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Everything posted by Solace

  1. Back a little early in hindsight of the past few days. Why not stay in a constant state of meditation if that is what leads to true happiness? Why create anything? Answer: Sitting on a cushion is a form of creation. But then the question is: "Why create anything else but meditation?". Yes! We should not create anything but meditation or in other words, surrendering to the moment. In this meditative state (after many hours of surrender), we don't take actions but actions happen through us. By forming such a deep connection with the heart, your hearts natural desire will use your body to perform actions, speak words, live life while we have surrendered even our personal will power to this heart just to be in the bliss of meditation. We can do this while doing anything in life by constantly surrendering to the moment by letting it destroy you in every way imaginable. Let it shatter your expectation, hurt and abuse you; while responding with only more love and kindness. Let all judgements collapse, let all thoughts wither away, let all emotions be. You can do this on a cushion, and do this in everyday life. Simply by surrendering awareness into the heart, all of the above naturally happens. As I feel particularly disconnected from oneness, the cushion is more so my preference, and such a practice cannot go wrong, for once more connected, the tendency to move through this world by divine will, will take over. In other words, one day you'll get off the cushion and just start to do things. I always maintain focus on my heart no matter what characters or circumstances arise because my love is unconditional. The master is the one who gently focused on the heart, and then became one with the heart. That is where the true journey begins, divinity consciously playing in form; fearless, all-loving, all-knowing, gracious, blissful, joyous, relaxed, and trusting. The heart is the gift that keeps on giving. I trust that it will destroy everything I know myself to be, in a moment of deep surrender. That it's love will dissolve all of my human conditioning, and shine far out into the world for the wellbeing of every human. Relaxation is surrender, relax into this moment by letting your heart devour every cell of your body, and every last thought, and every last desire. If you don't know what to do, surrender the one who wants to know what to do.
  2. Are you meaning that we created everything that arises in every single moment? And is this test about surrendering to what we created?
  3. @okulele My family also wants me to study and get a job, whilst I want to meditate and do yoga and just be present in nature. For the next few months I want to meditate for the whole day, thats all; but I know that in my heart my family will male me leave the house before day 2 is over. This means I will be going to a zen temple, or ashram to make this big and inspiring change that my heart craves beyond any course at university I wonder where is the best place to go to? There are a few places in New Zealand but it may be more exciting to go into a foreign country like Thailand and spend a few years there in that culture while doing "hard-core" yoga and meditation. I have realise that a deeper connection to my true self as God is all I want, and a supportive environment with other people doing the same thing would be even more amazing! I've asked a few spiritual teachers about this and I'll be sure to message you their replies, as I think we are in a very similar situation of choosing Truth over breaking the hearts of those closest to us (like our parents and friends). No doubt if I followed my heart I'd be in a temple right now meditating. May you you honour your heart more than anything else, and answer the excitement with loving action. @Leo Gura@pluto We need advice if you have any about this ?
  4. @sarapr You are an infinite being of light. Whatever the outcome, it can't define just how magnificent you are, or how bright you shine.
  5. @S33K3R What you are saying is different to what they teach in school, it shows how backwards mainstream society can be, locked in a particular paradigm of thought. I'd love to hear more about what you've learnt sometime. Can anyone tell what my Favourite Game is yet? I'll give one more clue I love the song at 29:46.
  6. @S33K3R I've heard that too, how higher energies from the galaxy are being transmitted to us by the suns light. Everything is expanding right now at a much faster rate, all of the beliefs in separation are bring played out on a global scale, and the polarities of which balance out to create more love and oneness.
