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Everything posted by billiesimon

  1. I empathize with both of you. Generally men have the opposite problem of yours. We tend to have less dating pool and less abundance but in turn we get the advantage of having more chance of having satisfaction in a relationship, since we have to proactively create it and lead the girl into it. But the initial part of dating is generally a huge pain in the ass for men. But it's all balanced. Girls suffer at the same level in the after-phase of dating. I think your problem stems from attracting some kind of negative energy that comes from you first. Low self esteem and weak boundaries tend to attract abusive people (not just partners, also friends) and depressing situations. I've been there, I've been a huge attractor of negative friends and abusive friends in general. You have to define your core beliefs and practice self esteem and self love, and this will generate in you attraction for healthy men and healthy mindsets. Right now you are NOT attracted to healthy men. That's the core problem,
  2. Never talked about drunk sex, as I don't drink and I DON'T have sex with drunk girls. It's basically asking for trouble. I'm talking about emotional action-based consent from a sober girl, who is eager to take your clothes off etc, but without talking about sex. In my experience girls don't like to talk about sex while they are having foreplay. I was just asking if normal enthusiasm and her active role in sex is considered normal consent.
  3. As I go out more and more I have this huge question in mind. What is genuine consent? Do you have to always receive a verbal YES or just emotional enthusiasm/happiness/emotional connection in sex? In my past experiences me and the girls never talked about it, they just smiled and were horny and happy, also taking my clothes off. I think that happiness and active enthusiasm is the true consent from a gjrl. Not a plain verbal yes which can be fake. While silent and proactive sexual enthusiasm is more genuine consent. I'd like to hear the girls and the pro players here
  4. I think this is just a trolling thread LOL.
  5. This thread lacks proper understanding of spiral dynamics. Stage green is giving space to the feminine to be reintegrated, it's not about repressing the masculine. But I get it that the shadow of green is toxic to men (and women too), just like the shadow of orange is objectifying of women. We have to distinguish healthy green from shadow/toxic green, which is mob mentality and female ego run amok. Proper and healthy stage green is actually about creating empathy for everybody, also empathy and affection for men. The problem is that mainstream media is ALWAYS low consciousness and always negative, you can find negativity in all tier 1 media (blue, orange, green). Once green becomes more healthy and starts to embrace men fully, you will see less of this bullshit that's happening right now. Especially when transcending into yellow.
  6. @Leo Gura Your stories just motivated me to continue my pickup journey even more It's such a waste that you don't teach dating, Leo. You have such great potential, with all your consciousness work and systemic thinking. You have evolved so much outside of game that you could be one of the best systemic dating teachers in the world. I get it that you have higher purposes, but I'm just saying that you have a lot more wisdom than other dating teachers, and it could be of huge help
  7. As I progress on studying the sexes and the polar opposites of yin-yang, I discover that Women tend to have a very Nature-related spiritualiy, while men tend to gravitate a lot towards the Mind and concepts. Women have a very strong bodily connection to nature thanks to the monthly cycle and a better perception of emotions, which are a bodily manifestation too. Also, their tendency for receiving/accepting is more suitable for connecting with Nature. As a last note, in the dating community it's normal to refer to women as "the smaller scale manifestation of the universe" and men as the ones who learn how to deal with it. Are men able to learn to manifest/feel Nature as well? I believe that this ability is so important and crucial for the post-modern man, both to be happy and to become truly empowered as a son of Nature. To be fully honest I really feel the need to get back the "natural powers" that society and civilization has stripped away from me as an animal of this earth. What's your opinion on this?
  8. I think this too. Teal in my opinion is a very important teacher when it comes to emotional mastery. Her content is the only content you can find on the whole range of emotional healing and mastering. Just to be practical here.. Julien from RSD completely recommends Teal to gain self esteem and reconnect with your emotional well being. And he's a very practical and straight to the point RSD teacher. I'm somehow a fan of Teal, because of her huge effort on healing trauma, finding the root causes of emotional damage, and reconnecting with people. About the "scary/creepy" aura around her... I feel that too sometimes. She definitely has a weird and provocative character. That's what makes us uncomfortable about her. But I think it's the result of having had a horrible childhood. To be honest I also believe that she's trying to shock the audience to evoke consciousness and presence. Osho did the same thing with fancy cars and openly admiring wealth. Teal might be doing this to lure our ego out of the lair.
