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The Never Ending "I Love You" until I have reached enlightenment For a week I have placed my awareness in the centre of my heart. Now I'm moving to the next level, the constant "I Love You" stream. My ego is on the edge of a cliff leading down into infinity, and I want it to make the leap, and jump into the void. I've had dreams of this void, and felt as if I was going to die, only to wake up in my bed still here This is the fastest way I know. I will do this. I have tried many times, but only lasted one day. And even that one day was the best day of my life. I want to be my authentic self again, I want to experience the openness I felt when I was a child. I want to be so overwhelmed by self-love so the ego can return to the light, and become one with reality. As I have said, enlightenment is all emotions, for in order for kundalini to reach your crown chakra you need to remove emotional blockages. Love is the ultimate healer for that. Sometimes I cry for no reason, and pain is always inside my heart. This is the perfect signs of awakening! Hopefully I don't have much karma/emotional debris to feel from my past and present lives, but I'm prepared to take this leap for the wellbeing of all who I touch. What follows will be the proof of the pudding, and it's my deepest pleasure to have anyone reading this come for this ride with me to infinity/nothingness. I'll start as soon as I finish the next sentence, and will not stop saying "I love you" until 'I' die. That is: Right Now. Important Update: For the past hour I have compared saying "I Love You" to just feeling my emotions. When I say "I Love You" my attention can easily be focused on those words rather than the emotion. I feel it is a disservice to my emotions because I'm more focused on constantly saying these words which are really just another distraction, just another sneaky ego thought bubble when used without focus and intention. Just feeling my emotions however resulted in a empty and relaxed mind/muscles around my skull. I could feel my emotions much deeper, and experience my surroundings from a connected state. I feel like this is the more heart centred practice and I'm so grateful that I compared the techniques before diving in. In small doses throughout the day, saying "I Love You" authentically at an experience (rather than blindly in the air) is absolutely wonderful to do. However, when I just feel my emotions though it is more painful, I instead breathe into them; the breathe being a silent form of "I Love You". So the never ending I love you will continue! It is exactly the same but instead of saying I love you in my head, I will use the breathe to focus my attention on my emotions as the eternal silent I Love You that permeates the universe in each moment, and your heart knows this well. The silent I love you starts now, and so with it I will take no thoughts with me as Jesus so said two thousand years ago. Peace, and love to all hearts, including those that are and aren't loved like they deserve to be. We all deserve more love, not less.
6 months ago I decided to be a vegan. I used to have a blueberry smoothie, a bowl of cooked vegetables, and some cauliflower/pea rice with fruit, nuts and raisins on the side. It was a massive meal of about 3000 calories. For the first 2 and a half months I spread it out into 3 different meals then on January the 17th I transitioned to OMAD (one meal a day in the evening). This had a more beneficial effect on my concentration and focus than the switch from a healthy omnivorous diet to a vegan diet as my stomach only had to ingest one meal, thus freeing up energy for the brain. I also went from 72kg to 66kg during that time. Then a bit over a month ago I became raw vegan, and only bought food from the local farmers market. The calories plummeted from 3000 to about 2000 overnight. I noticed a big increase in energy levels as the prana/life force energy in uncooked food is preserved. And I started to feel lighter, more calm, centered, as well as having more control over my thoughts. I’ve still stayed the same weight even with the decrease in calories. Calories are imaginary afterall, it is food with a high density of minerals and nutrients that is optimal for health This has finally lead me to a fruitarian diet (80% fruits, 10% greens, 10% fat) for the past 3 days (as you see below). And one of the most important ingredients is the little cup you see on the side which is a superfood mix of 1 tsp spirulina, 2 tbsp flaxseed powder and 1 tsp of raw honey. The superfood mix supplements all of the other essential amino acids, nutrients and minerals that the fruit doesn’t provide such as iron, the B vitamins, potassium etc. The flaxseed powder is equivalent to 22 fish oil capsules which and the reason I say this is because the imbalance between omega 3’s and omega 6’s in our bodies is one of the leading causes of heart attacks, through the blockage of arteries. For the average vegan for every 17 omega 6’s there is 1 omega 3. This ration should be one to one, and this is what flaxseed powder can do for you. Also I mainly add the honey for the taste! All you need is flaxseed and spirulina for the main benefits of correcting any deficiencies leading to theoretically a happier mood, less mood swings (due to chemical imbalances), and more energy of course (as the body can run more efficiently). So why do I eat fruits then over vegetables. Isn’t all of that sugar bad for you? For that I don’t know, but if a monkey can eats a monofruitarian diet of bananas and is super healthy until a few weeks before death (whereas with humans our health steadily/sharply declines with age) and their genetics are 98-99% identical, then there must be something more to fruit beyond the belief that sugar is not healthy in larger quantities. In addition, before our cavemen days when we lived in the tropics as human as we are today, we ate mostly fruit! And we were very healthy back then if you do research on that time period. It’s a scientific fact that people in the Mediterranean have a reduced risk of heart attacks, and they eat lots of fruit. But the main reason I personally eat fruit other than my heart telling me that that is what it wants, is that fruit is the highest vibrational food on the planet. They can see this through equipment which measures the vibration (for more info): There are many other reasons too that you can go check out. For now, I will post back in a month for the long term benifits in my own experience. Here is my one meal a day. It’s around 1200 calories and is all organic. The fruit changes every week depending what is in season. When you are eating 1000-1500 calories this is known as calorie restriction. When you combine this with OMAD you can extend you life by over 30% (for mammals this has been tested) over a healthy 3 meals a day omnivorous diet. Im hoping to live to about 150, 300 could also be possible as some enlightened individuals feed on prana and create the phenomenon known as breatherianism whereby no food is consumed. Combined with a a brain and body free from thoughts and emotions this means the individual could live upwards of 1000 years as referenced in the Bible by people such as Moses, Joshua and the other guys. May you use this information to live healthier and higher energy lives that you all deserve. OMAD and Calorie restriction:
Solace replied to Dan Arnautu's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
From my experience, the mind is only as noisy as your emotions are ignored. And the best way to heal 'negative' emotions is to feel them. That is a practice you can do, which doesn't require sitting down for hours, but works harmoniously in your day to day encounters with people. First realise that everything that arises in your perception is only here to trigger the emotion in you that can heal your karma. Once all karma is healed, by feeling your emotions contained in the memory of your cells, I've found that my mind is very silent which now makes it appropriate to move into meditation. Feeling is a simple form of meditation in itself, and is I believe one of the most essential practices for anyone starting on this journey. If you want a teacher to help you love your heart, look no further than Matt Kahn. Like you I had a meditation practice but for 2 hours daily, and then I suddenly stopped due to pressures in finding my life purpose too. That is when I found out that self-love was what I needed as my foundation on which more advanced practices could be built Just remember to keep practicing, no matter what. Have a beautiful day. -
I look at these everyday. Hope it is helpful! Truth Love Open mindedness Courage Passion Understanding Creativity Contribution Optimism Laughter
This is very coincidental! I just saw this Relates entirely.