  7. Here is a short list of technology's good and bad sides I've learnt from experience over the years. Technology Benefits Information is readily available (discovering new views, and understandings) leading to our expansion and deeper connection with ourself when we bring what we learn into direct experience. Connects you when you are not connected geographically. Spreads messages of love, and oneness through communities. Downfalls Spread of hate, problems with the world. Numb state of Mind. Disconnection from the people around us, including ourselves. Relying on a phone for happiness rather than our hearts. Usually an escape from intimacy, uncomfortable emotions and being present in general: Key practices to reach enlightenment. Divides us from knowing who we are, and what we enjoy doing. We don't see that God is in everything that arises. Promotes instant Gratification. Concentration for long periods of time is reduced. Puts our minds typically in a Beta wave state of consciousness. We become less intimate with people, robotic. Dependancy on loving communities to feel accepted, and to feel love; instead of looking at the angel within. Up to Decades of life is spent in a virtual world (in a dark room without fresh air and sunlight) instead of exploring the real world such forests, doing things we love (instruments), and being with other human beings. Being inside can lead to mental, emotional, and physical illnesses; lower our vibration, disconnect us from nature, and take us further into separation away from oneness which feels like total bliss. Being inside as a result of technology can also deactivate areas of our brain, and lead to reduced sleep quality. We feel less expansive indoors, and especially whilst focusing on a screen. The low frequency of a artificial screen along with the lack of certain types of energies we would get from sunlight trains our subconscious mind to that frequency. Ultimately we live a shorter, less fulfilled life when we rely upon anything external from love. All of these points in themselves are quite significant if you go through the full consequences of each one, and how ones whole life would be affected just by spending too much time being indoors on any kind of technology such as TV's, video games, phones and laptops. It's important to do things that bring more love, expansion and oneness in life which technology can offer such as with learning about how ancient societies like the Mayans were so much different from our own yet were more connected to nature and closer to God behind their primitive appearance. Or about the latest scientific findings that are less mainstream, or as a way of learning something real such as yoga. In the end we must remember technology is a virtual world, and as we evolve we will move more away from it back to nature which is the ultimate piece of technology in existence Think of Jesus, or God, and if he were you; what he do? One such person I know similar to this is Matt Kahn who spends an hour or two a week online outside of writing books to write a FaceBook blog. Lincoln Gergar goes on FaceBook once a week, emails once a day for his business. That tells you something. I know live by, if I'm really excited to research something, I'll do it. But I must be excited which is the case maybe once or twice a week. And I'd be fine without internet, I'd just read more books, and meet people locally etc. and also, I know what to do to experience infinite love after a year of deep research, so it's easier to just be now without that itch of seeking. It's defiantly an addiction I have, and fasting, meditation, sunlight, and love has helped a lot. I feel dependant on this, as I did food all but a week ago. I just stay because I don't want to miss out on the next biggest insight, I just stay out of fear. I'm going to do a 7 day urine fast starting tomorrow, and in that time I will also do a 7 day fast from technology to reestablish a healthy relationship with it. I'll meditate and spend more time outside, and read some of Matt Kahn and Lao Tzu. I will meditate for a few hours too to establish the formal practice again in my life (I always informally meditate upon my heart-centre). I do this knowing that no thoughts is an essential part of awakening, and the source of all other addictions. I'll talk more about thoughts in the future. I will face all of that fear of missing out, and all of the detoxification symptoms linked with being normalised to instant gratification. It's gonna be fun, uncomfortable, and gratifying on a long term level which feels amazing. I just feel grateful to be alive to write this, and that's what I wish to expand. I'll update my experience on 8/7/18. I intend for these fasts to be the most transformative and deeply healing of my life.
  8. Although there are many perspectives such as that as long as you have less than 50 calories a day, your body will stay in ketosis/autophagy. I personally still see this as a Calorie restricted diet instead of a fast, and would highly recommend drinking only pure distilled water. Anything else is but a subtle attachment to food for emotional nourishment during the fast. By the third day you won't want to eat. The first fast is the hardest, then it becomes fun.
  9. See you guys for a few days. I need time to connect with my soul. My soul is in everything that arises, and is always strongest in my heart. I have a need to embrace that which connects me to the heart, and release that which doesn't such as technology, and thinking in almost all cases It isn't goodbye, because we are all connected in our hearts.
  10. Although I don't wish to get too lost in diet, it is such an important part of awakening. My new "regime" is to eat 3 small meals a week while drinking urine, and some herbal teas. This may be taking it to far, but I wasn't born to play life safely e.g. I love until it feels like my heart explodes, and I constantly focus on it 24/7. I am not relenting until I experience the bliss of God every second, to feel so loved by myself, that my child-like heart expands and engulfs anything unrepresentative of God. I've been receiving these moments of euphoria for existing in this world in times where I surrender into the heart whilst in this fasted state. It happens more and more while fasting, it's as though it amplifies the love I have for life more expansively. I get these moments too where I become aware of how "thin" my identity of myself as a human being is, of how easily and how in any moment it could crumble, making me become no thing. This fasting, and prayer of love, and purity has created a new life for me, and it will keep growing the more I surrender to this moment. I can surrender much more than I am. I know my potential is much higher than what I believe. I live in a world of people who are disconnected from love, reconnecting myself to love. When you have no example of a person who is all-loving and kind, it just makes this awakening all the more rewarding and personal. I am on the first wave of ascension, so I'm the one showing people what it means to dare to be love. I am hurt, heartbroken and shattered for no reason I can find; and in response, I trust my heart further, and surrender deeper and deeper and deeper. Because anything that arises is only here to make us surrender into the light, which looks a lot like nothingness. The kingdom of heaven is.
