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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. Using the Leverage Points by Donella Meadows from weak change to strongest change. 7. Create harsher sentencing but this doesnt solve the problem at the root, it merely puts a bandaid on it. 6. Seizing illegal weapons and drugs especially coming over Öresunds bridge and from Balkan. Doesnt solve the problem at the root it only creates a minor change. 5. Make gang communication more difficult. Use wiretapping and create strong neighbour watches. Quite difficult because information flows are usually very hidden. 4. Decriminalize all drugs. This one is huge but the Swedish government zero tolerance policy makes none of the politicians even want to bring up the issue for fear of becoming a black sheep. 3. Improve integration and improve neighbours, give inhabitants a feeling of having an economic future and not feel like outsiders. Very important but takes a long time and requires a big structural change, violence will continue for a while until the system is restructured. 2. Incentivize gang members to make money legally instead of illegally. Very difficult. 1. Make gang members realize crime doesnt pay by changing the paradigm, get them from RED to BLUE, almost impossible.
  2. Thats a really good one but quite difficult and takes a long time, but its obviously important. @PurpleTree I meant as in blaming immigrants as if there is something inherently wrong with them rather than a circumstantial issue. Of course the trauma that comes with fleeing from war torn countries has to be taken into account.
  3. So now theres a legal loophole for murder in the US, very interesting.
  4. 1. Its a crime. 2. It harms society by straining the budget for public spending.
  5. Lets start by treating all humans on the planet fairly then we can start worrying about the emotional life of plants.
  6. The bigger the company the higher the chance for devilry, why? Because its hard to control so many variables without everything being out of control and the system going unconcious. Its so easy to be good when youre an ice cream stand, when billions of dollars depend on you its another story.
  7. When has he stuttered? He sometimes stumbles over a millisecond of word but I wouldnt call that stuttering... @Shin I dont know.
  8. He is articulate? I think he is messy as fuck. If you want articulate watch Rupert Spira.
  9. Are you aware of the form or are you the form? Very carefully look at this in your direct experience.
  10. The one who left a long time ago because he is fully satisfied with reality and sits in a cave somewhere or teaches Satsangs. Jk, I dont know, just trying to make a larger point.
  11. Amount of Coral people on this forum: 0.00001% Amount of Coral people in this thread: 0% Go out and get girls instead of threadsturbating, youre wasting your life.
  12. Its quite interesting... If someone in my city would show up with a rifle in the middle of the square everyone would freak out and run, in the US its so common noone would care. Lol.
  13. The sun goes down at 3 PM in winter here in the middle of Sweden. Today an hour before it went down I started feeling... •anxious •doom and gloom •worried •slightly depressed and low •a bit negative •low appetite, I basically dont want to eat even though its almost 3 PM, Im hungry but no appetite at all. I have also had some trouble falling asleep the past month. I wake up every 30 minutes until 2 AM. Im gonna buy a light therapy lamp!
  14. Would you say this pyramid is correct? Made it myself very quickly, what would you add? 1. Billionaires 2. CEOs of Multinational Companies 3. Big Media Companies 4. Government Politicians 5. A-List Celebrities 6. Self-Employed/CEOs of Smaller Companies 7. B-List Celebrities/Intellectuals/Pundits 8. Middle Class Employed (4k$/month) 9.Working Class/Wage Slaves (2k$/month) 10.Destitute/Homeless 11.Criminals in Prison 12.Mentally Disabled
  15. Probably alot more beautiful.
  16. Found these clips, thought they were beautiful and really integrative of femininity and masculinity.
  17. And Alex Jones found guilty in defamation lawsuit against Sandy Hook parents. Good times! The law is working!