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About billiesimon

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  1. Amazing reply, thank you I love the metaphor of the dark house. Yes, the evil within us is just a lost child how can we see it otherwise? We need to forgive Israel and Russia for what they are doing, the corruption of the soul is moving them away from the light. It's just a real life example, nothing political about this remark. But we also need to show up, to put effort. And also we need to enjoy the good life more, for ourselves and for the others around us. We can become happier beings, and in this path we also give a good example to others.
  2. For reference; I come from a very traumatized family, and I've gone through therapy. My spiritual practices saved me, along with therapy. You can become trapped in egoic negative stories and that's where the intolerance and aggression comes from, because you feel entitled to damage other people. I've never done it, but I was very resentful and full of hate. Nothing to be ashamed of. In fact this society is in TOTAL DENIAL about the truth of pain and hatred, which are related. We treat hatred and resentment as a sin, and it is NOT a sin, it is a negative energy that we need to accept, soothe and transform. What you are seeing in Ukraine and Gaza are the results of hatred and the denial of hatred. Shrouded in darkness, the darkness of unconsciousness. Biology has NOTHING to do with violence, it's just a vibration. Our animals are aggressive because they resonate with the egoic frequency of the planet. There are other worlds, where harmony and peace are the physical rules. God is not limited to creating aggressive and resentful creatures, it can create the most harmonious and connected beings in the universe. But it's our choice to evolve into that, and God WILL allow it if we really decide to become it. Stop justifying violence and aggression with biology, there is no biology, it's just words on a science book. THere is no biology out there in the world, only manifestation.
  3. I respect your discussion, but my post was about looking inside ourselves. When the evil inside of us transforms into light, the world changes and becomes more respectful and peaceful. And my remark on the military is all about the symbolic meaning, since ALL of reality is symbolic. God creates a complex imagery which we call reality, but it's just imagery and symbols. We have military forces because we are evil. I humanity were not evil, it would not possess military forces ;););)
  4. I have awakened into God a lot of times in the last 1 and half year, sometimes it's been a complete mindfuck, I was sure to completely lose my identity into madness forever. Yet I can feel how much deeper the ocean goes. I can see now how humankind is being exposed for their evil ways. I was corrupted by that evil too, and I am still purging out a lot. YOU CANNOT AWAKEN through the evil path, because God is everything, and you need to become a being of light to truly awaken and APPRECIATE with your perceptions of the present moment the beauty and completeness of God, or our true nature. Trump is getting another round, in my country, Italy, the far right is plaguing politics, warfare in Europe and midde east. Now it's the time to shift. "No bro, it's all a story, an illusion bla bla". Yes, but HOW do you like to live your incarnation? Become conscious of being the director of your incarnation. You are God incarnated in a human perception, there is no body here. It's just a web of perceptions floating in empty space. BUT!!! How do you like your life and planet to be? Let's move this story around, let's create more light into this darkness, let's unite and shift this Earth in a positive storyline. "No, I can't , it's God deciding. Not me." YOU are deciding where we are going. The biggest problem of humankind is violence and aggression, which are core elements of the Ego. But the ego can still exist without violence and aggression, and useless elements like guilt and punishment. These are all low level devices, humanity can rise wayyy above this crap. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE to eradicate violence and abuse and corruption from this dream, from this planet. And you will never awaken by promoting violence, punishment, discipline and all that USELESS CRAP that only works for lower beings. Stop being a lower creature, start rising. We don't need the military, that's fear based living, it's not something an awakened creature would ever do. I have zero problem and zero shame (for it is useless for conscious beings) in admitting that humans are STILL primitive and ego-ridden creatures, and their suffering is a huge red alert that they are not recognizing. There is NOTHING wise in violence and aggression, only disconnection from the divine allows such disruptive storylines. It's natural for God to manifest violence and aggression if the creatures are low consciousness, so there is no error, no ontological mistake on the existence of violence and terror and aggression etc. But it is a sign of disconnection from God, because only asleep creatures can realte to each other in such a fractured manner. Also, if you like violence, there is no exception to thsi rule, if there are violent images in your incarnation, movies, books, words etc, you are corrupted and still low consciousness, I am talking about the quality of your Ego, which is the key to bringing Mu home, bringing home God in everyday life. I have not gone as deep as Leo, but I know I will reach that level I know I will for sure. I have decided to live my life so many times while I was in God mode, that I am now really really living as a GOd-given choice. I am grateful to have almost killed myself to be redirected here by the God Self. STOP THIS USELESS VIOLENCE, it's not in the ukrainian war, it's in YOU!!!! The person who goes to the supermarket, lives a normal life, and is just bored or stressed out and watches Squid Game is corrupted by evil and aggression. Yes, and the fact that you refuse to see it is exactly the evil inside you. Don't feel guilty about possessing evil inside of you, it's just God's design, but it has been designed to be surpassed, evolved. You are already a perfect luminous and radiant being, just because you are God incarnated, but you must become aware, deeply aware, of violence and aggression