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Everything posted by Solace

  1. Is there a human being having a spiritual experience? That would imply there is a "you" experiencing God. What is this "you" that experiences God? How can you be seperate from God? What is a spiritual being mean to you? There is only one spiritual being is there not known as existence, God, oneness, love, emptiness. To my mind a being implies a person, but truly the source of creation is within you, having no personality, and exists as everything. We ARE. We ARE because all is one. Even saying we are God having a human experience implies that God and the human experience is seperate when it is one. You are the one right now. All of existence is within your field go awareness.
  2. Those beautiful experiences keep me on the path too. What has helped me with the ego (that says that I can't feel love, or that I can't open my heart and experience my true self) is realising that my experience, right now, is perfect. All thoughts are perfect, all resistance to thoughts is perfect, all emotions are perfect, wanting to be anywhere but here or feeling anything but what you are feeling is perfect. Whether I feel sadness or happiness I am perfect. No matter what thought arises in my perception, I am still perfect. It is a fact that I am perfect, and everything in existence is also perfect. The fact is that you are everything in existence. You are the light of consciousness no matter if you perceive it or not. So I ask you where is there to go? What is there to do when you are already love? You are whole and complete, and all of life exists within you. What is there to find or seek when you already are perfect? What is there to push away when everything is perfect? What is there to grasp for when you are whole, complete and perfect? You don't need to change anything about this moment because it is already perfect. Enlightenment is trusting this knowing, it is that simple. You don't need to do anything but know this, and your heart will begin to open, and your awareness will expand. When this happens you will naturally surrender into the space of awareness and the feeling of your heart as this video guides us to: But until then, it's helpful to say in your mind, "I am perfect, this experience is perfect" (other such words of truth etc.) and really feel these words, really say them as your deepest truth. When you do this you will open your heart, which is where you will find the unconditional love that you always have been, and always wanted. Life is perfect, it is only our mind that says that it is not. Even so, the doubtful mind is perfect, and all it says is perfect. Relax and trust this knowing with all of your heart in every moment. To add, not trusting this is perfect. Trusting perfection is perfect. Whatever happens is perfect. This is all to help you loosen up, and relax, because you are absolutely perfect as you read this. It's not about convincing your mind that life is perfect, its about accepting that whatever arises whether it be thoughts or feelings of imperfection or perfection is perfect. This is about being real and honest with yourself, we are not forcing our minds to believe anything, but loving it just as it is, and trusting that I am love. Any attempt to change what is happening will cause you more suffering, so instead we affirm the bigger picture of perfection so that we can drop our resistance to what is happening. So, any resistance to this moment is perfect. It's okay to have a doubtful mind, it's okay to want to be loved and understood, it's okay to want to escape. Everything is included in this energy of perfection because all is perfection. The mind will resist the present moment, and if only we can allow this, and know that it is what the mind does, what its programmed to do, that this is perfect, then our resistance to the minds resistance can drop and we can enter peace in any experience because you are allowing all experiences to exist just as they appear. I enjoyed writing this for you @nikkikc. I highly recommend you check out the teacher in the video above for more of this. All is perfect right now, feel it, and if you can't, that is perfect, if you can, that is perfect. Everything is perfect. Keep going in this practice until you feel it. Any questions, feel free to ask.
  3. The question itself says so much. There is a part of you that most likely doesn't want your hair to change for many (often subconscious) reasons. See that having this resistance, even if it is small or insignificant, is a perfectly acceptable. Truly this is an opportunity to give more love to these parts of your mind that don't want certain things to happen that are going to happen someday or another by simply seeing the resistance, and affirming in your mind that it is perfect to resist anything life. This is a self-love practice to use for whenever change happens, and the mind reacts. For the hair, make sure you are getting all of your nutrients on cronometer (you will need some food scales): Simply adding more vegetables in your diet will help for most people, with a superfood such as nutritional yeast, spirulina, and the super seeds (which have made big changes for me in my health, these seeds helped rebuild my nerves, these are: hemp/chia/flax seeds). A good way I use to eat more vegetables is to have a blended salad. The recipe created by dr cursio and dr Stanley bass is one small tomato, a red or green capsicum (half or whole), 3-4 stalks of celery, half of a small cucumber, squeezed lemon (half or quarter), 1 tbsp of nutritional yeast, 1tbsp of hemp/chia/flax seeds (I love the taste of chia), optional is romaine lettuce, and a tsp of olive oil. Other foods recommended are all berries, especially blueberries and dark leafy greens (you can make them taste great by stir frying them in ghee with a selection of herbs, spices, and coconut cream. I recommend this book for such recipes: For your hair to receive the benefits of the food you eat simply massage your head throughout the day, to get the blood to flow there. If you get a loved one to use something like this, it will feel very relaxing, but to stimulate more blood flow also use the hands. You can only improve your health doing this, experience for yourself what works, words are just words, and your body will respond differently than mine to the same thing. I wish you the best.
