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Everything posted by Solace

  1. The most effective for me, and the quickest and fastest path to enlightenment from the perspective of the Higher Self (which is a universal consciousness and intelligence inside each of us, which knows no separation from life) is to keep your attention upon the feeling of divine love in your heart. And if you can’t feel it, then focus on the rising and falling of the chest. Anythig else, any other technique, and we are searching for something external to change our inner state, to bring us Unconditonal Love. You are instead open to everything, knowing that your external life, your material possessions or even your yoga poses is not the reason for your happiness; that happiness and love comes from the heart most powerfully, yet it is all there ever is, and is what everything in this world is made of. Hence there is no seperation, because everything is love. And love is found most easily in the heart, so surrender herein, stay there, until this divine love dissolves the false self. All else is preparation for this surrender of the limited thinking mind to the oneness, and perfection of the heart. I cried when I found this teaching because I knew this was finally it. Namaste ?
  2. For helping people on here without being spiritually enlightened. Without having dissolved my ego, and to have embodied the light that I am. Undeniably these past few months have been strongly calling me to God, and tonight I meet that call with wide open arms. I have always been honest on here, sharing my understanding and personal experiences, even if they were limited. I have wanted only the best for people, only to realize I have to surrender who i think I am to live that purpose to its full potential. So it’s not that I will no longer teach, or push away any experience externally. I will embrace it all, by simply surrendering to my Heart, because that is where the energy of Divine Love is most concentrated, and therefore easiest to dissolve into in theory. Thank you for listening to what I had to say, and teaching me to not be afraid of who I am, and to have courage. To spread my wings and be free. I will not let fear keep me in my mind, where throughout my life I always did what other people wanted so I could be accepted, and feel even a little bit of love. But for the last few years I had received no love, there was a big hole where my heart was meant to be. School exacerbated this sadness, and added a dash of stress which lead me over the edge to find some way to feel Love and get out of my monkey mind, that used fear to motivate everything I did. And now I am here telling you all that I have caught a glimmer of this inner experience of love I was always trying to find, I have tasted it in meditation upon my Heart; and I say simply that I will no longer put a mental barrier, or a person, or a situation, or partner between me and God. As best that I can I choose love. I don’t know what actions it will inspire externally which is what scares me the most, but how else can I become one with God, but to surrender my ego entirely, which is what used to make the decisions. All fears too, big or small, I must ultimately let go of if I want nothing to make me feel seperate from the universe. And with this understanding, the only option for me at least is surrendering to Love, regardless of my fears or what my mind tells me. I really am dedicated, I am not the type of person who says something and dosen’t do it, this is real for me. This surrender is not light hearted, it’s the the result of years of practice, and it’s the final step to liberation that I hope for as many people as possible to cross. I am an empowered creative being of light. And I am here to serve the will of God, by surrendering to that light within the center of who I am and who you are as well. It sounds like a sacrifice, but in my limited time in the breathe in deep meditation, I can tell you that it feels bliss, a bliss so strong that it brings up all your fears to be healed, until all there is is this river of love that flows from your heart, and through your eyes without a single rock to change the water from its natural still, and creative (free-flowing) state. And even when you see your fears for what they are, even when you feel discomfort in your emotions from this, can I still stay centered in who I am? No matter what, can I always stay centered in who I am? Its a gentle shift from head to heart. It’s the Truth I choose to embody, because I’m ready to let go of all attachments, to not suffer, and be who I was always meant to become. Thank you for reading! *High Five* Have a good day.
  3. Iyengar Yoga has felt fantastic. I started 2 weeks ago, and i was genuinely surprised by how good I felt, especially how effortlessly after practice I could stand up straight, and I felt like my emotional body had been cleansed too. I then went to a gym yoga class to see the difference. It was basically HIIT yoga style! (Just a work out). Highly reccomend everyone has a go at a traditional place
  4. This one shook me at the core! I also loved Rumi’s quote too about life turning upside down.
  5. Thank you all so much. It means a lot you read this post. This is a time where we enter the light together standing for who we are within even if it is sometimes challenging. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.
