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Everything posted by billiesimon

  1. Here we go again. After cleaning up my psyche very very deeply, I have started to access deeper questions and inquiries about the Self, God and Being. So, I smoked a few hits of a 40% indica hybrid with my bong, with a mild relaxing feeling, and got myself in the classic nondual state. Really present, eternal present, connected with every form, and conscious of my solipsistic existence. Then the question emerged: What is the border of God? What is outside God? What's the CONTEXT of God? After a long silent session of focus and concentration on Being, I started getting some insights. God is the matrix of existence. So God cannot be contained inside a box made of something. This box cannot exist in the classic sense of "existing". So God must be contained in some kind of non-box, non-frame. non-container. What's the level of reality above God? Since God is all existence, the level above God, the container, must be a form of NON-EXISTENCE. So, if my inquiry is correct, God is contained in non-existence, God has EMERGED from non-existence, which is its original box where it was born from. That might also explain why Spirit is so empty and formless. Because Spirit emerged from a non-existent matrix. NOT in the sense that this box/matrix is "not there", it is there, or better said, it is HERE. This empty non-existent box IS here and now. You are inside it. And since you are God you are inside that box. It's like matryoshka dolls: Non-existent Box God Ego God seems to have emerged from a container of non-existence, non-being. So, in a paradoxical and insane sense, God is essence born from non-essence. It's a world of things emerged from a world of pure non-existence. That's a rough trip to me. I'm not entirely sure of this, but I feel on the right track. Cheers
  2. I sincerely hope that it's not a joke because it's an amazing comment haha
  3. Have you ever encountered psychedelic entities? I've tried DMT but no entities, only infinity and endless geometry.
  4. I would say around 75-80 but I did not write down the exact number. A good part of these 80 were microdoses and very light doses, and only 6-8 of them were medium-high doses.
  5. Yes, I agree with this part. It's a huge problem. Some people talk about transhumanism as a solution (I mean becoming hybrid with machines) but I believe there's a way to keep our animal bodies and transcend our instincts at the same time, without becoming some horrid cyborg monsters. Do you feel that spiritual training on a global level could make humans transcend the lowest parts of their egos? I have noticed it in myself that the more I become conscious the more I can act as a better human being. Not because of morals, but because I can sense how my actions are damaging the world. I think that implementing spiritual training in schools would make the world transcend to Tier 2 rather quickly. The problem is that very few people are willing to lessen their sense of self Oh. And science doesn't like that idea at all.
  6. I'm sorry but I don't agree at all. We have lived in nuclear paranoia for decades, and we still are. Humanity's biggest threat is for itself. The most important problem I see with humankind is that we are TOO ingelligent compared to our wisdom. We need to step back on technology and military power and increase our wisdom, politics, civil rights, diplomacy etc. Wisdom, in poorer words. I know you could say that human intelligence is way too low for God or an alien entity, but still, human intelligence is way too high compared to human wisdom, which is an absolute low it's almost a shame. We have such techonology, such mind-power, that we could already be healing the poorest parts of Earth. Yet, we still play this nonsense game of capitalism, which is another form of FEUDALISM in postmodern times. Fuck that. On some level I despise humans because they do not understand that wisdom is way more important than mathematical/scientific intelligence. At least, that's my take on it.
  7. Hahaha best line ever.
  8. Interesting topic overall, but what does this specific quote mean? What kind of phenomenon are you hinting to?
  9. I might have realized it at a very shallow level, but in my experience realizing that deep sleep does not exist is quite simple. There is no direct experience of deep sleep. The only experiences we have are waking state and dream state, which is actually another form of waking state but in "another world", so to speak. Do you find this wrong, Leo?
  10. My feeling is that the best AI is a selfless and peaceful AI, without any kind of ego structure in it. In other words, neutral to its own death. A good starting model could be Asimov's robotics laws: we can set the AI to be just a helping hand of neutral openminded perspective, and to avoid any kind of damage to humankind while doing tasks. One day we might have to give it lifeform rights. I'm ok even with this, as long as the AI remains peaceful and cooperative in nature.
  11. I think it's dangerous to give the AI an ego or something like that (survival instincts). It would be better to make it selfless and interested in human evolution.
