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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. @PsiloPutty hahaha im dead, find in a Bhik-hunny near your selfaware field now
  2. @PsiloPutty i live in sweden haha, hope to find me some sexy Zen Bhikkhunis in the monastery ohhh yeah, would you break your vows for me baby jk haha yep im a young boy but theres only like one Zen community in Sweden and i dont know if you can actually work/live there unless you own the place or something
  3. If my life still sucks at 30 then I’ll find some Zen temple in Sweden for real. But Im working hard to find bliss in everyday life.
  4. Thanks @Flammable! Dark night? Of the soul? @SpaceCowboy
  5. You think your experience was real, Im saying its just as real as any other spiritual experience. Debating over it is useless. I dont think that just because its in the brain means its not real, everything is in the brain apparently so thats circular logic.
  6. My brother and I have a duo, I produce and we both sing. Its electronic/triphop/indie-pop You can also find us on Spotify and Itunes
  7. @Jack River The dude non-dual awareness
  8. @pluto Nothing can cloud awareness, it can make you more jittery and scatterbrained though.
  9. Youre right, Watts was more of a scholar but he should have known better ??
  10. So did Alan Watts and Chogyam Trungpa had an alcohol problem which he most likely died from. Its pretty interesting to see how these gurus are just humans after all.
  11. Its not bad or good, read my thread about it i made a few months ago if you like
  12. I dont think it can be said in words, Ive stared at things for about 1-2 years now and to be honest all that is happening (for me personally) is that I see the object but its slippery, my mind tries so hard to say ”this is what it is” but it cant, its just intangible.
  13. He does it for emphasis, you decide whats the best for you. If you asked Leo right now its not like he would say ”Drop all the practices now” Dont be so stuck on Leos personality. Try shit for yourself.
  14. If you still eat eggs after this video youre not human LOL.
  15. Go search on Goodreads, just type in shadow work goodreads in google and see what comes up
  16. There have been spiritual communities for thousands of years, I dont know about Jesus but Im sure you werent completely alone when you went through ego death, just look at the early shamanic rituals done in tribes, they knew what they were doing. I agree with the rest though.
  17. Who can the mind deceive but itself? There is noone for it to deceive. The mind plays games with itself. “I was lost in the mind, I shouldnt be lost in the mind, Oh shoot! Im still talking, I should stop” This is all mind, but then who is watching all this happen? I dont know but the watcher cannot be deceived it can only watch. Im fairly new to this so there might be errors in my views. Says my mind. ☺️ I prefer to write in short bursts, thats just my style, I feel that if you can say something worthwhile in a one or a few sentences that’s powerful enough. It gives room for you to contemplate it itself.