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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. Amazing book! The premise is about narcissism but it touches on so many other areas too like ego development, child rearing, addiction and much more. Very thought-provoking!
  2. this weeks homework: study the last 5 weeks videos and integrate them
  3. Dont try to become some Enlightened identity, if you like dressing up nice then do it, there is no right or wrong, just because you sit in a diaper and meditate all day long it doesnt make you more “conscious”.
  4. ill try revealing my nutsack on my balcony but i dont want to get arrested for indecent exposure
  5. Youre running around with your glasses on wondering where they are.
  6. Theanine - no effect except for wanting to sleep, but I drink tea everyday so I might have ”tolerance” Ashwangandha - sleepy but calming, I like the earthy taste Modafinil - slightly meditative, very creative, subtle, bodily tiredness nowhere to be found which is awesome Bacopa - made me depressed and lazy for 30 mins, totally useless substance, for me personally :} I have some Maca root on the way, will see what thats like!
  7. i feel you, i have a tendency to need to cough in socially akward situations lol , also feel pain sometimes
  8. Exogenous opioid substances are called exorphins, as opposed to endorphines. Exorphins include opioid food peptides like Gluten exorphin and opioid food peptides and are mostly contained in cereals and animal milk. They mimic the actions of endorphinesbecause they bind to the same opioid receptors in the brain. These are the most common exorphins: Casomorphin (from casein found in milk of mammals, including cows) Gluten exorphin (from gluten found in cereals wheat, rye, barley) Gliadorphin/gluteomorphin (from glutenfound in cereals wheat, rye, barley) Soymorphin-5 (from soybean) Rubiscolin (from spinach) No wonder Im so addicted to bread.
  9. I agree with you but a sidenote... Alex Jones has actually blamed his Sandy Hook outcries on his psychosis... Look it up! So Leo is half right haha
  10. Haha then Im guilty of that too... Prescribe me some 5-Meo, doctor!
  11. What mental illness does he have? Im genuinely curious, I like reading about personality disorders.
  12. Why dont you try contributing instead of making dry jokes.
  13. I guess he does it for views then, dont know. Alex Jones smoking a joint, thats millions of clicks.
  14. Ah that makes alot of sense!
  15. Would be very useful, ruffle some feathers, get some facts straight
  16. Theyre apparently good friends. Joe likes to have a variety of people on his show.
  17. So what makes it dulling and why is it addictive?
  18. It isnt so much what I gain from quitting coffee, its the bad stuff I lose like anxiety, jitters, overthinking, energy-levels going up and down, stomach cramps and having to shit my guts out every single morning.
  19. Not necessarily... Im Still doing research on this... I was hoping someone could fill me in...
  20. This is a pretty mindblowing topic, usually we just say ”Im not responsible for that companies evil actions!” But how are we really responsible? How is it all connected?
  21. Understanding and support instead of blame and shame, rehabilitation facilities instead of cages. Our prisons are still very Stage Blue, put the ”bad” people away so we dont have to actually deal with the problem.
  22. he was so damn confusing but a unique individual indeed, wonder where he is... maybe he commited Mahasamadhi