What does the internet give me? Is there really a benefit to be on the internet anymore? At the start of my journey, and up until a few weeks ago It was essential in getting me to dedicate to my practices. Pluto (a forum member) made me believe in myself, and to truly do the inner work I had for 3 months put off. There are teachers too who have inspired me on the deepest levels, and without them, I would be at University, become an Engineering Scientist so I could 'fit in' to society and not 'waste my potential' (as I am very intellectual, and could ace it if I went). And now, because of the miracle of the internet, where I watched enlightened masters, all kinds of self-help material, and more in my bedroom I was taught how to find truth in a world of suffering. The internet is the one place where the cabal/powers that be do not have full control over, so that Truth can actually be given to the masses, rather than hidden by a sea of brainwashing that ultimately is designed to contradict the truth so that people will react negatively against it when they hear of it. For example, whence telling my Grandfather about how the artificial light being emitted from the TV at 60hz was programming his subconscious mind to a lower frequency he dismissed it, I'm now known to him as an extremist and someone who is "not normal". That was the universe telling me, Solace, help yourself first in order to help others; give knowledge freely to those who ask but always work on yourself to be an example rather than a prophet. Anyway, back to the internet. I have learnt so many astonishing things that have changed the way I live my entire life. But the thing is, the internet is but a medium for the Truth, The Truth makes it amazing, however, without such a quality it would merely be another distraction from the Truth. And you can find Truth inside that is much more profound. This is because you can conceptually understand Truth by reading it, but there are many more levels of comprehension, and after the first year or two of dabbling in practices and gathering all of this information on the internet to realign your belief system with reality, it becomes apparent that you no longer need the internet, for you have all of the information you need to experience Truth on an existential level, on a being level. Let's explore this some more. I can read on the internet that lucid dreaming is real versus actually lucid dreaming at night. One is conceptual, one is existential. Both are essential, unless you accidently lucid dream and backwards engineer how you did it! Meditation too; I can read about all of the different states of meditation or I can actually experience the different states by swapping the hours I spend on the internet for practice. And this is my main point. For the newcomer 98% of what he/she will read on the internet is complete BS, and without any guidance, he/she could easily cause more suffering in their lives. Only 2% will be beneficial. In addition, everyone on the internet thinks that their method to enlightenment on the internet is the "most effective" as it worked for them, but how do you really know how deep of a master they are? Even people like Mooji, Alan Watts, Rupert Spira; you have to put a lot of trust in them that what they say is the Truth. So in effect, the internet is a journey that all modern enlightenment seekers will embark upon. It could lead you down decades of dead ends if for once you believe in a teacher, instead of believing in your heart. It can last a few months too; you play for as long as you want. But the main lesson the internet provides, and the Truth, is to finally listen to your heart, instead of what any teacher tells you. Your heart is your eternal compass, and it will not lead you astray, most people however are out of touch with feeling their hearts, and instead, use their minds to "rationally" and "logically" come to conclusions based on the "facts" that that individual has subscribed to. My advice is to have no subscriptions, and never believe what anyone says here! This is because only you know what is true for you, others will never ever know what is true for you. Some practices are more universal than others, such as meditation (or "the releasing of thoughts as I like to put it") but some stuff I've tried that has promised so much has been downright ineffective, such as positive thinking. That is a lesson we will all have to learn: that we are all unique, we are all so special, and have different strengths, which means you may be more suited for one technique over another. Of course the most important thing is to practice a technique, and not use this as an excuse to not practice anything, and the more well known and ancient techniques are a good place to start. This is why the best teachers, if there is such a thing, are the ones who tell you to feel into your heart and see if this resonates with you. Does this meditation spark a sense of excitement in my heart, or am I in a deep state of fear? Fear meaning, don't follow this path right now. You can also have fear in your gut region which is a lower kind of fear, and it's coming from a conflict between what your social conditioning believes and the practice at hand. That fear can be ignored. Coming onto the internet with this mind set, that I am here to find a teacher that I resonate with the most in my heart (with no intentions to believe him/her but simply to listen to my hearts reaction to their words) will lead you in the right direction. And again, once you have followed the teachers you resonate with for a few months or years, and are finding long term benefits after months of practice, it is time to move on and use the extra time you would use on the internet to gain "more wisdom" to practice. I remember when I was talking to Gabe Salomon, at the end I said to him, "I resonate so much with what you are saying about love; how loving my heart is the fastest way to enlightenment. I feel like all of my questions are answered so I will make sure to not search for more wisdom as to lead me further into confusion!". The ego is afraid of 'missing out' on all of these insights into getting better at dating, or finding a "better" technique and once we come to a certain level of clarity, it seeks to destroy it to confirm the belief that it is "missing out" on something. And after the talk with Gabe I made the mistake of going back on the internet, and I became very confused until I stuck with two teachers I liked, and finally resolved the conflict between their teachings so that I could finally detach myself from searching for more information from that point of view. Now I look at information on the web for enjoyment (or is it secretly escapism? I will explain below), I'm no longer consciously trying to find a missing puzzle piece, I use it solely for motivation now when I can find the right content. But even then it leads me back to the question: What does the internet give me right now every time I'm on it? And if I'm really honest, when I feel into my heart, most of the time I'm still very subtly (subconsciously) wanting to collect insights. It's a slight addiction to knowledge that I have. But is it really an addiction to knowledge? Is there something deeper that that lies unresolved and unacknowledged each time I "Gather information". I started to experiment with this and I've found that each time I place the centre of awareness in my heart rather than my head like yours is, it creates a impulse to eat food, or go on here. So it is not an addiction to knowledge. It is an avoidance of emotions. As I have said, we came to this planet to clear our karma/cellular memories/emotions by feeling our emotions. Observe most of what you do in your daily life is an avoidance of feeling your heart. Most of your thoughts distract you from your heart. What happens when I open my laptop? My awareness goes straight to my head (aside from watching Matt Kahn, or writing this!) which is not a coincidence. Why do we eat 3-5 times a day when we only need to eat once? Emotions. Our social conditionings main objective is to keep us lost in our thoughts, or the trivial matters of everyday life (which is also a thought), so we are away from feeling. As I hinted, some content online can bring you closer to your heart like a good song, or a good teacher. And so I suggest that any spiritual seeker thus listens to their heart on the web. Feel the emotions of discontent inside you when you mindlessly browse articles, they are there. And search for love in it's replacement, that you feel after watching something truly inspiring until you no longer need the internet at all to keep evolving, for the internet only takes you so far until the wonders of embodying the information you've learnt become more important. As a spiritual teacher said, "Read enough books until they convince you enough to practice, then you no longer need books". All the knowledge you need is found in the practice, not in the text
I’ve just woken up, it’s 6am. Our alarm went off in the night which set me up for some strange lucid dreams when I went back to sleep. In the lucid dream I was walking around a town consciously, talking to dream characters. I was curious to see how people would react to me going up to them and hugging them for some reason. I tried to stay in a state of neutrality as to not wake up, but instead I felt myself losing conscious control and going deeper into the dream world. I found it scary, because I didn’t know if I would come back to the real world again. It happened and everything went cloudy but then I realized that even in this subconscious cloud I still had a conscious perspective. It was the equivalent of giving someone else the drivers seat, but you can still observe what is happening. So even in the deepest sleep there may be a way to be conscious like this. The scary part then is letting go of all control which is enivitable in the dream state, but once complete, there is no one left to control anything because the ‘you’ you were is temporarily gone. I was saying to my Mum how lucid dreams are very common now, it occurs multiple times per night. This is because in my dreams I allow thoughts to enter my head, while in every day life my head is now an empty meadow. The contrast to me is so obvious that it makes it easy to notice in dreams. It’s strange how images and things are still happening without me. Dreams are said to be the realm of thought whereby you can physically construct a reality with them that you desire. I also heard that feelings are more effect than thoughts due to their higher vibration and so can instantly manifest entire worlds whereas thoughts you need to construct it from ground up (at least that is what channelers have said). Im in my astral body, just chilling out. There is probably a greater meaning to the dreams. However they are all of my old friends from high school. I intend to talk to them in dream state and find out why I keep dreaming of them, and not looking at a nice sunset, or flying like a bird in the sky (just no elevators!!). May I choose love today for the health of all. May all beings be blessed with love, and know they deserve more, not less.
