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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. the metaphysical stuff has helped me more than anything , yer wrong boi how can i succeed with anything if im neurotic, lost and scared stumbling around looking for the next emotional fix, enlightenment work helps with those things plus it opens up the mind to see the bigger picture and connections between the mundane and profound
  2. A limited mind can never understand an infinite mind.
  3. For infinity to include everything it must include other minds , tada!
  4. Luke was battling himself all along. I am your father and you are me and I am you. Nooooooo? now I cant judge you/me anymore.
  5. @Preetom Absopoops infinity ill stop shitposting now no pun intended
  6. Talent without work doesn’t get you anywhere.
  7. First you look at what you aren’t, then you can see that you are in fact everything. But you have to become nothing to become everything.
  8. Nutmeg is toxic in higher doses. Be very very careful (in hindsight) Glad you’re doing better. ??
  9. Look up these youtubers they can help you Curtiss King TV Damian Keyes and then check the recommended you need to learn the basics of Marketing, Niche etc oh and creative psychology, what gives you writers block, what inspires you, what makes you persist etc
  10. Yep, still have that problem because of my irresponsibity, i should be out of the house but i’m still dragged to church once in a while because i live with them. I just use my observation skills and mindfulness when i’m in church and try to understand stage blue instead of being bitter about it.
  11. Sounds like youre going in the right direction. Reality is collapsing. Mu!
  12. Thats why its the best place to do it! Meditate and feel the self-consciousness ! Where is it arising?? Go into it! Become comfortable with it. I like to meditate on the bus.
  13. yes, you are the magic
  14. whats so hard about buying a book?
  15. Oh man! check out Journeys Out Of the Body by Robert Monroe its like the bible of astral projection
  16. I’ve observed that my ego is in difference places depending on what I’m doing, its usually not behind the eyes unless I meditate or do self-inquiry. Mostly Im in the that ethereal thought-space... I dont know where thats located tbh
  17. Observe it until you realize it’s not you. S’all ya can do.
  18. where is it occurring? in the head? body?
  19. he is that which is aware of the sad guru