  6. Is Love. To focus on Love. To seek first the kingdom of Heaven. Become one with God. And surrender to your Heart. Not for one moment putting anything between you and God. You deserve to feel Divine Love in every moment. Claim your divinity. If you want to help as many people as possible, while evolving yourself to unimaginable heights, then surrender your Self to Love. I love you all. Be a light for all else to follow.
  7. No thought can possibly describe how magnificent and unconditionally loving your true self is. If you let even one thought have sway over you it will pull you into the head, and lead you into never ending series of thought stories. To truly outwit the ego we must pull it from its roots, and completely detach from whatever our mind tells us, and focus instead on the breathe or on love if you can. Otherwise it will always have us by the balls; our creative energy empowers whatever it focuses on, and so focusing on one thought will lead to another and another. The ego will always trick us when it has a grasp over our attention by creating certain thoughts that truly scare us and make us worry about the future that never arrives. When we always detach our focus from the ego then we can truly be free from it, and begin to actually dissolve it in the experience of Truth. For so many of us we meditate for one hour a day, but then spend the other 23 hours in our thoughts. To awaken, we need to focus on something greater than the ego in every moment of the day, to stop empowering its existence, and to start bringing more love into our reality. To let no thought have any more sway over us than the birds in the tree, and the sound of leaves rustling on a windy day; for aren’t they the same? They are both just sounds. Don’t let sounds in your head run your life. We only do so because it feels safe. But i say to you to have courage and focus entirely on the greater part of yourself, and it will show you that it’s trustworthy. That thoughts aren’t necessary at all to live our lives, but have always been optional. For to enter the into the light of God, we can take no thoughts with us, because the light is beyond the dimension of thoughts. And so to experience the light, take no thought for your life as was said 2000 years ago, and 50 years ago and today by those genuinely enlightened, and live the present moment, knowing that life will guide you. The main fear is that you can’t live without thoughts. The infinite intelligence of God created the entire universe and it’s galaxies and planets, and complex organic structures, and yet we think that this infinite intelligence can’t guide us to make a few simple decisions. What insanity is that, to think that God guides everything but you, that God is there for everything but you? It dosent make sense. Dare to trust in God and this infinite intelligence within your heart instead of the story of thought. Take no thought for your life, and focus on the Heart if you have experienced enough suffering and are ready to surrender to the pure love that you are and always will be forever and ever. Let go of the entire story of thought, and remain constantly in a state of Love. You can’t take thoughts with you to heaven or any ideas of who you think you are; so just surrender to Love, and thou shall become it, and it will be more than just another thought in your head, it will be a direct living experience that fulfills every desire and answers every question. You will know who you are. As the light, more than just a concept, as a knowing. This is the greatest gift I can give you all? To know that it’s okay to surrender, and that every step you take towards God, he will take two towards you. It amazes me how my friends are more willing to surrender to their hearts who know nothing about spirituality than those who are on here. Show me someone that I’m no alone here, that someone has surrendered themselves to God for the wellbeing of all. In any case it’s time to awaken. Shine beautifully, live with live in your eyes, and heart wide open. Thank you.
  8. It feels good. Come with your open mind and open heart, and receive the gift of presence and love.
  9. So true. Going out and lying down on the grass in my boxers with the sun warming my skin and organs feels expanding (always am more relaxed afterwards), and makes it easier to stay heart open, and mind empty I have yet to go deep in the woods surrounded by nature, but I imagine it will be magical, especially when rooted in the knowing that all is god, and all is love. I feel at home reading this.
  10. I watched it. Last year was the last time I had studied about the reptilians or galactic history. It served its purpose to expand my horizons. It does distract my mind from the light within my heart. Drawing my awareness externally and to the creation of more thought-stories in this present moment. I know others will be so excited to hear this, yet do not forget that this only fills the mind with more concepts which in the end we must let go of if we want to fully embody who we truly are as pure consciousness. Feel your inner guidance for this one, or see how you feel afterwards, draining or empowering? Stressful or peaceful? You decide what you let into your mind. Let it be Love. For we aren’t searching for aliens, we are searching for a deep inner experience of Unconditonal Love; and from that state of non-attachment if you are inspired to explore more about aliens then do so! These higher beings have always said that we are not here to save you, that we are here to show you that you have the power to save yourself through your own light.