Woohoo! A week ago I was contemplating whether sun gazing was really that effective, and if all I have heard about it was too good to be true. I almost stopped, but then the thought came to me: What if the resistance I feel is my ego having a mild backlash against sun gazing? And indeed, I was starting to not enjoy it, and my mind would fill up with the biggest sexual/heroic fantasies it could create. But today I woke up, looked at the sun for 2 hours and I have no resistance at all. It really baffled me, as I used to barely be able to stand there. I felt like my body, and all of the darkest emotions inside it were being healed by the light as it went through my eyes, and held my skin (the same feeling you get when being held by someone you love). I'm glad I stuck to it, for it has only been a month or so of sun gazing, so this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to benefits. Although it has taken a month to be able to remove my ego from the practice, and allow things to flow, when I look at other people I know that they would have a hard time replicating it; the discipline required to get up morning and go out in the evening, and go against all of your family and cultural conditioning and ego to stare at a ball of light for 3-4 hours not knowing if you might go blind despite the fact that research says it is safe, takes a strong soul indeed. But there is a very valuable lesson here that everyone can benefit from: never give up on your practice, even if you despise it, and think there is no benefit. Never give up at least for a month, and then decide if there is something there that is worth pursuing. And there are many practices that I have personally replaced with even greater practices, but I find that you need to go through the less powerful practices, to have the discipline, and appreciation, to fully commit to the advanced practices. Commitment is the egos enemy, the ego likes to dabble in things, but commitment it will run away from unless you see through that illusion, and understand that the most painful practices are counterintuitively the best. The trick is to not go into a practices too fast, or too slow, but at a pace that is challenging, but not too overwhelming. Now the last big addiction that I am having a challenge with is my thoughts. I wrote a post on how we need to keep our centre of awareness in our heart, not our thoughts, and I want to embody that so that everyone who reads it knows that I can talk the talk, and then walk the walk. From experience, the ego will use every possible excuse in the form of a thought for myself to get lost in my thoughts again. "This is important", it says, or "Aren't you afraid of what you'll become if you just feel?". Questions Is the main way it catches my attention, and it knows it. To surrender all questions, all thoughts, all ideas for feelings, which are bigger, and contain all of those is the goal. No matter how awkward a situation is, no matter how painful an emotion is to feel, no matter who is in front of me, whatever I see or here, I commit to feeling that experience, instead of thinking about it. Instead of being stuck in the past or future, which is the nature of any thought, I choose the present. Bring your best God, for you know that I am ready for all of your tests. Give me the hardest emotions to feel, so I can liberate myself and the world, from a mediocre existence in an illusory world, and transform Earth into the heaven it already is. And so it is.
Solace replied to Solace's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@ppfeiff The morning urine is a darker yellow. During the day it’s pale hello/transparent. I’ve been looping it all for almost a month with no adverse effects. There has been lots of positives however! This includes the need to eat less food (as there is less deposit in the intestines hindering nutrient absorption), more consistent and higher energy throughout the day, my pineal gland is opening due to the removal of heavy metals via feces. That is why my feces are liquid, as the urine that has gathered heavy metals or parasites from the body is filtered by the liver first, and after the kidney filters it again, the urine is very clean as I’ve said before. when I first started my urine was like that. Most of the grossness is really down to your diet. In the past month I’ve transitioned from vegan to raw vegan to fruitarian, and have noticed my urine tastes like coconut, and my skin (another place for heavy metals to leave) smells like coconut with a dash of lemons. @Michael569 Of course man! Changing your diet/lifestyle can stop most parasites from entering your body. But let us remember you have 20/30/40 years of toxic build up in your body. Do you think a juice or water fast can flush that out? It's like washing a tomato sauce stain with dishwashing soap instead of bleach. Only one truly works, with the other leaving some residue behind. The same analogy applies here. You need the strongest distilled water possible: and that is your urine It is not fun at the start from the detox symptoms, but it gets better if you hang in there. Wish you all the best with your journey. P.S: In our natural state of being, in a frequency of love, astral parasites wouldn't be able to exist in our bodies for there would be no energy leaks, created by emotional blockages, for them to feed on. Plus it would feel like they were 'on fire' if they tried to get close to you. But nowadays, our unnatural lifestyle has made us perfect hosts for these entities through our lower vibrational state, so such 'extreme' methods such as drinking urine (or at least distilled water) are indeed essential for their removal. And focusing on love is a nice compliment to go with this. I'll update more in the future as I get more experience with this practice to make it seem less taboo for you all -
@moon777light Thank you Moonlight, it's nice that you read this Go right to the top of the journal, first video. I added to it a bit so that whenever a thought arises, I return my attention to the feelings in my heart (On rare occasions I'll return to the breathe or the darkness I see).
Solace replied to Solace's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Otogi Reminds me of this quote from Andrew Norton Webber: "It’s called the pineal gland because it looks like a tiny pinecone. It has the perfect Phi (? What he says sounds like “Phee”) spiral to it. And it’s covered with crystals. That is the Philosopher’s Stone. The Philosopher’s “Crystal”. The “Thinker’s Crystal”. The rock, not the calcified rock, but the actual beautiful, crystal-covered, healthy, juicy, functioning eyeball in the center of your head. That is the Philosopher’s Stone. "And the way you free it, and you create… and you free it up, and you make it fully healthy, and functioning, and fired up, and full on, is you drink distilled liquids. And if you’re really smart, the ultimate way to do it, is you act as the oroborus, and you drink your own water, and you use urine, you keep looping urine over and over again. Instead of in a cabinet, you keep applying urine and you keep evaporating and evaporating and evaporating it, you keep applying urine to your self, yourself, yourself, and this is the Philosopher’s Stone." Here is some more quotes on distilled water/urine therapy that was pinnacle in changing my beliefs about the practice: "And the chlorine, the fluoride, which are both halides, in the drinking water go directly to the pineal gland and freeze it, turn it into a stone, calcify it......When they do autopsies on people in fluoridated societies, they find fluoride at about 5 to 10 part per million through most of the body. But when they get to the pineal gland during the autopsy, it’s at 22,000 ppm. It goes there like a magnet.......having a rock in the very, very centre of your head, at your most important, most important, most precious gland for thinking, that would be the obvious very first place you’d want to look for problems. And the beauty of distilled water is that it melts that. Most people aren’t aware that there is a massive conspiracy to hide the knowledge of distilled water." "And in that article it gives you the impression that it will, say, leech all the calcium out of your bones and you’ll literally crumple to the floor. Or it will leech all the potassium out of your system, and you’ll have a heart attack. And which is completely not true. And I can prove it to you. And the other thing where people get it. say you ask most doctors, “should I drink distilled water?” They go, “No, no, no, no. It’ll leech minerals from the body.” And where they’re largely getting that from, along with that other article, is from the W.H.O. -the World Health Organization- the supposed pinnacle of collected science health knowledge. They have an article, I think it might’ve come out in the 70s, I’m not quite sure, but it’s titled, “De-Mineralized Water”. And so you can Google that, too. And in that article you’ll find a line akin to, “do not drink distilled water, because it’ll leech minerals from the body.” And a few sentences later it says something else like, “and by the way, you should add fluoride to your water”. So if you understand how poisonous fluoride is, that kind of helps tip you off as to where that article is coming from....... The W.H.O. is part of the U.N. And the U.N. has a stated goal of reducing the world’s population. They have a de-population program. So if you want to participate in the U.N.’s de-population program, by all means, stay away from distilled water." And the calcified pineal gland… fluoride & chlorine are both in-organic minerals. And so that’s an in-organic mineral deposit in that X-ray of your head. And distilled water will, over time, dissolve that. And your pineal gland is supposed to be a functioning, juicy little gland – not a white rock. So it will free that up, and then you will gain access to all the almost-mythical properties associated with the pineal gland. "Well, when you apply heat, you flip the electrical charge. That’s the whole purpose of the raw food movement, is to stop people from turning their organic-mineral-based food into inorganic-mineral-based food. And so, it rots like garbage inside you, and smells permeate – your urine comes out disgusting. K? Now the beauty of this is you can change that really quickly if you switch to live food. That’s probably the highest diet. The diet in the Garden of Eden, or Paradise, is fruit & rainwater. Or, fruit & distilled