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About Martita

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  • Birthday June 15

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    Wichita Falls
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  1. Hi Moshe! Trying to separate your life into sections where you work on self-actualization isn't necessary or doing you any favors to be honest. Self-actualization should be a way of life. A path of life. Focusing on self-actualization expecting to let go of the rest of your life isn't realistic. Unless of course you can take the path of letting go of the world allowing that to be your sole-purpose. But you've shared a lot of goals you're pursuing. So I don't think that's an option. Lol. Shift your mindset Moshe. Allow yourself balance. Balance is important in life, and as a student. You'll learn when you start your classes. Lol Continue your practice of meditation. That's a path to actualization. Then, take that practice with you naturally as it comes. Allow yourself to become more mindful through your day. Paying attention to staying present through your travels, through your classes, through your life. Staying present is the spiritual work. Allow yourself to do that work in a gentle way. Not in a way that feels like you're failing. Stay present while you're running. Stay present while you're studying. Stay present in your conversations with people in your travels, and while you travel. Staying present takes work but its not something that should be separated. It should be part of your life. As you do it more and more it gets easier and easier. Presence becomes who you are. All while you're living the rest of your life.
  2. There's no reasoning out of it. Fear is fear, is fear, is fear. Find an anchor. Let that be your comfort. Examples of Anchors: Focusing on your breath until the fear passes. Body movement like stretching, or jogging or walking quickly. Sitting still and focusing on a chakra until the fear passes. Be ok with settling into the unknown. That's where freedom lies.
  3. Have you ever thought about hiring a coach? I think that would be perfect for what you're trying to accomplish. They'll keep you accountable on whatever you're trying to create. You can also try buying one of those huge wall calendars and plan your month out. Cross things out as you go so that you see your accomplishments. For some reason seeing yourself getting closer to your goals, and crossing things off oftentimes helps subconsciously. Feeling accomplished can help to keep things going.
  4. Self care. Indulge in what feels good. Watch a show you love, go out and pet animals at pet store. Take a bubble bath. Sleep. Take it easy on yourself and allow some space for just a little light by doing things you know will feel good. Call a friend. Paint a picture. Whatever works for you. There's no rush to development. Be patient with yourself and take it day by day. The momentum will come back.
  5. Hi. Try breathing as deep as you can and holding your breath for as long as possible. Allow the holding of your breath to open up the energy stuck there. Do it over and over again until you start to feel relief.
  6. A lot of times the short term stuff normally leads to the big picture stuff. Are you sure you're not just following the steps towards accomplishing the big picture? As long as your big picture is something you genuinely want, keep it in your vision by consistently reminding yourself about it. One way is by asking yourself the question every morning, "What do I need to do to get X?" Then just keep following the happiness and excitement trail. Happiness and excitement are the path towards achievement.
  7. Every addiction is about one thing: Running from Self. Trying to pull away from facing yourself keeps you wanting to focus on those things outside of yourself. In order to break that addiction you have to learn to be ok with sitting with yourself. Theres nothing to run from then. (FYI: Boredom is also running from self. There isn't actually boredom. It's just an inability to sit with yourself.) So how can you learn to be ok with sitting with yourself? I'd start with practicing just five minutes a day. Let go of everything for five minutes. See where that takes you.
  8. Joy is authentic. Follow that.