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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. I started out doing open monitoring now i’ve transitioned into a self-inquiring/aware of awareness type of meditation which has been huge for me.
  2. I got this as an insight a few months ago, must have come from collective consciousness.
  3. The leading up to the bullet was the story you played out, have you seen Full Metal Jacket? Isn’t that a good movie? What was the point of Gomer Pyle blowing his brains out? None, its just a movie.
  4. Spirituality is the realization that nothing limited you in the first place because there never was a you to begin with. Thus comes an acceptance and freedom to play in this reality, more joy. Drug abuse is the escape from the you that you think is limiting you. You think you can escape but you only dig yourself deeper into your own delusions, more sorrow. So, no, theyre miles apart. But yes, ultimately its just a big play and we’re all different actors.
  5. Im talking about people like Kant,Leibniz, Hegel,Heidegger,Sartre,Hume,Spinoza etc? Is there any value to be drawn from there when it comes to studying consciousness/being? Or just anything valuable in general. @Leo Gura What does the philosophy major think, in hindsight?
  6. @Joseph Maynor Yes, thats true, but I meant solely reading, both theory and practice is important.
  7. @Saumaya No amount of reading can make you enlightened Yeah, I dont need to, I just want to take in perspectives from different minds, from both East and West
  8. Yeah, life is only so long, dont want to waste time mentally masturbating but books have been so valuable and Western Philosophy is huge uncharted terrority for me that I feel could be useful, but maybe just focusing on Epistemology would be enough then.
  9. “Legend has it that Bodhidharma initially refused to teach Huike. Huike stood in the snow outside Bodhidharma’s cave all night, until the snow reached his waist. In the morning Bodhidharma asked him why he was there. Huike replied that he wanted a teacher to "open the gate of the elixir of universal compassion to liberate all beings". Bodhidharma refused, saying, “how can you hope for true religion with little virtue, little wisdom, a shallow heart, and an arrogant mind? It would just be a waste of effort.” [6] Finally, to prove his resolve, Huike cut off his left arm and presented it to the First Patriarch as a token of his sincerity. Bodhidharma then accepted him as a student, and changed his name from Shenguang to Huike, which means "Wisdom and Capacity".[b”
  10. Contemplate old age and death and realize that you’re holding on to something that is always changing and can never last. Change your view, see the beauty of reality itself instead of certain limited contents in it.
  11. @Andrey How do you know that you’re healthy, mature and reasonable right now? Who told you that? Your culture? Parents? Society? Your mind?
  12. Go inquire into who feels undesired.
  13. @Sbilko The more you do it the easier it becomes, after a while it becomes spontaneous and you dont even need to sit down to do it.
  14. I find it difficult sometimes to sort out the wheat from the chaff when doing self-inquiry; bringing cultural, scientific and materialistic baggage to the equation or thoughts and concepts getting in the way etc. a video on this would be good, maybe you bring it up on some of your other videos but maybe a short video is warranted on this problem.
  15. @SoonHei I am pure banana being aware of itself is not the same as thinking i am pure banana.
  16. hahahaha you’re an absolute madman for this
  17. But that’s like saying I’m watching through my eyes, which is a circular argument, consciousness always has to be primary for something to exist right?
  18. So if Allah can see “consciousness” then who is seeing through Allahs “eyes”?
  19. Your subconscious fears are in the body, start a daily body scanning technique or maybe start a Kriya Yoga practice. The conscious mind cant ease the subconcious, thats why quarreling between thoughts happens. No matter how much you let go of thoughts you have to work with the body too. Dont take my word on this. Find out for yourself, only you know you.
  20. @PsiloPutty If you see the Buddha... CUT OFF HIS ARM Anway I like this story, it shows how privileged we are to have all this knowledge of non-duality, imagine cutting off your arm for a new Leo video...
  21. You probably went into some dreamlike state, are you sure you were you awake during the meditation?