  11. @Charlotte Aww, thanks. This was my third fast. I loved the way I felt so much that I now am starting to fast for 3-4 days of the week on my water, with perhaps a herbal teas at night. The other days I shall eat super foods, and make fruit/vege juices! After you get past the hardest phases of detox, fasting really becomes enjoyable, and natural We are pure infinite beings of love, and knowing that is so, we do not need food when this infinite waterfall of love flows through us. The body just needs a little time to adapt with our minds knowingness that we are beings of light and love ?
  12. @Charlotte You have done so well! On my first fast I aimed for 10 days and got to 36 hours. Michael is right in saying you have strong willpower
  13. When you focus on the future, you are sending your creative energy into something that doesn't exist. You're empowering an illusion. I would say all @pluto said is so important, to get outside, feel the grass, the wind and the sun makes a big difference Spend time doing things you love, make a big list, and make another list of things you haven't done yet but may love, and start spending every moment of your day doing those things. Whenever we think of the future or the past we use the Acronym WAR. WAR stands for worry (rooted in fear or some core belief), anticipation (of an undesirable future outcome), and regret (from not doing something in the past). As a mindfulness practice whenever you see these patterns immediately stop and become present using the acronym RAW which stands for Respect (for what is present), Appreciation (of knowing that whatever is present could only be here for our highest evolution), and Welcoming (of whatever arises). WAR shows you when your body needs more love, not less. This is all based on Matt Kahn's work who is truly enlightened, and has been in a samadhi for 15 years. I hope you benefit from this, and become more mindful of the patterns that run in your mind, that are only here to be loved, adored and respected like never before as the loving parent you always wanted in your life.
  14. What is the Higher Self? The Higher Self is a expression of ones highest, most divine qualities of Love, Wisdom, and Power functioning in alignment with the perfect non-egoic will of God. The Higher Self experiences life from a perspective of Divine Perfection and sees no evil in any form of Life. The Higher Self experiences all forms and expressions of Life as one unified being which itself is part of. A one hundred percent, continuous experience of the Higher Self is what all human beings are seeking. This is an experience of true unconditional Love, an unlimited Wisdom that spans time and space, and a Self-contained fully expressed creative Power that is never imposed upon anyone else, but completely expressed in oneself.
  15. For more than 10 years Lincoln has told us to stay in the heart. "At one point or another all mortal things will fall away. Stay anchored to that source of happiness and goodness that is within their heart, that is the true guiding post, that knows where you'll go, that is the compass of the direction of your life."
