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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. Thanks! I’ll study how to do a good extract, Im not exactly fond of vomiting
  2. The epitome of systematic YELLOW thinking.
  3. People dont have to be Enlightened Masters for you to listen to them, if you only read that then it would eliminate alot of good reading wouldnt it?
  4. @Andreas Not you; read the thread again more carefully.
  5. The devil is so dumb he missed the pun.
  6. You need both Atman and Maya to have a functioning reality, suicide would remove Maya and you’d be dead so there would be no experience at all, that is not enlightenment.
  7. Whats with JP using the word dangerous all the time, seems he has a shadow he needs to deal with.
  8. Being contributes with peace, love and harmony to this chaotic planet, thats not something to be ashamed of.
  9. Wow! Faith in humanity restored!
  10. Wouldn’t it be easier to go deeper since the monkey ? would be sleeping? Has anyone tried becoming lucid and meditating?
  11. Cats are natural Arhats, they dont need any teaching, to be honest they could probably teach us alot about mindfulness.
  12. Stay off the forum when youre dropping ten tabs of acid.
  13. Oh wow, so basically it would be like a weird trip, lol. Thanks for the input guys, I want to try this atleast once if I can lucid dream first.
  14. This video was released in 2014, people change.
  15. Amazing! Will try this! Another I came up with just now is; “Where are you experiencing?” Not the same as where are you located... this ones a bit different, it really quiets the mind for me.
  16. @Prabhaker Haha i remember reading that in Book Of Secrets, Osho bashed it pretty good
  17. Few days huh... does that mean it’s gonna be 4+ hours again... ?
  18. But yet there it is. Its a mindfuck. It is and isnt at the same time...