water. And your urine is the highest distilled water source possible… anywhere. It even blows away rainwater." "We all drank our urine for 9 months straight, in the womb. Amniotic fluid is urine. For the first 3 months it’s mainly your mom’s pee. And for the remaining 6 months it’s mainly yours. There’s no umbilical cord attached to your genitals. The umbilical cord is attached to your intestines. And that should be another proof to people that urine is not a waste product, waste goes through your intestines. That’s what that excretory channel is for. If urine were a waste product, how is it possible that from day one, just about, the human fetus, the zygote, the embryo, is floating in urine? Urine is actually the ultimate, perfect, water, liquid. It’s what we grow in. And we would not have grown without it. And when you’re in the womb, if you remember, you breathe like a fish. You actually are continually sucking your own urine down your mouth. And that is more proof that it’s not a waste product." "...babies come out, they smell sweet, and they have beautiful, fluffy, plumpy skin because they’ve been floating in urine. And you mentioned the super-model, and that’s one of their biggest secrets, is that they put fresh urine on their face at night. They let it air-dry. And they go to bed and they leave it on all night. The urea in urine allows each individual skin cell to hold its maximum amount of water. And so it creates beautiful, plump skin. And urine will erase wrinkles. Wrinkles are just lines of decrepit skin cells that are hardly holding any water. And so they all contract and become all, y’know… crippled, so to speak. But you start giving them urine, which has got urea in it, and that enables them to hold their maximum amount of water at the same time that you’re offering them the most awesome water in the universe. And so they quickly fill up with this beautiful water and wrinkles disappear. Literally. I don’t care if you’re 50, 60, 70, 80 years old." "And that is the symbol of the snake eating its tail. Well, that’s exactly what the baby is. And we’ve all been the orobourus for nine months straight. And that’s what you become again when you start practicing urine therapy, and start looping your urine. You are the snake eating its tail. You are consuming yourself. And it is the ultimate power cycle. And that is how the baby grows, by consuming itself, and it’s the water that does it. The… what that symbol of, the snake eating its tail, is… it is showing you that the human body is a perpetual motion machine. Or has the ability to be it." "You are… yes, you are 80-85% water… well water is largely 2/3 oxygen. I know it’s H2O, but the hydrogen molecule is very small. The oxygen molecule is huge. You are actually… the number-one element that you are, is oxygen. And so when you drink that glass of urine, it’s a huge body of oxygen, plus hydrogen, and those are both fuels. And so you can probably pretty easily, with even common logic, understand that the action of lifting the cup to the mouth requires less energy than the amount of energy that is in that cup. And so right then and there in just one movement, you have absorbed more energy than you’ve spent, in one action. And, speaking of that cup, this also debunks the whole search for the Holy Grail. Nobody needs to search for that thing anymore because they’re everywhere. There’s no such thing as Theee Holy Grail. The properties and why everyone wanted to search… Monty Python was looking for the Holy Grail… the properties associated from drinking from the Holy Grail are long life and full health. Well, those are exactly the benefits of drinking urine. And the joke about the search for the lost Holy Grail is that it’s not the cup that’s important. It’s what’s in the cup. And so any drinking vessel can become a Holy Grail. It’s what you use to complete the circuit with." "When you start drinking urine, which is distilled water, and it melts in-organic mineral deposits, and it melts that stone in the middle of your head, and… when your pineal gland opens up fully, the grey dot in the auric field disappears, and a golden glow surrounds your head. This is turning lead into gold! This is the actual meaning of alchemy, of turning lead into gold. It is not at all about being able to magically turn the metal lead into metal gold." "Cataracts. I personally know a woman, who after 3 months, 70 years old, 3 months, she was able to throw her eye-glasses away. And it happened… she didn’t even… she was so used to wearing them, she didn’t even realize she didn’t really need them anymore. She had to go get her license renewed. I think she’s 72. Had to go to the DMV to get an eye check. Alright? And the guy kind of looks up at her, like strangely, the eye test guy. He’s like, “Why are you wearing glasses?” He says, “You’ve got 20/20 vision!” She say, “But, I’ve been required for 45 years to wear eye-glasses”. And so, he was baffled. And he wrote on her license, “No longer required to wear driving glasses.” And she went to her eye doctor because she was, you know… to confirm this. And he absolutely confirmed it. And he’s like, “What have you done?” And she said, “Well the only thing I’ve done different is started drinking distilled water.” And so that eye doctor is looking into distilled water because of her results. Within the same week, she also happened to have an appointment for her little 15 year old dog to take it to a checkup at the vet. And she started giving her dog the distilled water as well when she started drinking it. And the vet kind of comes out of the appointment with a strange look on her face, like, “What have you done to your dog? Your dog has a liver and kidney function of a 4 year old!” And, it’s the distilled water again. It’s cleaning out the body. It’s removing garbage so the body starts to work right. And so now that vet is looking into distilled water, because she cannot believe what happened to the dog." "It’ll also clean out all clogged veins, all arteriosclerosis, it just makes the body completely brand new again". This is from the [2011] Andrew Norton Webber interview (Urine therapy, distilled water) by Chrissy McMahon www.whale.to/a/andrew_norton_webber_q.html -
Here is my OneNote Journals Main screen. I thought it would be fun to look at my journey as training to be a Jedi Master. The image of Jesus has always struck something deep in me, so I couldn't have my goals without him there for inspiration. As you can see, some of my goals are very challenging. For example, one of my goals is to have no thoughts through my daily life, and to only feel instead. This I think will be the most fruitful practice, and of course, the one which requires the most love and discipline. Through a year and a half of spirituality I have narrowed my practices down to this. Let's go through them! Sun-gazing first. From the past month of sun gazing I have observed that my mind goes mental with thoughts and fantasies of all kinds. I have tracked this to a cause which is the massive increase in emotional activity, especially 'dark' emotions. The third eye also feels open after this practice. It leaves a calm, neutral space; which is great for visualisation, as no thoughts interrupt your image forming. I've been able to almost mentally put myself in places I've created, like a lucid dream, while I've been awake. More experimentation to come in that area. Urine Therapy I look forward to the least. It seems urine just doesn't like me! By that I mean, I'm still so toxic that I really feel those detoxification symptoms still. With urine, I haven't got tired in the afternoon like I always used to. My excrement is always liquid now, instead of solid too. In addition, I need to eat half as much food nowadays due to my intestines being cleaner, so nutrients from food can be absorbed more efficiently. It is a natural energy booster, and will be more effective once my Merkaba is activated. The headstand to me is the same as sun-gazing. The same, if not more expansive, feeling in my third eye occurs, although my emotions are less intense. It's a wonderful technique for having a clear mind, and feeling peaceful. It also helps remove toxins by helping your lymphatic system from the inverted state you are in, which is a nice bonus. The headstand also strengthens your back muscles. 4 months ago I was meditating for 2 hours using the strong determination sitting method (I was in a block of ice everyday for that amount of time). It was self-torture. The meditation technique I practice now, though only 30 minutes, it is equivalent to 3-4 hours of SDS if I am being honest. It is that powerful. It boosts your mental faculties, it opens the third eye, it rises kundalini energy from the root chakra, it is less-torturous, the list goes on. Truly a beautiful addition. Rebounding is less essential. It is one of the best exercises you can do, it works the lymphatic system, and rises your general energy levels. I do it to look after my body, it deserves it, and to get my daily vitamin D outside from the sun. Lastly, using thoughts to feel your emotions and I love you are one in the same to me. All rip open the heart chakra, the place of true fulfilment. Life seems worth living, and even exciting when I do this. Without this I would feel so empty inside. I would also be a victim of many addictions, as all addictions stem from avoiding emotions. That is a big one. Most of what people do is a cycle of addictions. I wouldn't be able to have the discipline to do any other practices without this. This is what I would teach the world for it doesn't require massive lifestyle changes. That is all. I also do other things to, but these are the fundamentals of my life, the pillars so to say. Another pillar is eating a raw vegan OMAD diet in the evening with super food supplements (spirulina, cacao powder, flaxseed, raw honey). I'm trying the 80/10/10 diet as of today, I can only presume higher levels of energy to come. To eat it, I shall make a huge smoothie and throw all 10 medium-sized fruit, and some soft green leafy vegetables in it! It may seem like less variety, but every week I can put new combinations of fruit and greens in there, I can also serve it all cut up with yoghurt, or make a dessert out of it. I know it's going to work wonders. I'll stay on it for at least 2 weeks before going on another fast! The reason is I don't want to go through another healing crises, but what will be will be. And it shall be much longer this time. Namaste.
