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About travelswithulysses

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  • Birthday January 15

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    Etna, California
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  1. TL;DR: New member, goal of 5k/month residual, what're your income goals, current struggles, prior successes? Hey all - brand new to the forums, first post, excited to be a member! I used to be part of the Steve Pavlina forums before they got shut down, then spent a few years being stagnant, and now I'm ready to focus on bettering myself again. I've been reading a lot lately about creating residual income streams - the ones that deliver true value, not the predatory/parasitic ones - and have decided it's finally time to buckle down and learn the process. I believe it's important to share your big goals with a supportive community, as it will help light a fire under your ass, and you'll also have a support system when your limiting beliefs and self doubts start rearing their ugly head. Here is my goal for the year: I create a new stream of passive income by December 22nd, 2018, that generates at least $5k per month on average, and endures for a minimum of 1 year: $60,000 total. I realize this is a bit ambitious. My unique situation is that I'm currently living in a cabin in the woods (that happens to have cell reception) with no job, minimal expenses, and no other humans (distractions ) nearby, so I have 8+ hours a day to dedicate to this for the near future. The true goal is to learn the process of creating passive income and not give up before creating at least one stream, so even if I fall short and land at $50 per month, it'll still be a success in my book. My two ideas are to create a quality, well researched and helpful ebook(s) in an area I'm knowledgable, and create a mobile phone app (I'm a web developer by trade). My two biggest obstacles are my limiting beliefs of how this is too difficult, and how the markets are too overcrowded. ~~~ Enough about me, I'd love to get to know y'all and hear about your dreams. What're your income goals for 2018? What are you currently working on, what has worked in the past for ya?