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Everything posted by Solace

  1. We are pure consciousness. We can project ourselves on the moon, and even embody the consciousness of the moon when we are masters of the material world This is thousands of years away I would guess for everyone to do. At that time the greatest technological feats will no longer be outside of us, but the full embodiment of our higher selves within, of our full creative power that is right here and right now for the taking! I still love science. Of all the subjects, it intrigued me the most because it reminded me of my infinite nature, as well as satisfying my burning desire at the time to learn about new, unknown, and paradigm-shifting phenomena. Then I started wondering, why I am here in this universe? The chances seem so small for me to exist? Who is the one who exists? Is this even real? Is there a God? How did something come out of nothing? What was there before the Big Bang? How do I fit into all of this? How am I conscious of myself when my brain is like all of reality, made of subatomic particles? How can nature be so intelligent, there must be something guiding it, it just can’t be possible for atoms to do all of this! That’s why I came here. I knew science couldn’t provide these types of answers or ever will. Yet this dosen’t mean the relative dosen’t matter, because anything we do in this world is relative, and is subject to change in every moment. So do what you want, but most importantly realize the Unconditonal Love first and foremost, and all else will be revealed and given. For most of the time we don’t know what we want until we reconnect with our hearts after all. Love the answers here guys. There is value in everything. Growing some flowers, taking a breathe, or doing science, or doing nothing.
  2. Who is the one that has a persona? To whom does this persona belong?
  3. Whom is ready? Whom is not ready? Who is the one that determines this? The answer is a feeling. Where is this in you? And then you can ask, to whom is this feeling? And continue the self-enquiry.
  4. Yes I love subscribing or “surrendering” to the Self, the pure consciousness, the Unconditonal Love. You give up the parts (thoughts, personal desires) to experience the whole!
  5. It’s not social media that’s the challenge we face. It’s attachment to thoughts. 30 day challenge without thoughts anyone? ?
  6. Great perspective. What to eat has always been a question because we override our bodies natural intelligence with all of these moral philosophies and egoic beliefs. As long as we have strong egos, we will continue to eat unbalanced, because the place we live from (in the head) is unbalanced to begin with, and uncomfortable emotions will lead us to addictive habits to mask them. Worrying about diet creates more worry. Focus instead on what you want to create like Love, joy, and bliss and all else will be added unto you. My body innate wisdom shows me what to eat. My body is my temple for the pure consciousness I am. I am health. I Am life.
  7. At the highest level it means to surrender yourself to God. This means you face your fears head on, with your heart wide open to embrace them. To dissolve “you” into the fabric of reality on the most gentle and loving way.
  8. INFP-A Im a dreamer. I giggled at some of the questions, they seem silly from the perspective of Unconditonal Love ? As it assumes we are all looking for happiness outside of us, and that we are identified with the thinking mind. Blessings.
  9. I had a fascinating experience today. I am currently on a family reunion in Australia, and this has provided me with the challenge to stay grounded in who I am as Joy and Love, against my fear of not meeting their expectations. I was in a restaurant and noticed I was in my head. And when I talked to my little cousin I couldn’t connect to her. Then I dropped down into the Heart, focusing everything upon the breathing chest. I looked into her eyes again, and I saw so deep into them. It was a connection, and I could see that she felt it too. Why people do not do this more often is because it is counterintuitive. We think that we must give all of our attention to the people we talk to, but in that experience, we lose ourselves, and God. When we focus entirely within, it means we can connect with all of life on that core level known as Love. We can only connect with people as much as we have connected with ourselves. This is the opposite beleif to society. You all have the courage and creative power to face all of your fears, and the worthiness to know that you are one with God and always have been so that in every moment you feel undeniably connected to each form that rises and falls.
  10. You don’t need to do anything external (I.e. any rite, ritual, or practice) to spiritually awaken. Spiritual awakening is not dependent upon the clothes you wear, your kriya yoga practice, psychedelics, mantras, affirmations, changing how you behave in any way shape or form, upon doing any “spiritual practice” or upon anything external. To open yourself to Unconditonal Love means you don’t need to change your life in any way! You are already perfect, whole and complete right here and right now. Our minds trick us into thinking happiness is outside of us; in a spiritual practice or a relationship. Happiness comes from within. This means you are free to do anything you want externally, you don’t need to use your minds anymore to tell yourself what to do or how to behave. For the purpose of spirituality is to transcend the mind entirely, not to use the mind to motivate us to do certain things that we think could bring us happiness. All that is required, all that was ever required is to focus within, upon your heart, or upon the breathing chest. Watch unlimited happiness grow, as it does for me more everyday. Let your heart guide your external life. Let it show you the way in every second, because your heart is your true self, the infinite consciousness that always experiences a state of pure bliss. Let this video further take this all important point home. Learn to stop being a slave to your mind by coming into your hearts, by valuing Unconditonal Love more than anything else, more than any thought no matter how important it may seem.