Another excerpt from my journal, that I intend to help those not finding fulfilment in their spiritual practices. This simple shift, and addition, might make a big difference A few weeks ago I was lost in my thoughts, doing my spiritual practices. The epiphany came to me that this wasn't fulfilling me. Another day, I love my heart without doing any practices, and realise that this is what I've been looking for all along. I never knew what Matt Kahn meant by "heart-centred consciousness" until I compared how I felt after both days. Nowadays, my centre of awareness isn't in my thoughts, but in my heart, in the feelings that are constantly and miraculously arising there. By default most people when triggered by a situation such as when a certain passive aggressive tone is used, they immediately get lost in their thoughts of "How dare she say that to me!" instead of getting lost in the emotions, of anger or frustration, which in fact are the cause of all thoughts in that, and every single moment. The importance of this cannot be overemphasised. Emotions create thoughts, and thoughts disappear once you feel an emotion like a child just wanting some attention. You may not like how the child (emotion) is behaving, but doesn't it equally deserve your attention nevertheless? Right now in my journey I no longer subscribe to any thoughts. I'm in a constant zen meditation, using any thought that arises as a reminder to feel into any emotions in my body. The power of this practice, of using thoughts to bring you back into feeling, has transformed the very fabric of my reality into peace, bliss and harmony. Even in the middle of the thought, "I really love the idea of going to..." stop it right in it's tracks! You don't need to be polite with your thoughts, and finish them up before feeling your heart. I mean as soon as you notice it, return your awareness to your heart/gut, and your mind should feel like an empty space without thoughts. And when you return your awareness to your emotions located in your heart/gut the most amazing things will start happening to you that only direct experience can tell. We first master this, then if we are feeling confident or are up for a bit of a challenge, we use the breathe to start breathing into our emotions. The breathe intensifies our emotions a lot, which means the emotion is being healed out of your cells faster, as such you will never experience that emotion ever again, once it's ready to leave through your attention that you so give it. Moving further into the heart of feeling our emotions, a simple "I love you" sent to it, or even an, "I'm sorry I can't love you right now, but I hope that you may find it, just not from me" will work beautifully to open your heart, through this deeper level of feeling. However these practices I've now found to 'breathe into the emotion' or say kind affirmations that support the emotions existence are really just a compliment to actually using your thoughts as a reminder to return your attention to the heart/gut region of your body. This means it's completely unnecessary to those additional practices, but I write them down regardless so additional information is there for those who are eager! Over the last couple of weeks I've learnt that returning our default awareness from our head to our heart so that we can feel emotions instead of being distracted by illusory thoughts (of which all thoughts are) is all there is to enlightenment (all other practices are there to support this I find, or open up other chakras in your body such as the third eye for other purposes). It's so simple, so so simple. And I hope you can use this to your benefit, because we all deserve to have open hearts, and experience what I cannot describe to you in writing, the infinite beauty of life (it may not seem that way, but that is because we have been trained to see life in this way, through using thoughts to give a negative meaning to reality). You may need to use thoughts for some technical tasks for an hour or two, but afterwards make this your practice to let all thoughts remind you to FEEL. This practice is very painful at the start, and as I have already mentioned, all pain is the most accelerated healing of karma in existence. And you won't want to do it, for your thoughts will be the first thing to rebel, and say, "Hey, this is no fun at all, let's go back to fantasizing!" but I believe being a victim of your own thought process by allowing them to take your power/your awareness from you each time they arise is what I call being in a prison, and not knowing your in it. Your awareness is so special, and your awareness is the gift you have received at birth to experience life on Earth. Choose what you focus on carefully. Focus on saying kind words to your feelings (and maybe your thoughts as you thank them for reminding you to FEEL into your heart), focus on the feeling of anger with love (by knowing that anger is but a child wanting attention). You may have heard to focus on thoughts that are positive! That is a sneaky move. You can say kind words to thoughts as I mentioned, but a thought is only there for you to feel (except when working through calculations in your mind), remember that. "How can I make a choice without a thought in my head?" is another question, and my answer is that our feelings actually make the choices, giving us thoughts that support the choice our feelings guide us towards. In feelings all knowledge is contained beyond any thought, a thought is merely a grain of sand compared to the size of the Earth that a feeling metaphorically is. It's time to awaken my friends. Experience the joy for yourself What you feel, is what you heal.
Feeling is the ultimate healer A few weeks ago I was lost in my thoughts, doing my spiritual practices. The epiphany came to me that this wasn't fulfilling me. Another day, I love my heart without doing any practices, and realise that this is what I've been looking for all along. I never knew what Matt Kahn meant by "heart-centred consciousness" until I compared how I felt after both days. Nowadays, my centre of awareness isn't in my thoughts, but in my heart, in the feelings that are constantly and miraculously arising there. By default most people when triggered by a situation such as when a certain passive aggressive tone is used, they immediately get lost in their thoughts of "How dare she say that to me!" instead of getting lost in the emotions, of anger or frustration, which in fact are the cause of all thoughts in that, and every single moment. The importance of this cannot be overemphasised. Emotions create thoughts, and thoughts disappear once you feel an emotion like a child just wanting some attention. You may not like how the child (emotion) is behaving, but doesn't it equally deserve your attention nevertheless? Right now in my journey I no longer subscribe to any thoughts. I'm in a constant zen meditation, using any thought that arises as a reminder to feel into any emotions in my body. The power of this practice, of using thoughts to bring you back into feeling, has transformed the very fabric of my reality into peace, bliss and harmony. Even in the middle of the thought, "I really love the idea of going to..." stop it right in it's tracks! You don't need to be polite with your thoughts, and finish them up before feeling your heart. I mean as soon as you notice it, return your awareness to your heart/gut, and your mind should feel like an empty space without thoughts. And when you return your awareness to your emotions located in your heart/gut the most amazing things will start happening to you that only direct experience can tell. We first master this, then if we are feeling confident or are up for a bit of a challenge, we use the breathe to start breathing into our emotions. The breathe intensifies our emotions a lot, which means the emotion is being healed out of your cells faster, as such you will never experience that emotion ever again, once it's ready to leave through your attention that you so give it. Moving further into the heart of feeling our emotions, a simple "I love you" sent to it, or even an, "I'm sorry I can't love you right now, but I hope that you may find it, just not from me" will work beautifully to open your heart, through this deeper level of feeling. However these practices I've now found to 'breathe into the emotion' or say kind affirmations that support the emotions existence are really just a compliment to actually using your thoughts as a reminder to return your attention to the heart/gut region of your body. This means it's completely unnecessary to those additional practices, but I write them down regardless so additional information is there for those who are eager! Over the last couple of weeks I've learnt that returning our default awareness from our head to our heart so that we can feel emotions instead of being distracted by illusory thoughts (of which all thoughts are) is all there is to enlightenment (all other practices are there to support this I find, or open up other chakras in your body such as the third eye for other purposes). It's so simple, so so simple. And I hope you can use this to your benefit, because we all deserve to have open hearts, and experience what I cannot describe to you in writing, the infinite beauty of life (it may not seem that way, but that is because we have been trained to see life in this way, through using thoughts to give a negative meaning to reality). You may need to use thoughts for some technical tasks for an hour or two, but afterwards make this your practice to let all thoughts remind you to FEEL. This practice is very painful at the start, and as I have already mentioned, all pain is the most accelerated healing of karma in existence. And you won't want to do it, for your thoughts will be the first thing to rebel, and say, "Hey, this is no fun at all, let's go back to fantasizing!" but I believe being a victim of your own thought process by allowing them to take your power/your awareness from you each time they arise is what I call being in a prison, and not knowing your in it. Your awareness is so special, and your awareness is the gift you have received at birth to experience life on Earth. Choose what you focus on carefully. Focus on saying kind words to your feelings (and maybe your thoughts as you thank them for reminding you to FEEL into your heart), focus on the feeling of anger with love (by knowing that anger is but a child wanting attention). You may have heard to focus on thoughts that are positive! That is a sneaky move. You can say kind words to thoughts as I mentioned, but a thought is only there for you to feel (except when working through calculations in your mind), remember that. "How can I make a choice without a thought in my head?" is another question, and my answer is that our feelings actually make the choices, giving us thoughts that support the choice our feelings guide us towards. In feelings all knowledge is contained beyond any thought, a thought is merely a grain of sand compared to the size of the Earth that a feeling metaphorically is. It's time to awaken my friends. Experience the joy for yourself What you feel, is what you heal.
