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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. Yeah I think he was personally taught by some masters dont think hes awakened though
  2. ”Cus you havent studied Epistemology, Psychology, History...” Why learn it? Is it useful? Did it really happen (If life is a dream?) Types of history to learn Etc Etc Etc
  3. How about you mail Leo directly? Im sure you can work something out.
  4. Haha Muslims ”taking over” Sweden! I live in the capital of Sweden and I cant tell you that is sooo far from the truth, Yes we have Middle-Easterns living here, but so does every fucking country in the world. This video is Blue backlash in a nutshell. ”Wear something presentable” Its Sweden... its cold as shit, cant wear tuxedos in a snowstorm LOL The people showed in this video are a very fringe example, we actually have men and women too you know. This is excess green, it will peter out eventually. Remember Reagan guys? The good old days? When tons of cocaine was imported by the president himself? Yeah I wish we could back to that LOL
  5. Depends on who you are though, an Indonesian working 16 hours a day to get his children into school is probably very proud to have worked alot. Nuance nuance.
  6. Im thinking about starting to donate money to the poor. Im unsure if its worth it... if the money goes to the fat greedy capitalist at the top or actually helps the person in need? Whatcha think?
  7. Yeah reading all the posts about people freaking out and my ego bringing up a bad weed episode i had many years ago has brought up some doubts for me... But meditation has helped my ego so much though... Choices man... I dont know if i wanna suffer some ego-backlash for 10 years to be truly happy...
  8. Maybe it was a tangent in some video... Could be any video tbh...
  9. My ego gets pretty fragile when I meditate nowadays...Guess its part of the journey...You wanted a deeper connection...Well now Youre connected...Maybe not in the way you wanted, you can see alot of different things through a microscope.
  10. Thumbs up if you what Im talking about.
  11. Hm...interesting...I’ll definitely look into that!
  12. Yes but not a fully non-dual experience, unless youre really fucking high
  13. Just remember the caveat at the end of the movie though...
  14. @Baotrader Yes! Youre back! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ This is a proud day! The rest of your magical life is layed out in front of your feet my brother!
  15. What is death? Why are we afraid of it? What happens when we die? Different cultural perspectives on death?
  16. Huuuh what a mindfuck, thats gonna require some pondering
  17. Yeah just a year of meditation for me and thoughts dont carry much weight anymore, i just notice them and keep meditating. Theres hope for you Butter!
  18. Starving is not an addiction. Im willing to give a buck to someone who doesnt change the world but lives a decent life.
  19. Life is consciousness. Its not happening to you, its happening to everyone at the same time. A realization I had. Pretty kuuuul
  20. Lol these made me laugh so hard! Good share