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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. How do you know you wont be a full fledged moron if you dont? Can you see the future? Maybe youll be driving your car one day and crash and have a head injury and not be able to do anything.
  2. Who decides identification? Can you be one thing and not the other?
  3. Is this the Absolute Infinite Void that we usually refer to? and after that the first few seconds of the Big Bang? Were the Nordic people on to something? Maybe they tripped hard on some Liberty Caps and got some deep insights.
  4. Trump will dye his hair once he goes into Stage Green.
  5. Haha , just allow the sensation of feeling stared at to be! As long as youre aware then youre meditating.
  6. I am okay with this suffering. I am okay with this moment. I want this moment to be my teacher. This suffering is here and now. I accept it. Notice what happens when you do that the next time youre suffering.
  7. I had a few childhood friends that I knew from first grade to highschool, we hung out alot then I moved to a new town, we hung out a little bit but as it was so far travel it became less and less. Being that we didnt meet that much our interests changed and developed in different directions, after I while I just felt like it wasnt stimulating to hang out anymore so after a while I just stopped calling them. Havent talked to them since 2014, it hasnt bothered me except that I sometimes dream about them. Thats growing apart.
  8. Youve grown apart, it happens, there are many other people out there with bigger hearts.❤️ Move on!
  9. Yes! What a great idea! Should probably be a series though, there is so much to cover.
  10. We can agree to disagree, only you can find out for yourself.
  11. Meditate in the morning sunlight, the ego can very paranoid in the dark.
  12. When youre sleeping or dead consciousness/reality exists but it is not conscious of body-mind. The reason you think it doesnt is because you still think consciouness is something YOU have and can find in the sensory world somewhere.
  13. THE book on Shadow Work! Read this if youre always judging people and/or yourself! Many exercises in here. 10/10
  14. Wow! Yes exactly! Ive noticed that I dont even dare to feel completely into my sensations when im suffering, its like the ego is scared to own it, half measure suffering.
  15. Just bought some Bacopa, Ginkgo and Ashwagandha capsules, gonna be interesting to do some careful experimentation. Already have alot of exotic teas at home so I skipped the L-Theanine.
  16. I havent tried horoscopes but I think if you really want to go for that you should find a legit astrologer, that stuff you read in the news is probably just fluff but that doesnt mean you have to throw the baby out with the bathwater, theres good science and there is terrible science, theres good astrology... you get the point.
  17. Go find out for yourself, I would say my natal chart pretty much describes me in a nutshell, but thats me, you go find out.