I just read Leo's post where he said that the more powerful a technique is, the less the ego will want to do it. This is such a breakthrough for me, as every single technique I do is emotionally painful, and the ego uses that pain to denounce its worth. So all along, I've been doing the right thing, it's just that the techniques I use are too powerful for me to handle sometimes, thus the ego comes to me in the form of 'common-sense' and 'time-management' and 'health'. Life is all about perspective I've found. To see from the souls perspective is the definition of enlightenment. To welcome each emotion like a little child is so challenging for me, when I have a mind I can lose myself in instead. In meditation, head standing, sun gazing, all I use those practices for is to be closer to my emotions by feeling them so hard that it creates physical pain, and sending them an "I love you" or an "I'm sorry you feel that way" only to feel them deeper. My heart is in all of my practices and daily life. From experience, instead of having my awareness in my head, my new default is becoming my heart e.g. when I'm triggered I no longer look at my thoughts first, but my emotions, which are the cause of my thoughts. In every moment, there is an emotion to love, every moment. You may think you have no emotions in one moment, but guaranteed there is one. And that is what I dedicate my life to. Making a choice I'll feel into my heart for an answer, not listen to my thoughts. In fact, anytime I have a thought I use it as a reminder to feel into my body for the root emotion to love, adore and cherish. I admit, I am quite unoriginal here by simply feeling it and saying "I love you" like a robot, but I don't want to make it to challenging right now, in the sense that I feel the need to say to every single emotion a few sentences to comfort it, that is the next big step. I learnt that the hard way, because saying such long sentences cause a great tiredness and pain to befall me, due to the healing being too great for my body. It would be like an American suddenly going on a urine fast for a week, instead of slowly changing his diet, going on a few water fasts and then doing a urine fast. I'm capable of it, for I am God. I am also, or more correctly, babysitting an ego too, which is learning and needs to be nurtured before becoming a man. So it's all very fun here evolving. There is lots of ups and downs, and lots of frustration around the thought of 'wasting my time' by sun gazing; but it's God honest working. Tomorrow I'm changing my diet once again to become a fruitarian. It's called the 80/10/10, 80% fruit, 10% leafy greens, 10% fat. It's the diet I've naturally been leaning to. Matt Kahn for example, who has a highly evolved ego, eats 3 cooked meals a day. That shows how different our bodies are. It's exciting having this change, it is the end of all junk food and animal products and dairy which for this day forth I will not put in my mouth, because that is what makes me feel happy. My emotions or thoughts may say otherwise. God, don't give me any mercy. https://www.hayhouseradio.com/#!/show/healing-your-empathic-heart
Journal Entry (Day 1) I have spent my Saturday thus far in my room, watching a few videos on YouTube that varied from enlightened Masters to mainstream popular uploaders such as PewDiePie. While on YouTube I decided to revisit the first channel I used to watch. I scrolled down to 2014, and I saw just how fast time had passed. I felt really sad that I have been glued to this screen I write on for about 4 years, with little to show for it (at least for now). Sadness always inspires in me a deep motivation to rededicate to what I really enjoy doing such as reading, and meditation. But as always this passes, and so I'm left with a void where the motivation was, that I fill with mindless entertainment to numb out the isolation I sometimes feel. I often worry what will become of me from these spiritual practices, and how that will relate to my life purpose. I know I could help a lot of people as a teacher, but my heart doesn't resonate with that in the conventional sense. Really, I could be anything, and all I need is some sign post from my guides to tell me that what I'm doing is right, or shall I say, I should become aware of the help they are probably already giving me! So what can I do but keep practicing spirituality 24/7 until I get an answer, and until someone finally stops this machine. To go full out is the kind of guy I am. I always put in 110% of myself or 0-10% of myself; and usually its synonymous with the desire to get results, and then giving up on getting results. I know there is a light at the end of this path, I know I'm just in this awkward phase of choosing my heart or choosing my ego, and the transition to the heart has been slow. I trust that it will all work out, because really, even If someone screams at me in the face and calls me a name while trying to embarrass me in front of people I would just stand there silently and say, "Thank you" and move on. So it's not so much about ending the suffering aspect of my life, for that is naturally being eliminated through my new beliefs I have of life, that everything is God in disguise, here to help. It's really now about finding my purpose so that I can hone in on it, and start. However, after a good session of meditation, or loving or replying to someone I can help I feel in that moment that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. Perhaps from that vibration I really do want to be a teacher, I'm really not sure! What do I love doing the most? What am I doing for free now that is effortless, and that I enjoy? If I had a billion dollars, and all of the resources in the world what on Earth would I do? Well, I defiantly wouldn't want to stay at this level of consciousness for I wouldn't be able to appreciate life, and I would be disconnected from what my soul wants me to do, if it does want anything. So the answer to my life purpose is right now to get to the highest level of consciousness possible. Then I'm at the highest level of consciousness, with a billion dollars, and infinite resources then what? I would explore the fae realms on Earth and connect with these entities for sheer curiosity and enjoyment. I would also love to visit extra-terrestrials and compare their way of life to our own. But what is the thing that would bring me the most excitement beyond what I could possibly imagine? What is it? Is meeting ET's why I am here on Earth? Is my life purpose grand like I assume it to be, or is it simple, and is my life purpose in a general domain, or does it have to be specific to the tee? I don't know. The answers are all within me. But do I bother seeking those answers, or do I just love the one who asks the questions? Do I keep loving the one who asks the questions until all that is left is no questions, which is the ultimate answer? Or do I try and seek these answers through feeling my heart, or listening to the thoughts in my brain? If the question is just a thought, who is the one coming up with the questions? My ego or my higher self? Mind overload! But regardless, say I loved the one who asked the questions. Say the question was, "What should I wear today?", and then I reply, "I love you". In my personal experience from doing that you actually end up being able to get clothes without answering the questions as if something subconscious is controlling my body. This is because even the objecting thought, "You should answer the question because otherwise you won't know what to wear today!" is met with, "I love you". And it keeps going until there is no thoughts; and when there are no thoughts the "I love yous" now are directed towards emotions until there are no emotions. When there are no emotions all that is left is feelings. And feelings are your compass to living your life purpose! See my genius plan here, to love myself so deeply that only feelings are left in this body, making room for the light that I am to come into the body, and express itself as divinity in form. Another alternative to answering these questions as I mentioned is to follow your feelings with you thoughts and emotions still there. But it's not really different because when you say I love you instead of focusing on your feelings, you end up focusing on your feelings anyway because that is all that is left! SO really both methods are the same except by using love, you are also clearing emotional trauma out of your cells at the same time because you are facing you emotions and thoughts with love instead of blocking them out as to feel your emotions. So in effect, which I've just realised right this second, saying "I love you" to everything that arises is the long term solution to every problem, because all problems an attempt to answer a question. You have no problems when you have no questions if that makes any sense. For example, a baby has no problems for it doesn't have the capacity to form questions, that what I mean. So both ways are the same in connecting with my guides for guidance, except one way is more direct, and that is love. This is officially day 1 of my daily personal journal. I will do my best to incorporate the insight of loving the questioner, or any thought or feeling that arises from this day forth with renewed discipline. I may mess up, but I will love the one who messed up too, while in the past I would've got caught in fantasy land instead. It's clear questions are helpful at the beginning of the journey, but now, it's time to step up to the next level for me. Sometimes, you've just got to plunge into the deep end, and make no room for any thoughts in your mind, because the ego WILL use that to manipulate you. It will know that you allow some questions into your mind that you think are "validate" or "practical" but that too is apart of the illusion and disconnection from the higher realms of trust, and faith in yourself to act in line with your soul because of all the love you give yourself. Only practice will tell, where the rubber meets the road, both the easiest and most difficult thing to ever do. And so it is.