  9. Also, ancient India was not blue. India seems to struggle even today to become fully blue. Probably at the time it was purple/red.
  10. Turquoise is very recent, and in fact the ancient masters were not turquoise. Siddharta (the buddha) was probably orange/green, and not turquoise. A lot of zen masters were blue, even though they were enlightened. Jesus could have been green, judging from his behaviour and lifestyle. Turquoise is recent, so you have to look for modern masters like Eckhart, Osho, Teal Swan etc... That's because becoming awake is not a byproduct of stage turquoise, but the contrary is true.
  11. Hi, fellow italian History is huge when it comes to politics, human development, civil rights etc... You also need history to understand how consciousness has evolved with the centuries. It's a basic subject when it comes to moving humanity forward.
  12. In my humble opinion, as a young man who is learning how to approach in clubs and bars, and generally meeting new friends, I see that the truth might just be between what Leo and Emerald say. I have witnessed some girls liking my approach and some other not. At the same time I have some female friends who claim that approaching is neutral/mildly nuisance. At the same time I have some other female friends who have found VERY interesting guys from cold approach (by the guy I mean of course), and these men have become their boyfriends. These specific girls have a positive opinion of cold approach, and they told me that I should go to bars and clubs to approach because there's a good chunk of girls who wait for a cool guy to approach them. One of these approach-positive girls once told me that she went several times to a bar of cool people, dressed sexy, also to find a cool guy for a new relationship. I guess the truth is just in the middle. A decent amount of girls hope to be approached, while others don't care about it.
  13. I'm going out at events and parties, and I've had two dates with two girls I've met at these parties. But I think I'm still too stifled and embarassed to really get some results right now. Apart from this, I notice that these girls I'm meeting tend to be attracted A LOT by these "sex addicts" who are getting a lot of sex without even putting the effort to meet people, learn more empathy, and self actualize (which triggers me a lot). ---> Do girls care so much if you are having a lot of meaningless sex, to be attracted to you? It seems to me that the fact that I've only had two girlfriends and that I'm all alone (sexually) right now is a HUGE turn off to them. Does this "social proof with women" factor matter so much to be attractive? This may be BS of course, but I'm just asking, because I fear that my momentary "loneliness" might be the cause of no results.
  14. Yes, I'm deepening my understanding of it. But I'm not talking about stage-green masculinity and respecting the environment. I'm talking about becoming spiritually connected to nature as a man, with your masculinity (not your feminine side). Since masculinity is also a byproduct of nature's sexual reproduction, it must have its own connection to Nature. That's what I'm looking for.
  15. I like normally cute girls. If you want to use the PUA metric, it's around 7 or 8 out of 10 in looks. I generally don't like models and club-obsessed girls. My favourite are intellectual girls with compassion and a very feminine and soft personality. I tend to gravitate towards the cute girl who's been a book addict her whole life and somehow nerdy, but still very cute and feminine in her clothing style. A problem that I encounter is the venues: where can I find this niche of girls? SOME of them go to the club, but not all of them.
  16. Thanks for all the responses, but especially thanks to @Leo Gura for the greatest insight. Definitely I have to work on social skills a lot more. And confidence too. I'm not interested in the model-hotness type, I tend to like cute/pretty girls with a soft character, and an intellectual/compassionate lifestyle. But I recognize the importance of building top notch social skills and social proof, so I'm gonna work on this too. Every girl, from average to model, likes a man who can build social circles and find new friends. Thanks again, Leo
  17. Since I'm in a time in my life where I've ditched a lot of my old negative friends, I'm going out to find new friend and people, and sometimes I feel very lonely when I don't have plans for the nights. Now, the problem here is that some teachers describe loneliness as a necessity for growth and something that you also have to accept as part of life and to enjoy. Leo for example has talked about this. Other teachers, like Teal Swan, have dedicated a big effort on condemning loneliness as the social disease of this technological era, and one of the main causes of depression, school shooting, intolerance and drugs. To be honest I completely agree with her. Loneliness is a social disease and it's spreading like a virus in western society. She also emphasizes that we NEED human contact and human intimacy or we literally die inside. Some like Eckhart are in the middle, since he encourages people to socialize but at the same time to appreciate loneliness and to observe it as a consciousness, without identifying with the pain. I'd like to hear @Leo Gura on this, and other people who are ahead in the actualization work!
