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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. If you want to find the source or the I AM then the source can’t be impermanent, whatever you are knows the feelings and subtle sensations or whatever you may call it and the feelings all come and go but not the knowing of them.
  2. This is a really professional video! I like the humoristic vibe with the music in the background, makes it way less dry then it could’ve been. Great job man! Just keep hammering at it.
  3. Whats your channels name? To be honest you just have to pump out videos, thats how you learn. See the difference between Leos first videos and the ones he did recently, such a major difference in confidence and tone of voice and everything, but you have to start. Say fuck the fear and do it.
  4. Why are you distracting yourself with these mental self indulgent handjobs Go do the work
  5. The gods and godesses of India created anime (and waifus) for our pleasure ??
  6. Happy birthday (even though you were never born) (fictional story called) Leo! ??
  7. Let infinite intelligence guide her. She will be fine.
  8. I think you should read up on Dark Night Of The Soul if you havent
  9. be lost in monkeymind?
  10. You think the Native peoples of America would join in the party of the daily holocaust of animals which they find sacred, they would tear their hair out at the atrocities we commit everyday. Dont kid yourself by comparing Natives to Western modern culture.
  11. good... stay there and feel the peace behind your closed eyelids... dont do anything rash... just be... those emotions you are feeling are not you
  12. How do you end a life in a ”humane” way? Enlighten me The chicken wants to live, therefore killing it is not humane, its basic maffs
  13. I’d like to add Cows get separated from their young Pigs and others get knocked / stunned unconscious and cut open while still being alive Certain animals get gassed with carbon dioxide , used to be legal in Sweden, don’t think it is anymore. Chickens get their beaks cut off All this while being alive Its not just killing, its torture on a whole nother level.
  14. LMAO, funny how you can spin nonduality to fit your ego
  15. Youre stuck in an emotional loop. I suggest you step back and detach yourself. Do some serious meditation. Youre stuck in your identification with your thoughts and your body and you dont even realize it. Its hard but you have to go through this crisis. Youll come out better and stronger after. Trust me. Edit: Write a gratitude list, it helped me out of escapist thought-loops before. Just small things you are grateful for, try to keep it real basic.
  16. Does that mean that Gandalf faps excessively too? Because he’s really really grey
  17. Dont try to get over the need. You cant. Accept the feelings you have and realize thats all they are. Dont try to shoehorn some sort of detachment, ive tried that, it doesnt work, accept your desires. Go for a retreat but dont deny yourself the love you need either.
  18. Trippin nutsacks while watching a Leo video.
  19. sounds awful, whatever floats your boat