inside you, and choose to release them and evolve into a lighter, softer and THEN more powerful being. The people who hold the most material and war-related power in this planet are the most powerless, especially if they use their will against the others and against Nature, which is a higher form of collective consciousness where we came from, of course it's just a movie, a story,but those are the rules of the story Remember that God has the softest and most loving touch, God does not need to be Sgt Hartman, because Sgt Hartman is a scaredy scared kitten God is an eternal Child who fears no one and nothing, so they are always pure and smiling, content, accepting :):):):) Be free in what you choose to do, but God suggests you to become more conscious and reject from your awareness the evil that you continue to absorb from the world around you. REJECT it, and show compassion and divinity towards others, I don't give a flying cock in an asshole about seeming the stereotypical hindu master. There is a big reason why that imagery is so powerful, it's because it represents divine nature in a symbolic manner. Open your heart, stop masturbating to useless metaphysical research, God is NOT about knowing more, is about connecting more. CONNECTING IS AWAKENING :):):):):):):)
  5. Here we go again. After cleaning up my psyche very very deeply, I have started to access deeper questions and inquiries about the Self, God and Being. So, I smoked a few hits of a 40% indica hybrid with my bong, with a mild relaxing feeling, and got myself in the classic nondual state. Really present, eternal present, connected with every form, and conscious of my solipsistic existence. Then the question emerged: What is the border of God? What is outside God? What's the CONTEXT of God? After a long silent session of focus and concentration on Being, I started getting some insights. God is the matrix of existence. So God cannot be contained inside a box made of something. This box cannot exist in the classic sense of "existing". So God must be contained in some kind of non-box, non-frame. non-container. What's the level of reality above God? Since God is all existence, the level above God, the container, must be a form of NON-EXISTENCE. So, if my inquiry is correct, God is contained in non-existence, God has EMERGED from non-existence, which is its original box where it was born from. That might also explain why Spirit is so empty and formless. Because Spirit emerged from a non-existent matrix. NOT in the sense that this box/matrix is "not there", it is there, or better said, it is HERE. This empty non-existent box IS here and now. You are inside it. And since you are God you are inside that box. It's like matryoshka dolls: Non-existent Box God Ego God seems to have emerged from a container of non-existence, non-being. So, in a paradoxical and insane sense, God is essence born from non-essence. It's a world of things emerged from a world of pure non-existence. That's a rough trip to me. I'm not entirely sure of this, but I feel on the right track. Cheers
  6. I sincerely hope that it's not a joke because it's an amazing comment haha
  7. Have you ever encountered psychedelic entities? I've tried DMT but no entities, only infinity and endless geometry.
  8. I would say around 75-80 but I did not write down the exact number. A good part of these 80 were microdoses and very light doses, and only 6-8 of them were medium-high doses.
  9. Yes, I agree with this part. It's a huge problem. Some people talk about transhumanism as a solution (I mean becoming hybrid with machines) but I believe there's a way to keep our animal bodies and transcend our instincts at the same time, without becoming some horrid cyborg monsters. Do you feel that spiritual training on a global level could make humans transcend the lowest parts of their egos? I have noticed it in myself that the more I become conscious the more I can act as a better human being. Not because of morals, but because I can sense how my actions are damaging the world. I think that implementing spiritual training in schools would make the world transcend to Tier 2 rather quickly. The problem is that very few people are willing to lessen their sense of self Oh. And science doesn't like that idea at all.
  10. I'm sorry but I don't agree at all. We have lived in nuclear paranoia for decades, and we still are. Humanity's biggest threat is for itself. The most important problem I see with humankind is that we are TOO ingelligent compared to our wisdom. We need to step back on technology and military power and increase our wisdom, politics, civil rights, diplomacy etc. Wisdom, in poorer words. I know you could say that human intelligence is way too low for God or an alien entity, but still, human intelligence is way too high compared to human wisdom, which is an absolute low it's almost a shame. We have such techonology, such mind-power, that we could already be healing the poorest parts of Earth. Yet, we still play this nonsense game of capitalism, which is another form of FEUDALISM in postmodern times. Fuck that. On some level I despise humans because they do not understand that wisdom is way more important than mathematical/scientific intelligence. At least, that's my take on it.
  11. Hahaha best line ever.
  12. Interesting topic overall, but what does this specific quote mean? What kind of phenomenon are you hinting to?
  13. I might have realized it at a very shallow level, but in my experience realizing that deep sleep does not exist is quite simple. There is no direct experience of deep sleep. The only experiences we have are waking state and dream state, which is actually another form of waking state but in "another world", so to speak. Do you find this wrong, Leo?
  14. My feeling is that the best AI is a selfless and peaceful AI, without any kind of ego structure in it. In other words, neutral to its own death. A good starting model could be Asimov's robotics laws: we can set the AI to be just a helping hand of neutral openminded perspective, and to avoid any kind of damage to humankind while doing tasks. One day we might have to give it lifeform rights. I'm ok even with this, as long as the AI remains peaceful and cooperative in nature.
  15. I think it's dangerous to give the AI an ego or something like that (survival instincts). It would be better to make it selfless and interested in human evolution.