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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. Wow, thanks... now I can keep on carrying on! with inquiry...
  2. But you cant find what is searching!!!
  3. As long as you dont do Chanting. Then youll get kicked out.
  4. Yeah I actually started reading seriously maybe 2 years ago, its shameful how little Ive read in my life! Ive started a book collection with all the classics. Life-changing! Theres some toxic idea in Western schools about how reading is boring, it really ruined alot for me until I stopped buying into it.
  5. Agreed! I downloaded a question sheet to help with writing my personal story, its fun and it seems to help a bit. Ive been producing music for about 8 years so that part I dont have much of a problem with but Im just so fascinated by deep writing so I hope to master that too.
  6. My trios new song! I produced it and my brother and his feminine friend sing it. Njoy!❤️
  7. That makes sense! The thing is... I have tons of stories, I just need to find out where their emotional impact lies, whats the moral so to speak. I feel like I have too much and I dont know where or how to start...
  8. and McDonalds glorifies killing animals, Carlsberg glorifies killing alcoholics, Nike glorifies killing children in slave-labor. Whats your point exactly.
  9. Yes. Only nuts can crack their shell to see there is nothing inside.
  10. Hence why our dear Narcissistic Psychopatic Cult Leader puts a WARNING at the start of every video about Substances.
  11. Some things take time... I would have never believed my present self If I talked to myself in 2013 now. I would have called myself a nut LOL!
  12. Are you shitting me? There are tons of science done on this. Stopping being a fear-monger and do your own research. Some of these supplements have been used for thousands of years.
  13. Maybe you got some extra Vitamin B in the food you ate? Sounds awful, gotta be careful, thats why Im never gonna take ”Leos 20 Pill Super Conscious Stack”. Thats way too much to be able to balance at once.
  14. The difference is... Self being the only thing that exists can actually be entertained with the right amount of proof and charisma in a debate, but the word God is so loaded that it wont mean anything when you use it so it will just fall flat, the scientist will think you mean you are Zeus and not Absolute Infinity. ?
  15. Thats why Im skeptical, I think I’ll just stick to Bacopa and Ashwagandha Thanks for the reply! ??
  16. It feels good to try to convince, its part of human nature, thats why I think direct experience is so key when you are discussing with someone. If you go up to a mainstream scientist and just spout I AM GOD OBVIOUSLY! thats not direct enough for them... you need to be at at the persons level.
  17. The question is; why do you want to prove something to someone else? If you have the experience that the subjective world is all that there is then isnt that enough for you? Sometimes when we want to convince someone else of something it is because we ourselves arent really sure so we want to validate it.
  18. Man you people get such strange sensations, Ive meditated for about 9 months and all that happens is that I fall asleep sometimes.
  19. There are many different types of monks, which denomination do you mean? Zen in Japan probably use mostly counting/awareness of breath.
  20. When Alice fell down the rabbit hole she couldnt go back until she had finished her ordeal. Why Self-Inquire? Its too late to ask why.
  21. I ordered Ginkgo in a hurried excitement before I read about all the side-effects it can cause... Should I just skip the Ginkgo? It has a huge list of side-effects.
  22. Do research before you do anything, Im gonna try 3 supplements for about a month, if I get any side effects I’ll stop, simple as that. How do you that the food you eat doesnt harm you? Research Research Reeeeeesearch
  23. Getting high is too broad of a term, there is huge difference between shooting some heroin and tripping on Salvia, theres not even any common ground.