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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. @Finland3286 Awareness of yourself is constant, but “you” are not. Find that awareness, Rupert Spira is very good at explaining this stuff, check out his talks on YouTube.
  2. Theres alot of time for introspection when plowing a field or milking a cow, there’s no time when you’re stuck in a corporate boardroom. ?
  3. @Shin No, Hitler Jugend was obviously Hitlers attempt at creating an Ashram for the kids and well... his logo is an old Indian symbol... #mindblown PS. I think Young Adolf took Leos Life Purpose course.
  4. @Shin inb4 Shin ruining a perfectly good thread
  5. @Leo Gura Yeah, seems he was pretty ahead of his time for living in the Victorian Era in France.
  6. I read his book Real Magic, its a good book but it felt pretty introductory. The most interesting parts were about science magazines pulling his articles for being too... “woo-woo”
  7. @PsiloPutty He probably got some Sage-like Dreads down there.
  8. @Haloman Reality is solipsistic in a sense but that doesnt have to make it negative. Have you ever experienced objective reality? You see how dumb that sounds? It falls apart before you can answer it.
  9. You can wash his feet, then work up to brushing his hair every morning, then after that maybe...just maybe he will teach you Enlightenment through the Ceremony of the Frog.
  10. Meditation is not only about feeling good. Its going deep into your psyche like a gravedigger and pulling up all the dead relatives you thought you had forgotten about. I have felt very agitated and off balance the past few weeks purging some shit. 8 Months In.
  11. @How to be wise Im doing both meditation and self-inquiry.
  12. @Joseph Maynor Yes! The most important habit I’ve ever started, by far. I could write pages and pages about the benefits. Unfortunately people wouldnt understand unless they themselves did it daily.
  13. @molosku For me the practice is sweet and the sporadic mindfulness during the day is too but its intermixed with feelings of annoyance and madness, i feel like i have multiple personalities in the span of 5 mins, but only inside my mind though. I’m not REALLY nuts. I guess you could call it internal moodswings
  14. I love it, hes really brave to share such a topic with his audience.
  15. @brugluiz Well I guess it depends on your psyche and physiology, i did 20 mins and I felt some tingle in my fingers but that’s it. I’m gonna try again someday though.
  16. Yeah you can start 5 mins then 10 then 15 etc but nothing fancy is gonna happen until you reach 30 mins anyway.
  17. YES! Been waiting for this! Needs to a be a foundational episode
  18. Hahaha Eckhart Tolle is Satans F****t, jesus christ this guy is deluded, btw I’m a carpenter and I love spiritual books, he has no idea what he’s talking about haha, books like this could change a construction workers life lol.
  19. this video is a great example
  20. A more in depth look at projection, projection is basically what creates your reality which is so deep, Ive noticed how you can change reality just by thinking differenty; here’s a practice, look at a stranger 1.imagine that the stranger is a child molester imagine that the stranger is a doctor who helps children with cancer notice how the person you looked at literally changed depending on your idea a video on this would be awesome :]
  21. If you really want it then watch the video and write it down, stop looking for handouts.
  22. How your pessimism in life is ruining your ability to see the big picture something in that vein
  23. Thanks everybody! Now I just have to figure out my set and setting