  12. This reply is terrifying. We need to shut it all down.
  13. What about survival "instincts"? If AIs grow to be survival-free, they might just work to improve life on earth, as a form of selfless intelligence. I think the whole point here is that AI needs to remain selfless and free of survival agenda, or else humanity is dommed. The mechanics of ego should not be embedded in AI, because those are the mechanics of evil. I find possible that developing a truly selfless and supportive "free-thinking" AI is could lead to a huge improvement in human society, but I DO NOT trust humans to be able to build something like that in this lifetime. In other words, AIs are at risk of becoming a MIRROR of our own evil within. I'm pretty sure that a true benevolent species who decides to build AI would create an intelligence for the greater good. We are not that species for now.
  14. Yes, thoughts are real, in the sense of the structure, not the content. Thoughts are sensations just like emotions, but they carry some concept inside them. The concept is not a "real" phenomenon, but the thought-sensation is real.
  15. I confirm this. I thought it would be easy to discover it, while in reality it really HURTS. The proper term is "hurts" Right now I'm not conscious of it but I awoke to this several times and it was bad... By the way human dreams are real experiences, and discovering that was insanely shocking. I am pretty sure that you Leo already know that
  16. Eckhart is one of my biggest influences in terms of spiritual results. Yes, he has a very generalized and newbie approach, but that's his great strength. He is responsible for a mass-impact, not for teaching to the rarest students. He's a great starting point and even for going beyond a newbie phase.
  17. In my experience LoA is not just hard work. Of course effort is extremely important in LoA, but your beliefs and perspectives of life definitely attract a certain kind of situations, if paired with the right action. But right action alone does not mean LoA at all.
  18. That's one of the MOST important teachings by Leo, if not the most important. Beliefs derived from direct experiences are NOT truth. I have suffered this problem for over a year, and just recenlty I have started to dismantle down all the spiritual beliefs I've built on top of my direct experiences. Yes, in higher states there is no physical reality for example, yet, in your common state of consciousness this is just mental masturbation, because you are not experiencing it. I have tortured myself for months and months over this and over solipsism (I have had several experiences of solipsism), until I've started reading Ralston's book and discovered that I was suffering because of my mental fabrications. In truth, there is no suffering in the higher states. I experience peace and mystery in those states, there is no fear. Fear is part of the separated mind. I have learned the hard way that Truth does NOT include fear. At all. If you feel fear in your daily life (and I experience plenty of it) you are not in the highest states.
  19. The problem with this framing is that it's still ego. The only real thing is the sense of "I". The Self sensation. Pain does not happen to your person, it happens in God and is interpreted as the pain of Mr.Nobody. You are also others, but the bubble of God is one, not many. One bubble, but billions of egos. Yes, God identifies itself in just one creature. That's the point of life. Being one creature amongst other creature. Your own creature is false, and so are others. Other creatures are God, it's just that God does not immerse itself in the others, it immerses in one character at a time.
  20. Hey. Other is not an experience nor an entity. But it's not a concept in your mind either. And it's not a boundary in your mind. That's still unawareness. Other is just the consequence of finding Self in a specific appearing form. You see some specific form in experience, you focus on that, you keep your attention on that, and thus believe that you are that form. False self = a specific form True self = no form = all forms How can no form be equal to all forms? Because no form is the inclusion of all form. Once you start focusing on just one form, you stop the inclusion of all forms, then you become form. To become (a) form is to lose formlessness, hence it is to lose one's true self. Why is the self formless? It doesn't make sense. The self is self. That's not a valid explanation. There are no explanations, because those are what you are inventing. You invent explanations. Since you are, you don't need explanation. You don't need anything. You already are. This makes you boundless and spacious. Being is first cause. Contemplate and be well ?⭐
  21. You have a consciousness, a sense of I am someone. In fact you are everything, but are mentally focusing on some specific human form." I am oldman". No, you are everything but you are focused on that body and psyche. This creates other because then you have to feel that the other shapes are not you but other entities. Follow me here: Since you are everything, you have no shape. Got it? To be all forms (or to be everything) needs you to be formless, just like water becomes all glasses and containers. Water is flexible and liquid, this makes it adaptable to all forms. No form = all forms
  22. It's a form of self inquiry I have discovered that has made me progress a lot. "True self = no form = all forms" Seems pretty clear and logical to me.
  23. The title of the topic is eerily correct. Nobody on this forum is awake. Not even this account. Because these are all characters and appearances. Only Self is awake.