  11. @Outer Instead of using the thinking mind to make choices, let the infinite universal mind in your heart to show you the way. Being yourself as the pure white light of God, leads to effortless change in the external. It all about seeing that our intention for performing an action, the place we live and breathe from; is far more important than the actions we actually take. The goal is to move our awareness back into our hearts to experience Unconditonal Love, and that is an inner process. No change on the outside is needed, yet change will happen, but not from your thoughts like it has been for so long Thats the clearest answer I have. Blessings for your journey ahead.
  12. @Torkys The Mind wants an experience of Love. It moves with thoughts to find this Love in the external world based upon the belief that I am alone in the universe. The Heart is beyond the dimension of the mind entirely. In there the mind finds what it’s always been looking for, and then it stops moving, becoming still; allowing our true essence as unique expressions of God to flow through. So saying that everything we desire is within ourselves is pointing to an experience. You can’t put words to it, or a belief. All beliefs create disturbances in the mind. We have the creative power to transcend every single belief by removing the core belief from which all beliefs are formed: I am seperate from life. Since Love is the first form in manifestation, this means that everything is made of Love, and is an expression of Love. And so the love in our hearts is the same love all “around” us. This most effectively purifies the ego, because the belief that holds the entire ego together is proven to be false; because we start to feel at one with the universe. And we don’t need no ego to experience this, we can instead bypass the ego entirely and surrender to our hearts. It all leads back to this sentence of surrendering.
  13. @Artaemis ? I love everything you write. I let my higher self lead the way with any relationship. That leads to the most joy and happiness right now. It’s quite nuanced, and so beautiful to witness and be a cocreater of.
  14. You may like this:
  15. Blessings of love. I hope you all can experience peace, and happiness in every moment. And live your dreams. I want God more than anything in this world And I respect each and everyone of you unconditionally. I am “different” in that way. You all are the pure light of God at the center of who you are. You are love, and happiness. And I want you to experience that now and forever. Whatever we do externally it can’t take away this fact. That we are the energy of Unconditonal Love, that we are far greater and glorious than anyone could ever conceive of. I wish you this.
  16. In texting it’s challenging to get your true personality to shine through, and this intentions get misinterpreted. Meet girls in person. Go up to them and start talking. It’s fun. If you can stay as spiritual awareness, and centered in your heart, this process becomes effortless. You become detached from your preconceived ideas, and be relaxed, and who you truly are in front of any person; whether it’s a girl or an old man. Thats authenticity means you can connect with everyone on a very deep level. @Artaemis Got it! Jump scare, and run away! I’ll get all the girls
  17. One of Ramana Maharshi’s core teachings was about the Heart. How all thoughts originate from the Heart, and even our soul originated there. By surrendering to Heart without reservation, Ramana promises true bliss and fufillment by knowing that we are one with God, and made of pure Love. Q : Surrender is impossible. A : Yes, complete surrender is impossible in the beginning. Partial surrender is certainly possible for all. In course of time that will lead to complete surrender. Q : Partial surrender – well – can it undo destiny? A : Oh, yes! It can. _____ Q : How I can gain that peace of mind? A : Through devotion and surrender. Bhakti is the same as vichara. The form and appearance of God -manifestation are determined by the mind of the devotee. But it is not the finality. There is the sense of duality. A Higher Power is leading you. Be led by the same. The Higher Power knows what to do and how to do it. Trust it. _____ Q: How is Grace to be obtained? A : Similar to obtaining the Self. Q : Practically, how is it to be done for us? A : By self-surrender. Bhakti and Self Enquiry are one and the same. The Self of the Advaitins is the God of the bhaktas. All systems agree on self-surrender. Attain it first. _____ Surrender will make one understand the Grace. Grace is constant. Q : How to gain Divine Grace? A : By surrender. Q : Still I do not feel Grace. A : Sincerity is wanting. Surrender should not be verbal nor conditional. Prayer is not verbal. It is from the heart. _____ Grace is both the beginning and the end. Introversion is due to Grace; Perseverance is Grace; and Realisation is Grace. That is the reason for the statement “Only surrender to Me.” If one has entirely surrendered oneself, is there any part left to ask for Grace. Surrender yourself unreservedly and the Higher Power will reveal itself. Either the thoughts are eliminated by holding on to the root thought ‘I’ or one surrenders oneself unconditionally to the Higher Power. These are the only two ways for realisation. It is not enough that one thinks of God while doing the