  16. "And so dear one, we are created in the image of that which we believe to be true. We are created in the image of perfection coupled with our own choice of that which we wish to experience for we are creative beings and we influence this manifest experience within this world." "That which you believe to be true becomes that which you know to be true." "The original design of the human being is that to live in a state of perfection." -Lincoln ❤️
  17. @S33K3R I look at the sun throughout the day when I'm outside, it feels so loving, such is a more subtle energy in comparison to emotions
  18. @Colin That is a good suggestion because when I read, or using my laptop/phone my eyes do strain to see the text. I'll grab a pair next time I'm at the chemist. I decided to end the urine fast today (day 4) by drinking some orange juice. Lots of detoxification, but not so much any spiritual experience as it was too short. There were brief moments of silence which I could've taken advantage of if I didn't spend most of the day yesterday on the internet. The wonderful news is that I now know that fasts can massively deepen any awareness based practices, and I will defiantly take advantage of that. A funny phenomena that happened was when I fell asleep at 11pm last night. I woke up at 2am thinking it was the morning! I started opening my curtains only to realise it was night still. The fast has inspired to intermittent fast for two days every week (probably Monday and Thursday) because of the peace it brought me. A peace which was more gratifying that any food, but on a more mature level. So if I eat on Monday 7pm I will not eat until Wednesday 7pm which means 4 days fasting! Woohoo. Well, I'm lucky to have spent the last 6 months cleaning my body so that I can do this and still feel strong. A major factor to this is the urine which is the highest vibrational food we can consume, only love and sunlight surpasses it from what I've felt. There are also nutrients and enzymes in urine which speeds up the detoxification over distilled water; as well as urea which is a strong cleansing compound. I noticed however that by day 3 my urine was white, leading me to believe that most of the nutrients had been used up over the first two days. At the start I this year I was eating a 3000 calorie vegan meal everyday, and now I'm quite content with 600 calories with super food supplements especially after the fast. This means anyone can do this if they want, and much faster with urine therapy. Also when I drank the orange juice it felt unnatural/toxic in comparison to just not eating, which was the weirdest sensation to experience. Some spiritual people have said that humans were not designed to live on food, nor did they in our distant past. Many natural disasters had led to humans eating food, disconnected from their ancestors. Here is a few quotes from Lincoln that are awesome: "I have recommended Urine Therapy to many people and have used it personally for 6 or 7 years. Of any food I've eaten, it has highest prana levels and greatly reduced my need for food because it recirculates unused nutrients, hormones, enzymes, etc [AND] Urine Therapy can be used in fasting. It is an old yogic practice called Amaroli, where one drinks "the water of Shiva". Many people claim that UT fasting is 3-5x more effective than water fasting because it recirculate all the excess hormones and nutrients to be used during the fast as needed... in addition to urea, a very powerful cleansing agent. Urine is purified blood, which carries our vital nutrients and biological products (like hormones and other unnamed compounds)." I watched his latest video and found it very clear and direct. Basically all of his recent videos keep saying "focus on your heart as much as possible", that is the higher selfs teaching essentially (there are more nuances, but this is the core) I also watched a video by Matt Kahn today, that was beautiful, and he said very clearly to "focus on the heart". It must be important if they centre their teachings around it and keep repeating it like a broken record. That's what I try to do for the whole day, but it's more like 20% of the day, so again, the potential there is great to expand evermore into love ❤️ Life is so beautiful. I'm so glad Colin to have met someone who shares both a teacher I love, and my favourite video game ever. I was 2 years old when I saw that image of Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald and Goofy when my Mum won a playstation 2 from the radio. Then I played it a year later when we opened the case up. The imagination of a child brings those games to life, it looked way better then that now (all those pixels!), the adult version of video games is living those values in your life, and in the future, it will be in lucid dreams I bet as our awareness continues to flourish into greater dimensions of peace and oneness.
  19. I have been going through an internet cleanse myself. I've been spending 8 hours on here would you believe! The key is to firstly remove every device you don't need: most people only need a phone, but keep a laptop if you feel you are mature enough for it. Then I removed everything on there that was distracting me such as FaceBook (still keeping messenger to hang out with friends, not message them), and removing unhealthy youtube subscriptions (I replaced these youtube subscriptions with relaxing or educational channels). Once deleting almost everything, and setting up the internet with healthy bookmarks etc. I then committed to using it for less than 20 minutes each day apart from once a week where I watch I Leo's video or on a very special occasion where a loving, beautiful teacher such as Matt Kahn has posted. Most importantly I committed to only looking at content that made me feel more peaceful, that anchored love, and made me feel more at one with God; cutting out all forms of mindless entertainment. Again you don't need any social media accounts at all, just as long as you can connect with friends such as with messenger. And even then, I have notifications turned on so I see all important messages from friends on my lock screen instead of opening the app or site After this process which doesn't take long, it's time to find what you truly love to do! Do whatever makes you