3 Day Urine Fast In preparation for the urine fast I made sure to drink only urine and eat a raw vegan diet two weeks prior. Being my first proper fast (the other lasted for 2 days on distilled water so I don't count it), I didn't know what to expect other than feeling tired while my body was detoxing, and coming to periods of clear mindedness like I've never experienced. But the anecdotal reports that said this were on mostly water fasts, using positively charged spring water. Urine on the other hand is a whole other story I learnt... The first day showed no signs of change. I didn't actually intend to urine fast until 7pm at night where I skipped dinner and continued to drink urine as I had been all day. For people with a high toxic build up and who eat more than two meals a day I would expect signs of detox and major hunger craving even on the first day. This is because urine is an elixir and it will elicit a response from the physical and non-physical parasites in your body, and it also shocks the system from deprivation of food, combined with large amounts of discipline and detoxification. In fact for the average person, the detoxification you will experience is so profound that you will need to spend the whole day in bed, not moving, for you will feel very unwell, whereas on a distilled water fast, this process is slower and much gentler. The reason you feel unwell is not because urine is toxic, but because it releases toxins stored in your body from god knows how long ago (since you were born for some toxins) into your bloodstream, stimulating a immune response in your body to clear it out via your colon which can make it feel a bit unwell. This is exactly why you get a blocked nose from the common cold, so your body can eliminate toxins (or the virus) through those means. This is what I experienced on the second day. I became very tired, and the urine tasted rather unpleasant. I went to the bathroom 10-15 times, and pushed out a few kilograms of liquids that are normally solid if you know what I mean. I had a few hours where the detoxification stopped, and I read a 136 page book in 2 hours and proceeded to my bed straight afterwards. At the end of the day I wanted to eat chocolate, and a big greasy hamburger. It became a matter of honouring my virtues of health, vitality and energy or being a slave of my thoughts. Putting it in this context helped me see the light and continue the fast. Day 3 was like day 2 except it was half as intense. I stopped mainly for my family who on top of my thoughts was too much for me to ignore at the time. I broke the fast with an orange, a pear and some blue berries. They were delicious!! Next time I plan to aim for a week fast so I can provide more insight into this for myself, and experience the spiritual side more. This I will do in a week and a half from now The first few days of any fast are meant to be the hardest, and this report describes just that. The benefits I experienced was having dramatically less thoughts a day after (temporary), a greater ability to visualise and use my third eye (long term, due to decalcification), and an appreciation for food in general when you haven't had it for a while. It really grounds you. It will be funny if I'm dating a girl and she finds out I drink urine, and gaze at the sun. Well, I can tell you one thing: Love conquers all. I do this all so I can be more loving and tolerant and understand of others because I know that a clean body is synonymous with a clean mind. Urine opens up the chakras, circulates chi which is a no brainer for anyone interested in enlightenment. This is because enlightenment is about getting kundalini/chi up to your higher chakras. It's all an energy game! That's what everyone on this website is here for, to push their energy up to the crown chakra. To be a living embodiment of spirit in physical form. Take care, love you all. Quick Update on my practices: Urine instead of distilled water 30 minutes headstand, up from 20 minutes These have been very powerful! Everything is changing so fast, and life is losing its emotional bite it once had. I've been facing my pain a lot lately with my family who have strongly disagreed with a few practices. I feel anger in my body when they say that without even doing a little bit of research and trying it for themselves instead of coming to foundation less, imaginary, biased conclusions about what is right for me in my life. This has taught me, along with the help of a member on here, to love them even more. To love the anger I feel which spontaneously arises when they say the magic words. To love them for showing me what I am not so that I can become what I already am as God eternal presence. So thank you my family for all of the times you've hurt me, for all of the times you've judged me, because that is what has made me the most loving being the world has ever seen. And I look forward to waking up everyday to be met with your happiness or stress as an invitation to further heal my karma, and align with my heart that always knows the way. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Solace replied to Solace's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Arman Try it, and write back what you found out. That is the way to truly know for yourself. But let's look at a few practical examples. In China's Public Urinals they actually collect urine to make billions of dollars a year by selling it to pharmaceutical companies for anti-aging products (Search it up if you want). Urine therapy is also similar to mediation in that it is an ancient practice that yogis would partake in. When you think of it society is built upon the idea of cleanliness. Just think for a moment of where you got the idea that urine is a dirty toxic waste substance that the body eliminates to stay clean? The answer is society. And anything assumed by society like that, which many people wouldn't even question due to how hard wired this belief is, should be questioned, and seen for what it is, which is as Leo says, the opposite of what is usually believed. For example, it is mainstream for people to watch TV, and they think that they are relaxing, when in reality their minds are being subtly programmed from the artificial lighting, and TV advertisements to say the least. So be careful there for what you assume. I encourage you to bust through the resistance and have a try for a few weeks! In honour of this thread I actually just finished a 3 day urine fast. It was the heaviest detoxification I have experienced in my entire life. I felt much lighter afterwards, more intuitive, with greatly enhanced visualisation skills and most profoundly, a quiet mind (Really great for meditation). That was only a few days, so in a year of only drinking urine, the benefits could be much greater. This will happen for anyone because not only does urine decalcify the pineal gland by the strong negative charge it carries, but due to the high amount of life force energy/prana/chi compared to regular tap water it has, urine thus creates a high vibratory environment in your body where astral entities cannot exist, and by which, no longer drain your energy from one of your many bodies. Hope this helps you -
The week long internet fast Right now is the perfect time for me to unplug from the matrix and begin a week long internet fast, and spiritual knowledge fast so I can return to nature (go walking in the woods, watch the stars, and sleep well). But most importantly, I feel I’ve been addicted to technology in replacement of food in the past few months; and I need that time instead to really love my heart, so that when I return to technology I can still practice love (using it wisely) in contrast to numbing my mind with overstimulation and mindless entertainment. It is the last place in my life that has stopped me from being meditative for the day, and I believe most of the usage is dictated by parasitic entities that are not even me anyway. I intend to love this week for everyone on this forum, and for my loved ones, to be an example for all. It’s an opportunity to move beyond the phase of meaninglessness and into something more exciting. Again in late May I will do this fast for 2 weeks while I’m on holiday in Australia. With all the knowledge I have, I don’t need the internet anymore to become enlightened, it’s just hard accepting that sometimes. I do love helping people however, and this is why I will return. Im also getting EMF positive affirmation stickers from Arcturus Ra for my devices, the WiFi router and TV’s. They prevent negative subconscious programming from anything electric, such that you won’t feel drained after using a phone theoretically. When I’m back I’ll be on a fruitarian diet, then proceeding to a urine fast for 10-14 days with a 4 day dry fast to finish the full body detoxification process with flare. Afterwards I’ll do a week long juice fast and see how it goes from there. Pray that my muscles don’t disappear throughout this! Anyway more detail on that in the following weeks with a detailed report of the fasting experience (I may be able to live only on juice which will be amazing, but at the minimum I’ll be a one meal a day fruitarian, and then make the transition). Good bye.
@moon777light Indeed Moonlight, I watched Dr Masaru experiments a few months ago and had an insight: what if this was true for every molecule in existence? Imagine the difference between the shape of molecules that make up the brain if one was mostly loving and the other mostly sad. It means we can fill up all of the molecules in a object with love as you said, which I’m trying out on this body! Since light is love (they represent the same high vibration), you can also leave water out in the sun for the same effect. When you send a feeling to anything in nature like grass or air that is a form of communication; and nature will always communicate back through feeling. Of course, blessing food is a terrific practice too, and eventually after starting all of this you start to just bless everything. Thanks for sharing it, I’ll bless my water more ❤️
Just read this on Facebook, the moment I finished watching the video on sunlight. Synchronicity is at the works, and is a all the beautiful evidence I need that sunlight is the key to the proper subconscious functioning of the body.