  18. Thanks for the nice responses, especially @Emerald and @Ampresus. I've reflected a lot about this and realized that there's a component of loneliness that comes from being an ego and an individual, which you have to accept. At the same time there's the epidemic of isolation and depression that the post-industrial society has created. This is the actual problem that needs to be counter-attacked with socializing, becoming more active in your nightlife, and becoming more empathetic and warm with people. Also ditching the addiction to social media is very important, because this web 2.0 gives us the illusion of socialization, while in fact we are all alone in our rooms. And here depression sneaks in...
  19. Leo, I don't understand your point. What's the problem of respecting property? The same goes for business women who get divorced by their husbands. It's not fair for them too to get their money robbed by their husbands. Reforming this law would just benefit everybody, not just my ego.
  20. If you help me out with a business that I own and that I invest into (and you don't) you still are NOT entitled to half of my money. Or else I should be entitled to my family's money since I always helped at home with the chores.
  21. The scary lesson about this useless gossip is that marriage is dead. This woman is so smart that she waited for years and years for amazon to take off until now. Once amazon reached its peak, she decided to divorce him. Wow, what a coincidence! I'm sure she would have done that even if Jeff were poor. Don't marry until these old fashioned laws get remodeled in a non-financial agreement.
  22. Game Of Paragraphs - Season 3 Or even: Better Call Emerald
  23. Thanks for the knowledge! The female body is a lot more in tune with nature, thanks also to the monthly cycle and the sensuality of all her body. A better connection with emotions also is a sign of a greater connection with nature. But to be honest I don't agree with the theory that only the female body is all sexual, and the male body is like that only in the reproductive organs. In my experiences my body (and also some of my male friends) is very sensitive to sensual touch in a lot of areas: neck, face. hair, hands, chest, thighs etc. And this brings to excitement and arousal. So I actually don't agree with a lot of spiritual teachers who say that the female body is all sensual while the male body isn't. I think it's just a result of sexual repression and sexual ignorance, while all bodies are sensual and connected to nature in my humble opinion. After all, the male body is still Nature's offrspring.
  24. Thanks for the explanation! In other words... a primitive human tribe who only values the feminine essence is going to stay primitive forever (infant stage of evolution). But what about the women in a beige/purple community? Do they have the masculine urge (emerging red stage) of conquest and domination of nature to survive? Because definitely in an orange society like Europe and North America women have a strong drive to compete and survive. It's also important to note that stage orange gives women the permission to fully express their masculine side. But do women in a primitive tribe want to conquer nature for the sake of their own survival? Or is their natural tendency to submit to Nature? In other words do they appreciate that the warlord of the tribe is giving them comfort and food and shelter by attacking nature/other tribes? Sorry, another question what about the repression of male sexuality in stage blue societies? I've been told all my childhood by my mother that sex is wrong, and a lot of my male friends too. Also it's important to note that in the victorian era women were taught that men were prone to be sinful with sex and to be wary of them. Sexual shame for men can be found all across europe, in some families. Not all of course. Generally in the families where the father and the mother are both strong hardcore believers of blue moral code. Why does this happen if blue is supposed to be ruled by the masculine?
  25. I find this post very magnetic to me. I really have a need to understand this, and I've also read a lot of books and material on the female mind too. I realize that we had to empower the masculine essence to move out of the mud as a tribe. It was necessary, because aggression and the will to fight is the key factor that brought us out of the darkness and fear of the predators. In one of its forms, masculine essence is light and courage, and a sprint towards the future. But apart from that... what I'm really wondering is... what would have happened if we as humans, since stage beige/early purple, decided to empower only the feminine essence in us and not the masculine? What would happen if in history we humans moved up a feminine empowered Spiral, with a late reowning of the masculine? How does it look like in theory?