feel calm, excited, and peaceful, and happy; and don't be afraid to explore new things. As the saying gos you don't know if you like something until you've tried it; just like you don't know what you're favourite food is until you've tried every fruit, and vegetable, and nut. Through out this you will experience strong emotional backlashes as your mind is used to this mindless entertainment you've engaged with. It will take months and maybe years to completely rewire this pattern of seeking instant gratification. And this is important, don't go find a new addiction, instead do things you love to do, which is easier said than done, I know. It's a process, you have years to align yourself more with the purity, oneness and perfection of your soul that only does exciting things just for the sake of expressing itself. We are both at the start of this process my friend. I look at my friends and they spend all day on their phones and the internet and inside, without any spiritual practice of love in their life. It makes me sad, but also makes me realise just how far I've evolved which is also inspiring. So know that you are already doing way better than 99% of society just by questioning this, and that whatever you do, everything is always perfect. Remember it's so important, so important to find something you love. For me it's focusing on my heart, saying loving things to myself, being with friends and family, travelling, playing my guitar and violin. That will help you. And naturally from there you will attract a more loving reality, and ultimately be living your life purpose and realise yourself as love. Or you don't have to, your choice. Best of luck. Prepare for the biggest backlash of your existence, and really set those healthy boundaries. The internet is not the problem, only your lack of anchoring true love into your life. The internet addiction is just a result of a lack of anchoring love. Vision is important to. In your case you've spent almost 2 days when you were awake out of 7 days on the internet. Imagine what would happen if you used those 2 whole days to anchor more love in any way you want, like going to a yoga studio, or going outside in the sun, or having lunch with friends, all while embracing everything as divinity. That would be powerful, and something your Grandchildren would be proud of too. The internet is a virtual world, live in the real world. Some ideas for YouTube is to bookmark your subscriptions page, so you only see the videos from inspiring, loving and peaceful channels you resonate with. With I've bookmarked my journal so I always see that first. This really helps with the subconscious mind, just like cleaning your room and placing some beautiful green plants in there, with crystals. It is much healthier Also consider only using any technology after your morning meditation, and use them in another room if possible or in one area of your room only such as a desk if this isn't possible. Have fun with this process and set it all up for success. Most important is to anchor love by doing what you enjoy like cooking as I've repeated but also cleaning your devices up, and your room helps too. Infinite amount of ways to do this. Simply overwhelm the addiction with things you love to do. Easy, right?
  20. I have become aware of the long reaching tentacles of technology. I did an experiment this morning where instead of going on my laptop I walked outside into the sun and gazed into it for a few minutes. It felt energising, my thoughts reduced, I felt more blissful. I then intentionally brought my laptop outside into the sun to check this website, and my emails. Immediately my heart rate rose from 60 to above 100 beats per minute, and my facial muscles tensed up whilst addictive thoughts of going on an internet spree arose. I was shocked. I thought by bringing my laptop more into nature instead of my room, that this would somehow balance the egotistic effects of mindless technology use, but alas, it proved to have exactly the same effect. This shows me just how little I should use technology, to try and keep usage to as close to 0 minutes as possible by consciously asking the reasons for getting out my phone or laptop. This provoked me to simplify everything on my phone and laptop, to delete Facebook, unsubscribe from all entertainment based YouTube channels leaving only educational and relaxing channels, and to make it so notifications from friends can be assessed on my lock screen instead of needing to go onto a website or app in fear of missing out on spending time with the people I care about. I do have much appreciation for the internet. Listening to Matt Kahn videos for instance completely changed my life, inspiring me to be more loving in every moment. It's all about focus. I don't want my attention to be on the latest technology news, I'd rather use my time to learn more about love, and oneness through energetic transmissions. There will be much backlash as I embark on using technology wisely, for the emotions I used to numb will feel uncomfortable until my love transforms them into the light from whence they came. If I didn't have technology would spend that time meditating, going out with friends, playing my instruments, doing social experiments by complimenting strangers, and spending more time in nature. I feel that by doing these exciting activities as a replacement, while also meditating upon my spiritual heart to awaken the infinite love inside of me that this will indeed change my relationship with technology to a much healthier one automatically. Its undeniable to me know what brings me more joy and happiness, but as I've said, it's on a subtler more mature level. The mind still gets bored and wants something more stimulating. Eventually the subtle love will feed the minds desire for entertainment, after lots of dedication to anchoring love in my life which I've been doing so well over the past few months. I'm really proud of myself for not falling into major addictive, and to keep focusing on love no matter what is happening. With spending up to 8 hours a day online, and the rest of the day loving myself relentlessly, it is obvious that by reducing my time online to only looking at things that anchor more love in my reality, that I could go to a whole new level in