and you’ll be gone in about 70 years depending on your age, are you gonna compassionately cleanse yourself off the face of the earth too? By your logic you should. Its like you have a scratch on your arm and your idea is to lop the entire arm off instead of treating the wound.
  16. Oh great... genocide... yeah just focus on the flowers man
  17. This is not yellow at all, sounds more like Red / Blue. Remember that Yellow has passed through the empathy stages of Green so gassing any living being would be preposterous. Yellow would not feel threatened by any other stage on the spiral since it’s tier 2 and accepts that beings are at different levels.
  18. Then visualize being 80 years old and unable to wipe your own ass barely grasping where you are because your dementia has rotted your brain. That will give you some motivation to live now.
  19. Isn’t that a very egoic idea...? Why is the consensus in modern society that animals cant think? and that animals are less ”intelligent”?
  20. Why don’t you make a Life Purpose out of helping the suffering then?