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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. Not after-life is a belief too. Be honest. Truth is... we dont know.
  2. Where did you learn this? Can you prove that to me? Im not trying to disprove you or say youre wrong. Can you actually find evidence for there only being one existence/lifetime?
  3. Can we stay on topic? If you are aware of nothing then its not nothing because there is somebody there to know it. You cant be aware of not existing it doesnt make any sense. You have never been aware of death because then it wouldnt be death. You can only know life.
  4. Heres an eye-opening video about how relative mathemical/logical IQ is. He went to Harvard...
  5. It resonates with me, but so does 440. I have no idea about the universal frequency.
  6. Im a musician. Yes there is a difference. Obviously. Do some ear-training.
  7. Meditation. I could write a list of all the benefits but they need to be experienced otherwise its like talking to an ant.
  8. A sage plays Fortnite and a mystic plays Minecraft, thats basically it.
  9. How do you know youre not in the afterlife now? What if you lived before and you dont know? Maybe this is hell? Maybe this is heaven?
  10. Stop projecting your lack of results on to this forum, go do your thing. Pointless thread is pointless.
  11. Be carefully with this, can be the start of a serious addiction when you feel like you are something ”else” when you get high.
  12. Ah okay that makes sense! Guess the wording threw me off
  13. Your mind is deluding you into thinking there are lower and higher selves, pure ego talking. You are always perfect, at your so called lowest and highest. Go sit in silence and just be. Sober.
  14. Are you a robot or something? Im 100% certain that you dont think about your cells when you eat.
  15. Write a list of all the little things you love about life, save the big stuff for last in the list. The small stuff is what makes life so beautiful. I wrote a list like this and havent seriously considered it in about 3 years. It could look like... Regular everyday stuff ”Small” •Coffee in the sunshine in the morning •A really blissful meditation-session •Brainstorming my art-projects etc etc Make about 50 points Unless youre clinically and hopelessly depressed, these things could really help.
  16. Yes! Its mandatory now to have atleast 10 genders! The government cut of my dick and fed me soybeans through an IV! Sweden is truly lost...
  17. Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered. Sounds like a rant against dogma to me.
  18. Christmas/Yule is a Germanic/Pagan tradition so it makes absolute sense.
  19. Keep meditating. Youll get better. 6 months is just a fart in the wind compared to what your meditation will be in 10 years.