consciousness. This last addiction (aside from thoughts) has been a bottleneck in my growth that I'm aware of, and ready to change. It will be challenging, but I know I can do it and reduce my time to under 20 minutes for most days; aside from listening to Leo's or Matt Kahn's long videos once a week. Fast Update: I'm about to enter day 4 of my urine fast. I feel very tired from the detox symptoms and I've taken about one or two naps daily because of this. I couldn't sleep for hours last night partly due to using technology, but mostly because of the energy I had from being on a fast that would've been used for digestion. I went to bed at 11:30pm and probably took until 2am to fall asleep. I have been going to the bathroom 12-20 times daily and have been seeing globs of mucus come out of me. Compared to my first 3 day fast a few months ago, the globs are now tiny, and the detoxification symptoms are so much less intense thankfully It feel good to know that this cleaning is working. My urine is making me slightly nauseous due to the sickly taste it develops on fasts which is to be expected. I've noticed a big reduction in thoughts and emotions when not using technology from the fast, and my skin is starting to glow. Miraculously all of my pimples have disappeared over the last 3 days, only hard to see scars remain which a bit of urine very morning will clear due to the stem cells contained in it. I haven't been dreaming much of food, in fact I feel satiated/replete. I do sometimes remember the taste of fruit in my mouth. For the fast I've been stretching and doing a few minutes of rebounding just to get the blood flowing to help with detoxification. I will get an enema next time I'm shopping, as ideally I should've used it daily to help with detoxification. It's a lot easier than I thought likely due to my low-calorie OMAD fruitarian diet I have been trying to maintain, which makes me less attached to food I believe, to instead eat love. From this experience I've learnt the utmost importance of eating healthy all of the time. To not go for an ice-cream just because I'm at the movies, or eat an unhealthy dinner just to fit in with my friends when there is always a healthy alternative. It's those times where twice a week I might relent and have a piece of chocolate that add up over time, and will eventually build up toxins. Especially now, my taste buds are very sensitive, and fruit tastes heavenly. So I've got lots of insights, and made lots of changes just from a few days on a urine fast. I've seen the suffering caused by mindless use of the internet and have committed to using it much much less, and only for true relaxation and education. And I've seen through having some junk food now and then as a treat. It's beautiful how I will have 8 more hours daily to love whatever arises relentlessly, and maintain focus on my heart. And how to I will be less toxic. I will have so much time that I don't know what to do with other than to love, to spread love and be love as I know that my sleeping period will continue to decrease, I believe about 4 hours, leaving me 20 hours a day to love. God that is a lot of time. Many Blessings.
  21. As an example of the above post I want to talk about some experiences I've felt on my fast. What I've experienced is the strongest emotions I've ever felt in many years to set up my computer and play video games all day long. Of course I would never do this, as I haven't played a proper video game in a year and a half, yet this crazy emotion just came up inside of me. I sat down and let it pass, affirming that everything is perfect, and felt lighter. It then came again even stronger, and this time I sat down again and started contemplating why it was here very intensely. I wanted to know how playing video games would fulfil my heart, when all I had felt in the past was emptiness while setting up the game, emptiness while playing the game, and a deep emptiness after playing the game. It made no logical sense, other than to numb the very emotions that wanted me to play video games! It fascinated me how twisted, and unloving some beliefs were in my mind such as that playing video games leads to fulfilment. I said: "I am God, I am perfect, so why then do I need to do anything external to fulfil me? Why can't I be peaceful in any circumstance?". It become clearer that the misalignment was between my subtle feelings and my emotions. The emotions wanted to check out of life for hours each day, while the feelings wanted to embrace life just as it is. I then thought in my mind of how I would feel after an hour per day of playing a video game. The words void, empty, sad and uncomfortable arose. I compared this to meditation and the words peace, and love arose. I then compared the heart rate. Even thinking about playing video games rose it, while meditation dropped it, and especially while meditating. I then observed the same empty feeling and patterns of emotion in all of my past addictions to eating junk food, and browsing the internet mindlessly. The very same patterns arose of feeling a strong positive emotion but a subtler aversive feeling, acting on said emotion (which always contained a level of fear), and then having a greatly raised heart rate while feeling empty, with a wild mind, and more strong emotions urging me to do another addictive activity. Contrast this to meditation where the process is feeling a strong emotion not to meditate but a subtler feeling of peace, acting on it feeling more of the subtler feeling of peace as time passes, and finishing feeling more peaceful than ever before. In both cases the strong emotion (positive or negative) is most obvious when the idea of doing something arises (will most likely be different than the subtle emotion in terms of being positive or negative), then while doing the activity the body's innate wisdom communicated through subtle feelings becomes stronger than the emotion, and finally all that remains after the activity is the body's innate wisdom. When in tune with the body you can stop yourself acting on a idea rooted in separation from the start. Everyone can defiantly stop it at the end, and during the activity. This is what has helped me, follow the subtle energy of excitement, love, peace as much as possible to live the best quality life.