  4. By embodying your Higher Self. Then you are connected to an infinite flow of creative energy. Even if this weren't the case and you were given the same amount of energy daily, the benefits of reducing the activities of the subconscious mind through meditation, and being free from people taking your energy through interaction because you are dis-identified with form; you would therefore have much more energy to use consciously. You must take into account that a healthier body can hold more electrical energy in it's nervous system and cells, this is the same with the emotional body when chakras are cleared and raised by the white light of God, and when the subconscious karmic impressions in the mental body are purified. You can hold more spiritual energy to manifest what your heart desires. So there is a purpose then to physical detoxification, as well as embodying the white light, that is here and now in all of our direct experiences, as much as you can. Namaste.
  5. This is a fun exercise I do before deep meditation to calm the chatter. I came up with it because I wanted to soothe and open my troubled heart at the time. From my perspective your monkey mind, your personal past, and your experience of life as you read this is perfect. If you notice while you sit for meditation that everything inside of your awareness is okay to be there, that it is perfect in its expression, that your resistance to perfection is perfect and your desire to change anything about yourself is perfect then you empower perfection in your life. Perfection is another name for God. I learnt through experience that resisting the mind, or seeing it as an obstacle, only makes it a bigger part of your life. This resistance can be very subtle. For example, a thought arises about my weekly grocery shop while meditating. I will then notice how this is perfectly okay for this thought to be in my experience right now. Subtly another thought arises, “It is not okay, my mind should be silent.”. Again I notice how perfect this inner resistance is, i allow it to exist. Whatever is the opposite to that which you see as perfect, resistance in the form of a feeling often arises e.g. you may think to yourself, these ideas about God sound so wonderful, but also I recognize that the ego, the opposite of God is perfect, and that my feelings of unworthiness in response to the word “perfect” is perfect. I do this for a few minutes, it is very easy to do. Maybe this will help you
  6. Hello everyone, On batgap Lincoln Gergar will be live on Buddha at the gas pump for anyone who wants to watch any minute. Also I hope you are having a great day.
  7. I read this the other day. It may help with your contemplation.
  8. With an open heart expanding into a infinite space. You can feel the infinite space right now if you first feel the space within your body, the space around your body, then the space of infinity that spans space and time. You can feel the Heart, at the centre of this infinite space, and a blissful love will grow with your trust in that which you are. This state can be summarised in two words: Just Be. Just be nothing. Just be conscious. Leave all of your luggage at the door.
  9. Know that most people do not meditate properly with the correct technique, especially beginners. This is the most effective technique if you want to find Unconditonal Love, enlightenment, God because it places our awareness directly on that deepest part, it requires lots of concentration:
  10. Thank you Nicola Tesla for gracing this world with your creative mind. Pushing any boundaries of what is generally accepted as truth is very brave indeed, especially in his time. The first quote blew my mind.
  11. Thankfully meditation is our natural state, so we can live as Love and consciousness in every moment! There is no need to seperate meditation from daily life such as at work, reading, and talking to your friends. Your expression will naturally change to one that is genuine and authentic rather than one based upon fear of not being accepted by people, or a need to get love from outside yourself. So the journey is your life if you want it to be. Living as Love will become natural after a while. Of course Love is always here but because we can’t perceive it, sometimes we use other techniques to quiet the mind, or change the minds understanding. Everyone wants this deep inside, and when they are ready, whether in this lifetime or a few more, they will desire true happiness, and be free.
  12. What pursuit? Your consciousness is the experience of emptiness. Everything in the entire dimension of form is consciousness. And you are consciousness. Where is there to go? You are already perfect as consciousness. You are that I am that I am. Once you identify this consciousness using your awareness by feeling the field of emptiness around and within your body, all you do is keep your awareness upon this consciousness throygghout your day. Eventually you will realize that only consciousness actually exists. There is only consciousness. All form is consciousness. Many “enlightened” teachers don’t realize that Consciousness is only one half of existence! It is the yin aspect. Divine Love is the other half. So to be in this complete state embracing and honourig all of life, one must be the awareness focused upon the spiritual heart in the center of the chest. This embraces form and formless. Yin and yang. Love and consciousness. You can’t have one without the other, the two arise together. You are love and consciousness. And everything is this right now. All form is love and consciousness. It is all Light. Love and consciousness when merged together as one, I call it Light. It’s this light that everything is inside of, created out of, and is experiencing itself as. We don’t perceive this is our daily lives because we have allowed our minds to block this perception through beliefs of separation. We believe we are the thoughts, and emotions. But love and consciousness is always here, and however small, soft and subtle we can empower these qualities with our conscious awareness and know who we truly are.
  13. You are silence. Empty of form. Nothingness. Nothing is happening, so there is nothing to fear. It is very peaceful. You are love. You are the fullness of life. All of existence is inside of you. Love will make you cry tears of joy when you see that everything is you. That all is love and silence in a unified state. Silence has transcended space and time. Therefore you were not born. You are eternally silence and love. You can live from here. Live from anywhere you want, and you are still living in complete silence, because everything is silence. When you sleep every night you return to silence and love, no personality. Empty, void, full, complete. Contemplate this before bed
  14. I love this video. It is highly accurate what the monk said. I was taught this too, to allow the mind, and emotions to move and change while i exist as this field of pure awareness. In stillness and emptiness, allowing life to be just as it comes, and just as it goes. Simple is beautiful. Life is God.