Light Quotes "The level of consciousness in your body, always determines the actions your body will make subconsciously" "The body is subconscious guys, and it uses the energy you give it to create a cycle of habits that will keep it in that energy wavelength... one of the easiest ways to break out of a cycle is to give your body more energy" i.e. through sunlight "In this solar system, the closest you can get to all source of all energy is the sun, you literally are the sun, and your body knows this, and all it wants to do is get guidance from the sun" "The more energy you give your body, the more intelligent it will come" -Master of Earth (from the video "Our subconscious reality and sunlight").
How To Start Loving For Beginners The first thing I want you to know is that love, although the simplest practice in existence is also the hardest. It is simple because all you have to do is sit with your emotions. This is where I started, I aimed for about a minute of feeling a few times a day and kept going until feeling become apart of life. I remember when I first used statements in my head such as "You are beautiful" or "I love you dear one" because the man in me felt rather embarrassed. Embarrassment turns out to be, from experience, a way the ego falls apart, so be OK with embarrassment. Another strange phenomena started manifesting and this was, the more I said loving things and focused on that, the more dark thoughts and suppressed feelings from years of hiding them in addictive behaviors suddenly arose. I expected to feel more love, not anger But that is the power of complimenting yourself etc. Compliments/loving words magnetically pull these emotions to the surface, as Gabe Salomon told me, and this blew my mind. This means we start with feeling first, then to speed up the healing of the karma/cellular debris in our cells (gathered from our parents, social conditioning, and and past lifetimes) which are released in the form of emotions, we only focus on speaking love through our words (in and outside our head) and through our actions. Let's have a quick practical example! So my Mum and I were on the beach with my dog, and this man comes up to us and starts speaking loudly about how we must be blind to have not seen a no dog sign, and commanded us to leave the beach. It was the yelling which hurt my heart, which I interpreted as a lack of empathy for a fellow human being. I just said to him, against all of my ego, and where my own angry emotions were leading me, in the most feminine voice a man could speak without getting looked strange at, "Thank you so much for telling us about that. Without you we wouldn't have known this important information that our dog is not allowed here. I'm sorry that we have bothered you in this way, have an amazing day man". Immediately we all felt better because the loving environment was created for the anger to leave our cells at record speeds, and for calmness to replace it like no other. The guy was shocked and began almost running away, because egos don't know how to respond to love This leads me to another amazing cornerstone of loving whatever arises: the stronger the emotion you love, the more healing takes place. And usually the emotions is so strong that your thoughts will distract you from knowing it is there, so a pro tip is whenever you have lots of thoughts feel into your heart and intestinal region and if it's strong, love the crap out of it. In addition, setting the intention to love something so much that it explodes into a million universes of abundance (or whatever word you like) sets you up for success. And a key is before starting any activity for our love beginners, set an intention for it to go well, especially in meditation does it help to call all of your spirit guides, God, your guardian angels; and your past, present and future loved ones to assist you in being absolutely present minded, for sleep too I have woken up after 5 and a half hours sleep feeling great after intending for it to be deeply healing for my muscles and mind, so play around with that too. So where to start from here? If you're interested in enlightenment, or are wanting the most trans formative and foundational practice I have personally found, begin to stay with an emotion for 10 seconds once, twice and as many times as you can throughout the day, and slowly working our way up to a minute or so, and starting to say beautiful things (the more embarrassing the better) to yourself and other. People can only meet you as deeply as you meet yourself, so if you don't understand yourself, others won't be able to understand you for in both cases you are the receiver. The truth is we have placed much of our attention on finally getting that external validation from another human beings which means that you are not ready for it, because you can't even receive it. And God purposefully doesn't give you external love because he doesn't want you living in an illusion of complacency, he wants you to turn inwards, wake the fuck up, and finally realize that only you can give yourself the things you want from other people. You are life's eternal liberator, you are God, so start living like one and send blessings left right and center like a benevolent God would! I say this because we always do this on a subconscious level from the years of conditioning which shaped our world view, and now every experience is filtered through that world view to give it meaning (and the default one is biased towards giving anything a negative meaning). So what we are doing by saying "I love you" to anything, especially if you don't like it, is physically rewiring your brain, because you are now creating a new default world view filled with love consciously that will eventually become subconscious. Scientifically, changing our world view triggers the pain receptors in our brains, that's how you know you are rewiring your subconscious mind. In addition, pain is how emotions are released out of our cells that we have left in the darkest corners of our bodies because we were so afraid to face that discomfort, but I want to tell you, that the discomfort is really your liberator. The pain of feeling an emotion leaving also removes all thoughts or traumatic experiences linked to that specific emotion and transforms it into neutrality/light/love where it no longer triggers you emotionally. SO thoughts trigger us emotionally, that's interesting? If thoughts are just like physical reality, wouldn't that mean that physical reality could also be triggering karmic emotions in my cellular memory linked to an conditioned experience I had where I ran away from that innocent emotion? And what if the experiences in physical reality that trigger these emotions are not driven by mechanical subatomic particles, but by a divine force that science has yet to realize, which is only serving in our highest favor for us as human beings to raise our default vibration to where heaven exists all of the time, instead of in a few seconds doses of dopamine I get from checking my social media etc? Doesn't that sound something worth pursuing if it would take only a few weeks of constant "I love you's" in your head to free yourself of your ego, and so with it, any need for anything to externally fulfill you, which makes you into your most authentic self, where you can feel understood by even a burst of air, and live without any conditioned childhood blockages that may have stopped you from living your highest excitement/passion? Or shall I sell myself to my own thoughts and feelings, and get lost in them, instead of loving them for helping me grow, and die without ever experiencing the deepest intimacy and joy everyone wants? When will you stop searching for happiness, and just be your own infinite source of happiness? What is your answer to these? Do you feel excited in your heart region? If so, that's confirmation that this is true, and is what your body wants you to give it as an ongoing present, in return for it giving you existence. Every emotion is but an innocent 5 year old child in pain, and it wants you to sit with it, hold it, and not run out of the house or put it in a cold, hard cell again. Just like a 5 year old child, the emotion will never give up on your love, and will only come back stronger until you sit with it. I mean the same emotion from when you are 10 years old could be the same emotion when you are 60 years old that you've not looked at because of the pain, but as we've discussed the pain is the deepest sign of healing. With time, once you clear all karmic emotions as every single human being will do in this planet either in this lifetime but most likely another, will enlightenment arrive, and the kundalini energy flow because all emotional blockages are gone. This is the deeper reason we are here on this planet, the circumstances don't matter, but the meaning we give them does. This means you don't have to do anything about your circumstances, because love will attract the circumstances you want in your life through "opportunities" and your job is to see these opportunities and follow them. This is quite advanced, but you know that an opportunity of this nature has been divinely brought to you when you feel excitement in your heart when you think of following it, so do just that; there's no need to be afraid of what happens if you do it because you choose how that experience is for you. Embarrassing yourself publicly can finally be seen as a gift! One final word on Karma. The circumstances that come your way in each moment, are karmic to begin with, so be prepared. One such circumstance happened almost a year ago. I was with a beautiful, and kind-hearted person in June last year and had never felt so deep with another anyone in my life. The universe had other plans, and we left each other not long after. The sheer amount of emotions having party in my body was so painful that I shut down, and started to lose all focus at school, grades plummeting, and the world falling apart. It took me months until I decided to look at these emotions of rejection,and sadness because the pain of not feeling them was becoming greater; the child-like emotions were starting to use extreme methods to get my attention lets just say! And so the deepest healing of my life occurred, and I'm grateful it happened, and scared at the same time that if that was only a tiny amount of karma, imagine the full dose! Everything happens for a reason, and that reason is love. Be love, cherish your experiences, follow what excites you, and be OK with pain. Thank you all for your time, and for sharing this space with me. You are more worthy and deserving than you know. This process can be long or short depending on your ability to love. This is all of human suffering explained, and the beginning of a new life for some. Take this perspective with you and it will serve you well <3
That's right Okelele Matt Kahn is the teacher I resonate with the most, and who taught me to trust the inner teacher in myself. I'm glad you have listened to him too. You wouldn't believe how much loving what arises has transformed me; more than any pineal gland activation has ever brought!