karma, but one must continually and unceasing think of Him. Then alone will the mind become pure. God cannot be deceived by outward genuflections, bowings and prostrations. Leave it to Him. Surrender unreservedly. One of two things must be done. Either surrender because you admit your inability and also require a Higher Power to help you; or investigate into the cause of misery, go into the source and merge into the Self. Either way you will be free from misery. God never forsakes one who has surrendered. _____ Q : Can Sri Bhagavan help us to realise the Truth? A : Help is always there. Q : I do not feel the ever-present help. A : Surrender and you will find it. Q : Can I throw myself at the mercy of the Sadguru. A : Yes, instructions are necessary only so long as one has not surrendered oneself. Surrender to Him and abide by His will whether he appears or vanishes; await His pleasure. If you ask Him to do as you please, it is not surrender but command to Him. You cannot have Him obey you and yet think that you have surrendered. He knows what is best and when and how to do it. Leave everything entirely to Him. His is the burden; you have no longer any cares. All your cares are His. Such is surrender. This is bhakti. Surrender can take effect only when done with full knowledge. Such knowledge comes after enquiry. It ends in surrender. _____ There are two ways: either ask yourself, ‘Who am I?” or submit. Submit to Me and I will strike down the mind. There is no better “karma” or “bhakti” than enquiry into the self. The second path is the way of self-surrender – the way of sharanagathi. Surrender yourself to the universal and you will be absorbed in the universal. _____ Surrender is complete only when you reach the stage Thou are all’ and ‘Thy will be done’. … you can have no likes or dislikes after your surrender; your will should become completely non-existent, the Lord’s will taking its place. The death of the ego in this way brings about a state which is not different from jnana or oneness. So by whatever path you may go, you must come to jnana. _____ When one has completely surrendered oneself at the feet of Siva, thereby becoming of the nature of the Self, the resulting abundant peace, in which there is not even the least room within the Heart for one to make any complaint about one’s defects and deficiencies, alone is the nature of Supreme devotion. _____ The end of sadhana, even in bhakti marga (the path of devotion), is attained only after complete surrender. _____ You give up this and that of ‘my’ possessions. If you give up ‘I’ instead, all are given up at a stroke. The very seed of possession is lost. Thus the evil is nipped in the bud or crushed in the germ itself. Dispassion (vairagya) must be very strong to do this. Eagerness to do it must be equal to that of a man kept under water trying to rise to the surface for his life. _____ …if you remember Bhagavan, you are prompted to do so by the Self. Is not grace already there? The very fact that you are possessed of the quest for the Self is a manifestation of the divine grace. _____ Aurobindo advises complete surrender. Let us do that first and await results. Learn what surrender is. It is to merge in the source of the ego. It is enough that one surrenders oneself. Surrender is to give oneself up to the original cause of one’s being. _____ Devotion is nothing more than knowing oneself. Surrender to the substratum of appearances unreservedly; then, the reality will be left over as the residue. Some other profound quotes from Maharshi: “The purpose of self-enquiry is to focus the entire mind at its source”. (p.48).”
  18. Seek first the Love within your Heart. Thats what is missing. That is what you are looking for. From that place you may be attracted to find a date, which then means it is authentic Best of Luck.
  19. You can also work down from the top of the pyramid from the oneness of Divine Love which will heal the birth trauma, and the core limiting belief that “I am seperate from God”. Teal Swan starts from the bottom of the pyramid to reach Divine Love. But I find starting at Divine Love more effective. To surrender into your Heart completely and experience yourself as one with God. Surrendering your entire story to the Heart until there is no doubt left that you are this brilliant eternal light, that has always experienced bliss and peace.
  20. Deep suffering is beautiful. The irony I found is, we can’t appreciate suffering, loss, pain, fear until we start living from our hearts. That’s when the journey begins. Before then we are sleeping.
  21. This topic reminded me of when Jesus said that if he is around a person they either have to choose the light, or reinforce their ego structure. This is the same experience I’ve had with the sun. There is a thoughtless, subtle energy to the sun that cannot be perceived when in the thinking mind. It truly can touch you at a deeper level when you remain deep within yourself, just like how you can only love someone as much as you love yourself. ❤️
  22. Your Thoughts is the addiction that creates all other addictions. You value the thought, “I need to check the freelance job feed now” more than, “I am an elephant on a tight rope”. And because of that you are a slave to your own mind Love is the only answer, for it silences the mind of all thoughts. Learn about how to bring more Divine Love into your life.