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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. @Viking It embraces both the inner and outer aspects of reality. As long as liberation comes first.
  2. Just be careful, the majority of people need a solid foundation first, unless they’re really interested in reality and existence and open minded. You can try but don’t be surprised if they think you’re bonkers.
  3. I would slowly start by teaching them the truth about concepts vs reality. Alot of people don’t even realize that countries are concepts, years and days are concepts etc. Just start slowly then you can pop the big one. Don’t go too personal too fast or the ego might bite back.
  4. Its really peculiar, the ego still wants to cling, its really slippery, i’m swaying back and forth alot... in a way I feel more like myself than I’ve ever felt, in a paradoxical way and reality feels intimate with itself haha. In no way have I reached some non-dual state though, its more of a tiny tiny glimpse, although profound and mysterious.
  5. I realized I’m a witness... to a body... that is in reality and connected to it, there’s no observer to be found there inside the head or anywhere but it still knows it exists... Have I found the footprints of the Ox? Anybody? Am I on the right path?
  6. I think he’s pretty happy, I really vibe with him lol. Perhaps you connect to other teachers better.
  7. This body and mind is happy for your reply and encouragement!
  8. “Its not the bullshit we believe that keep us in dreamstate stasis, it’s the bullshit we never question!” - Jed McKenna
  9. @Feel Good What the hell are you on about? Stop monkeying around and go meditate!
  10. I get withdrawal symptoms when I havent meditated during the day, feeling confused and restless, with alot of monkeymind. Been meditating daily for 7 months. As soon as sit down it goes away and i feel peaceful again. Anyone feel similar?
  11. Wow...Thanks...That was an amazing explanation
  12. Maybe youll find something in the fear, go forth bravely!
  13. Can you prove that this life youre living now is real? Where would you ground yourself?
  14. Maybe you can write them? I’m not sure how easy it is to get in touch with them though. I dont have anything against people with mental disorders (thats a too broad of a term btw) I just understand that if you have an underlying issue with for example bi-polar depression you might feel great one day and then terrible the next therefore having to cancel your retreat. But sure if you have something to add to their policy then do that. Hope you succeed in that.
  15. Why don’t you open your own meditation center where anyone can join? You can do that! Be the change! But dont be shocked if you run into some problems with your free for all policy.
  16. I think calling someone enlightened is just a simple way of communicating with people who arent.
  17. stop sitting on your cellphone when you meditate jk
  18. Its like when you go on a rollecoaster ride and they say people with heart conditions shouldnt ride it, they dont discriminate against them its just that they have to be responsible if something negative happens.
  19. @Aaron p You dont have to intellectually understand it, you just observe it until its clear what it is. Direct experience is very important here. If you want to conceptualize you could say; You have two modes of being, one is aware and one is thinking, when youre not thinking youre in one of your 5 senses, seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, smelling. When we meditate we focus on either of these and when we ”fail” to meditate we get lost in thinking again, its like youre trying to stay awake and keep nodding off. But you must see this for yourself. Good luck
  20. Do you practice meditation daily? Start doing that, after about a month youll become aware of what the difference is.
  21. What I feel like during self-inquiry, parts but no self?