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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. cried alot after todays session... it was hard to let it out but eventually it happened... I realize Im not as in touch with my emotions as I thought I was... been crying in bursts for a good 30 mins now though... feels good ?
  2. My synchroniticies are a bit weirder than that.
  3. i think people would skip through the videos and miss a good amount of info of he did that
  4. find someone to help you, dude, dont do anything rash ?
  5. read the original, its a very easy read, not dense at all
  6. Okay, Im listening. What makes you think he has Yellow planning skills?
  7. I dont really think that Green people dont plan though, I think Bernie Sanders plans alot but maybe taking way more emotion into account though, also less rigid than Orange and Blue.
  8. Thanks! I thought more about it after I left the comment but this makes alot of sense.
  9. how does Routine Planning fit into this? Shouldnt an Orange CEO be better at planning than an Green deadbeat hippie?
  10. You didnt choose your values, circumstances pushed them on you. Otherwise Kim Jong could prefer to become a hippie. Turquoise and Green share alot of values but im not trying to "get there" I dont know even know what its like "there".
  11. Spiral Dynamics is not a preference, sounds like youre at Yellow/Turquoise (if youre really being honest in your post)
  12. Nobody said that, being Green doesnt mean being a hippie, hippie is just a lifestyle that goes well with Green, but you can be Green and be a normal dude with a job, its just about your values, my dude.
  13. Thats my point actually, you have to take responsibilty for what you put out as content but the listener has a responsibility too, just because Leo says "death is the best thing youll ever experience" doesnt mean I will go and kill myself, I take in that info and then I chew on it and then move on with my day. Now if he said "Suicide is great, try it" that would be a totally different story, that would be deliberately doing harm and thats not what Teal or Leo is doing.
  14. yeah but thats gonna take a few hundred to come to fruition, alot countries are still developing and weve made such a mess in Africa and the Middle East but yeah... would be nice, and even developed countries there is so much corruption that a Nwo could easily become a dictatorship, were not ready yet imo
  15. Well, the person wrote in the forum but he could have been trolling or lying or just left so I say supposedly.
  16. alot of people supposedly commited suicide "because" of Leo, yet you people are still here?
  17. i think you should worry more about all the anti-semitic crap thats on Google, search Goyim, Oy Vey or Kangz and youll see how horribly uncensored Google really is
  18. yes its from 4chan, a site full of m*rons, whats new, Google didnt put it up.
  19. i dont get it, if i type Leo Gura into Google i see pictures of him. whats the conspiracy here?
  20. i kind of enjoy watching Leo go deeper into insanity lmao, staying for the curiosity
  21. webs of belief start with a false axiom and keep on creating a web from there...