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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. He didnt explain anything, I dont get it, Is he an atheist? Is he a spiritual guy? If hes actually into non-duality then he’s contradicting what has been said for 1000 years, anyway, is easy to be a critic sitting in your bedroom with a Redbull farting away.
  2. Not to those still stuck in the movie.
  3. Extreme awareness, notice yourself slacking off. Daily meditation.
  4. @Shin Oh but are many different types of nuts, some talk slow ,some talk fast, some dont stop talking, some dont talk at all. Some nuts are brave enough to crack the shell to see whats inside, those are the Enlightened nuts.
  5. You can recognize an enlightened being by the call and response ratio in his conversation, if he takes more than 1 minute to respond a to a question then he is lost in INFINITY which means he is enlightened. You didnt know this? Phew rookie
  6. I mixed alcohol with weed last night and I had a pretty intense experience to say the least, weed is such an interesting drug because there is no real change in visual phenomena but theres a general shift in perception of reality and strange tactile hallucinations. I always thought getting high was a pretty intense experience but maybe its because I rarely do it and I havent done any psychedelics yet. What do you think? Have you had any intense weed experiences?
  7. Then go watch someone else, there are thousands of enlightened people out there. Heres a list. ?
  8. @Joseph Maynor I did post a topic about a week ago. Im fairly new to Spira but I got 4 points for you that has really helped me in my inquiry. •You cant find awareness, dont try to. Notice what is experiencied and what is being aware. •Everything is happening in awareness, there is no experience happening that isnt happening in “you”. There is no distance between you or any “outside” sensation, crucial! •Sensation is always one, when a foot feels the floor;there is one feeling, when you see the environment; there is no perceiver there is just seeing happening. Most of us have grown up believing that there is a duality involved, is this true? Check for yourself. •Awareness is never changed, never ages, and is never tainted by any experience. I’ve verified these for myself.
  9. This was the first time I ever mixed weed and alcohol, I smoke once a year so I wouldnt say I have much of a problem, its more of a fun adventure. Sorry about your bad trips, Ive been there but Ive gotten better at handling the effects, it gets more enjoyable when you apply mindfulness and curiosity to it. My comedown reaction is not “That was too much for me” Its more like “Holy shit! what the hell! This isnt what everyday reality is usually like, that’s amazing but I think ill wait a while before I go on the rollercoaster again.” @Artaemis Haha seriously, you gotta be trolling, most people just implement a Cheetos habit.
  10. Everybody has so many different opinions now... I’ll just keep watching Rupert Spira Edit: No but seriously, youve given me alot to implement, when you think you know “non-duality” you probably dont ,even after a few years of study
  11. @Bob Saget If 3 grams of mushroom fucked you up then dont try 5-meo dmt for christ sake, get some experience first
  12. @Outer So then I’ll be mindful as much as possible and then self-inquire as practice. Boom! Problem solved. to stay mindful
  13. @Outer I do that too everyday, I just have the slight feeling that my everyday mind wandering perpuates my I-thought. Is it possible to self-inquire even when youre not sitting down?
  14. Yes I know (awareness is always aware of the now even when youre in monkeymind bla bla) but my mind wanders and I dont want it to wander, i want to witness it wandering in the moment
  15. @Outer Not being lost in thought, being present in the moment, experiencing more of the senses, etc.
  16. @Jack River I need the raft or I’ll drown in the river of my thoughts before I reach my destination which was me all along.
  17. No Self-Inquiry - finding out your true nature by looking at awareness or the I feeling/thought/sense, thoughts are allowed but you still need massive concentration and some experienece in meditation Meditation - calming down the mind, thoughts should be in the background, focus can be on breath,sound,inner visual experience etc. As you can see they are similar but also very different in outcome
  18. Theres nothing wrong with those thougts or any thought for that matter as long as you keep an eye (oh the paradox) on the awareness watching the thoughts.
  19. @Hero in progress Peace! ❤️