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Everything posted by LastThursday

  1. Some fun ones: I am here now The past can't hurt me The future can't hurt me This moment is unique I am everything Everything is beautiful Everything is love
  2. Yes definitely, in my left hand, right shoulder and right thigh. But there's hope. I used to have a lot more tensions throughout my body (mostly neck and jaw areas) when meditating, and with concerted effort and focus over time they have gone. It's taken me about a year to remove most of the tensions. I think it's a case of re-programming the body with constant repetition, and it can take a long time. I'd like to know if there's a quicker way.
  3. Insights meets aesthetics, what an interesting insight! Insights do have a beauty or aesthetic quality to them. Maybe that's how we know they're insights?
  4. Solipsism is a bean counting exercise. How many solipsists does it take to change a light bulb? It's ultimately tied the idea of only having "one" experience. But the idea of "one" is within experience not an attribute of it. "One" only works when you have "two", i.e. comparison or duality. Experience itself cannot be compared to anything and so cannot be counted. Solipsism then is defining itself in terms of itself. I guess some people are ok with that type of thinking.
  5. I appreciate that this forum even exists. It must be difficult to keep the forum free of negativity, given it's free form nature. And it must be hard to make the judgement call to ban members, and to do this consistently for the sake the of the forum; especially as some do increase their level of awareness over time and make more positive contributions. I don't know how it works with warning points, but I would have thought that an auto-ban should be triggered at X number of points?
  6. Great! Here's a famous example:é#Kekulé's_dream Sometimes you don't know what to do with an insight, and so you don't record or remember it well. I had an insight recently whilst watching a video about the double slit experiment (for the umpteenth time). Something clicked that time: the configuration of matter affects the behaviour and nature of space (around it). So in this instance the diffraction pattern is not caused by the double slits per se, but by the space being warped (by the apparatus) and affecting the probabilities of the light waves. But what do I do with that insight?
  7. I do know what you mean. I often have profound insights just on the cusp of sleep, and they're nearly impossible to capture. They are more like a sensation more than anything else. I wouldn't even know how to record them. Every insight leaves a positive residue even if you don't fully recall it again. That means that new connections will be made more easily in future. Sometimes new insights will make you recall older ones, and that re-inforces them. I don't think you should go hell for leather trying to capture all insights (if it's too much). It kind of goes against the nature of insights, because insights work on many levels some more subconscious than others. Just let them permeate your being.
  8. You should take it in turns each day. Kinky.
  9. It's ok to not finish things sometimes, no need to pressure yourself that way. You will finish things if they're important enough. But also commitment and discipline are skills you can learn over time. The only way to learn those skills is to start doing things.
  10. If happiness is our natural set point, then you should be looking to reduce sources of unhappiness. Literally, ascending Maslow's hierarchy is to do with this, and so is Buddhism. There's the physical, biological and the psychological. Western self-help culture has it the wrong way round.
  11. You can't beat 70's and 80's series intros I could go on, but I won't.
  12. If You Think, you wanna 'escape' this forum.. Chances are, you are addicted.. from what I know.. the thing you're addicted to satisfies, 3 or more of your Needs.. So Identify those Needs.. and Let them Go, or Fix them. Thank you taking on my question so earnestly.
  13. There is form and structure, that much is apparent. Why? Because awareness itself is formed and structured. Awareness is precisely that which it is aware of. Your body is awareness itself. There's no link, they are both one and the same. If you like, awareness is modulated by God to have the persistent form of a body thinking it has a point of view. For no particular reason. Awareness can divide itself in an infinitude of ways, and reform again at will. You both have a body and not. Your body is contiguous with the rest of existence, there are no gaps. The air in your lungs is both you and not you. All this is one flow, and an infinite number of flows at once.
  14. No. Not as long as you have something to learn about yourself, let her be your unwitting teacher. And maybe she can learn from you too.
  15. Could you teach me how to escape this forum, there seems to be no way out?
  16. God I haven't heard this since it came out in 1990, boy that's a long time ago.
  17. Red: I will threaten you with violence Blue: Swearing and blaspheming is intolerable Orange: I must win the argument Green: You must show compassion and see the other person's viewpoint Yellow: The structure of the forum makes people behave in a certain way It really is just having a bigger picture view of things. It's the ability to constantly go meta and zoom out, and also to understand what makes things tick, and how things fit together. It takes a certain mindset. That's my interpretation anyway.
  18. My gift to the Dating section
  19. That is definitely a more mature way of approaching discipline. It's also worth noting that sometimes it is appropriate to take a temporary break from discipline. Knowing when to do this is also critical for the process of discipline. I think many people approach discipline as this fixed "thing" you do to get what you want. Say I want to learn to run a 5K race. Most would say, start with a short distance, run several times a week and increase your distance each time. That is a fixed formula for discipline. But it's fairly unconscious and robotic. But if you're consciously aware of what discipline is, you realise it's a dynamic flexible system. You know some days you can run further than others, some days not at all (and that's ok). You know that maybe reaching your goal doesn't have a deadline. You also understand why you're being disciplined at all (to reach a goal soon), but you also understand why you want that goal (maybe to get fit, or impress others). You also realise you can go meta, and maybe run with others or join a club to keep you motivated. Maybe you also track your progress over time. Being conscious about discipline and understanding what it actually is, makes it more powerful.
  20. I concur. That's the only way I've improved. But also be critical of your own writing. Always try finding the "best" way you can to get your point across. Another option is to use ChatGPT to improve your style and grammar, not to be lazy, but to see where you can improve.