  22. Almost all emotions are rooted in fear, and separation. These emotions that arise can be traced back to each of our chakras, and enquired upon so that we can uncover our beliefs in separation. What I found is with addictions is that strong positive emotions guide me to for example, go to the cupboard and have a piece of chocolate. This emotion masks our bodies innate wisdom which actually responds aversely to going to the cupboard, but this innate aversion is only felt on a very subtle energetic level that most people are completely unaware of! So what do we do when we have lost touch with this wisdom? For myself, whenever a emotion arises I ask why it is here and if it will bring me more peace and oneness if I follow the thoughts which tell me to take a certain action. I imagine in my mind how I will feel after following the emotion, if I feel more peaceful, or relaxed especially. It is very tricky, and takes lots of contemplation and observation and awareness. The best rule to follow where the strong emotions can't hide is after you've for example eaten that chocolate. Observe how you feel afterwards, and that feeling will tell you if it is right. That's when we feel the subtle feelings of our body instead of the emotions. These emotions run deep. Something like meditation may be good for us, but negative emotions may tell you not to do it, and the mistake is to believe that this is intuition. We all know meditation is one of the best things a human can practice, yet emotions say otherwise. Once you start to let go of addictions, and become more in tune with the body you will be able to tell the difference between subconscious emotions and the true subtle feelings that tell you what will bring you more peace and relaxation. It's quite remarkable. What I've found too is that after eating chocolate or going online without a purpose, my heart rate will rise to about 150 beats per minute. When I do something relaxing my heart goes down to 40-60 beats per minute. This has been a wonderful benchmark to measure if something brings more peace into my life. Just now I resisted checking my phone, and felt amazing after the strong negative emotion washed over me, which lowered my heart rate dramatically, and made me feel blissful. In the end, we must see the difference between emotions and the body's wisdom. Sometimes they work together, but most of the time what the body wants, and what the emotions want are completely different. This is a long process of constantly being aware of what beliefs are triggering particular emotions in response to the environment. When we see those beliefs, they are released. When we do more things that bring peace, these beliefs also are released. Remember in the perfect human state their should be little to no emotions, only the body's wisdom rooted in love, and unity. Peace, and oneness.
  23. Today has been filled with many strong emotions that have been contained deep inside me. I felt hopeless, and sad, and frenzied. My practice is to focus on the love in my heart, the rising and falling of my chest through out the day, but these emotions far overcame the subtle feeling of love I had. I just couldn’t focus until I remembered a beautiful teaching I had learnt by Matt Kahn called Loving whatever arises. As soon as I started complimenting and blessing my wounded heart the emotions became less intense allowing me to again focus on my chest. I’ve learnt that a synthesis between the two teaching of loving whatever arises and focusing on the spiritual heart is necessary when such emotions arise to calm myself down With my increased sensitivity I saw how technology had been effecting me. Just by taking a few hours off, those strong emotions would arise again. It showed me how dependent I was on circumstances for happiness, but my question is, how come I can’t be happy under any circumstance? Why can’t I feel bliss or peace in every moment? These questions have me a deeper appreciation of the true power of the subconscious mind. While my soul is unconditionally loving, my subconscious mind was hurt in the past by people and so created patterns that when triggered caused these strong emotions and self-defeating thoughts to arise. I’m very conscious of this now. That’s why loving whatever arises has so much power in rewiring the subconscious mind in oneness, and to release all beleifs in separation. The same effect, but even deeper and subtler is found by focusing on my chest, it’s most effective however when I’m calm. It makes me fall asleep, making hours of meditation turn into hours of napping ? I trust that love will purify all of my subconscious beliefs that dominate my life. I trust that everything is perfect, and that everything will work out, and that I am worthy of more love not less, now and forever. The most important practice is to bring more love into every moment. Every second is another opportunity to anchor love ❤️