  11. @pluto I saw this on the side bar of YouTube before. I’ll listen to it now with an open mind ?
  12. I love it! I haven’t listened to this kind of genre before. For me it tells me that wherever you go, your ego also comes. But the song had a warmth to it that made the darkness it spoke of seem very gentle and just wanting to give you a hug.
  13. @Colin You can only experience the beauty, magnificence and wonder of physical reality by finding your true self I say no more! It seems like you are enjoying yourself, and this life. And I’m really happy for that.
  14. @Colin I say because of your profile picture and quotes, and your understanding. It all strongly reminds me of the spiritual heart The question that helped me was, “How much more suffering until I have no other choice but to surrender within myself?”. No matter how scared or doubtful I am, can I stay centered in the rising and falling of my chest, and let it heal every fear I have about life? The most challenging part of this surrender is the first few minutes. Then staying in that experience of the rising and falling of the chest becomes much easier in every way possible. You don’t need thoughts to live your life. They only limit what is possible, even positive ones, for they cannot come close to describing your true, beautiful and Godly nature. Thoughts don’t come close to the experience of true Unconditonal Love, and this mind of infinite intelligence that you are. Anytime you are ready, Love meets you with open arms. Every step you take towards love it takes two steps towards you. The kingdom of God is within your heart ❤️ @Big Guru Balls More people will listen to Jesus’ ideas, and take them to heart. For because most people have been told that Jesus was resurrected, the idea he is still alive in a higher realm then seems possible to their subconscious minds, and so his message can be received and embraced, and it’s truly a gift for him to be sharing this at this time. His deepest message is to enter the Heart, although he does share more “intermediate” teachings such as rosaries and invocations to the masses for most people aren’t ready to make the quantum leap to total surrender of their awareness to their hearts instead of their thoughts ?
  15. @Colin What stops you from surrendering completely to God?
  16. Your heart is the source of your creativity. All truly creative thoughts arise from the heart, in a realm beyond all ideas, and comprehension. What’s more important is how knowing all the information about the universe will make you happy ? One can know nothing and be a pure expression of Divine Love. The paradox is that when you are a pure expression of Divine Love you then know everything because you no longer have thoughts stopping the flow of infinite intelligence and creativity coming from your heart. This may seem foreign, but this is how life truly works.
  17. Your Heart is the place where your creative power first enters your body, so connect there. Find teachers and practices that make you happy, peaceful and open your heart more and more. The heart is who you truly are. So if one is to truly be his or herself, one would live from there hearts instead of their thoughts, and flow blissfully with the stream of life.
  18. The best thing you can do is spiritually awaken. This is because we need to raise the consciousness of this planet in order for electric cars, renewable energy and distribution efforts to third world countries to be sustainably implemented. We have the technology, however the state of consciousness means that there are people in power who want wealth over peoples lives and people’s health: Yet there is a balance. We can all do our part. While awakening we can be very active in changing the world, forming online or local groups to focus on a particular issue and come up with creative ideas to solve it. Always know people’s state of conscious has a great influence over what they can and cannot do, accept, and be willing to change. So go to the core first, and the outside will naturally change. If everyone knew they were Unconditonal Love and not a human being, the world would reflect that back to them, creating true world peace, unity, when we know we are all one.
  19. Deep on the website ( I found an interview with my spiritual teacher and a young Woman. Through dedication to Lincoln’s teachings she became spiritually enlightened. This shows that spiritual enlightenment is possible for us all and it fills me with so much inspiration to continue on this path. Namaste ? Full Interview:
  20. A prayer you can say on behalf of the world.
  21. @pluto “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible”. It reminded me of this. We are all Gods, already bright lights. Light is a free will choice every moment. It astonishes me how we all don’t know who we are when it feels a thousand times better than ego consciousness, but I feel we just didn’t know where to find it, until now If you go around Catholic Churches you will see hundreds of statues of Jesus like this which embodies his main message. If all you saw was this statue you would understand the core teachings of Christ, and of all enlightened masters: Notice his hands in the first picture, this was after he completely surrendered to the Love within himself, complete relaxed focus until there was no separation between him and love.