  15. You have free will! That is the most special gift you have! No free will means you choose to live as Love (and let God move through you). This is a very advanced level of awakening, so start with what is here and now in your direct experience. As a conscious freewill being. You are the creator of your thoughts, emotions and actions. You are responsible for that. Even if a thought appears out of nowhere, you created it by empowering the subconscious ego structure that is on automatic. Whether you want to be a brilliant manifestor and creator in your life, or wish to allow your personal will to unite with Gods, connecting more with your Heart and conscious awareness will help you greatly. But you’ve got to want Divine Love and Stillness more than anything else in the world. More than any thought, or feeling. You allow everything to be as it is in perfection, accepting resistance or uncomfortable emotions as perfection, not following Gods will as perfection, meet everything with perfection that you resist, and live as Love, consciousness, and infinite intelligence. Its your freewill choice to live from your head or live from your heart ?
  16. When you feel love within yourself through spiritual practice you are also allowing infinite intelligence to be expressed through you. Infinite intelligence is an aspect of Love. Love is an aspect of your consciousness. All three arise together. This is the theory, to embody it, live as Love.
  17. Basically it depends on how you define the soul. When some people say soul they are meaning the Absolute. Technically the Soul is a formless awareness and energy that holds all of the knowledge from our past lives. The soul still has a slight ego (personality) because it is individualized from the Absolute. And it has desires for this lifetime, of how it wants this incarnation (us) to express, and the things to experience and learn. We often ignore our soul desires and create our own using our minds (this is up to us as we have freewill to live and create from our hearts, mind, emotions or physical body, there is no preference to create from the soul or from our minds), and thus, the knowledge we have in this one lifetime. We can also be guided by the higher self, which holds all the knowledge of all of the souls it expressed through.
  18. I would recommend you watch this video. It offers techniques and what I believe to be a holistic understanding of the subject
  19. I am Love. Say this to yourself. You are Love. Say this to things you see within and without you in your daily life. This creates the emotion of love (the greatest of all happiness). Why is this important? Your mind holds an understanding that your phone holds your happiness. Create love within yourself consciously. When you create this, nothing in this world can addict you again. All addictions cease, and all desires, because all addictions and desires were in search for love that you can create. Also, feel your heart while you say this. And say it with power as a creator.
  20. @Shin I use what is suggested to help, the OM Mantra, with my own anxiety. The anxiety is very strong when it arises. However, the OM mantra and Ujjayi Breathe are the two practices that always get me back to peace and love! When Oming (to practice it properly) focus on the vibration created by the sound as it rises from heart to head, while also focusing on the third eye. To accurately perform the Ujjayi breathe gently construct the muscles at the base of your throat (close to the front) and breathe through your nostrils. Most importantly, listen to the sound it creates. These are very powerful practices that can help you. Stay in silence after both of these practices and feel the peace Even the strongest emotions are calmed, and raised to higher vibrations. The loudest thoughts are silenced in the space of consciousness and silence. A lot of the time, I will perform these practices before meditation, which helps in perceiving the energy of love radiating from the heart into the emptiness of my consciousness which an overactive mind and emotions can easily “hide” from our present experience.
  21. I found out everything I think I don’t have is a belief. If you believe you are socially awkward you will create awkward thoughts and emotions and bodily movements in a social situation. You have the free will to believe whatever you want about yourself. From my perspective instead of healing one limiting belief, it’s better to heal them all by transcending the mind and remaining in a state of universal love in your meditations upon the heart. This gives you the direct experience that you are perfect, you are love and you are absolutely whole and complete. This purified your limiting beliefs in the quickest and most effective way possible through the experience of your light. While in social situations you can help this process by saying to your heart, “I am safe right now. I am perfect just the way I am, I don’t need anything to complete me. My awakwardness is perfect. My laugh is perfect. I accept myself. I am a universe of love. I am the creative energy of love creating all of reality. I am the light in the eyes of the people I am looking at. I am safe.” And allow yourself to laugh at your awakwardness. And to make a practice of looking at these people in the eyes to develop a greater connection and intimacy with them. This vulnerability develops connection. You can also connect your heart with your eyes and shine it out as you look into their eyes. And you need not say anything. You need to think about what to say. Just speak or just surrender into their eyes. I honor you no matter what your social skills are. Don’t worry about what people think, what matters is that you tried to connect with them on a deeper level, and you had the courage to be open. So while I agree with what everyone has said here completely, there is also another way which compliments the social experience, which is to embrace you, at the deepest level and carry this love wherever you go, with whoever you meet.
  22. @Truth Addict The only thing you can truly trust is your direct experience. Your memories and beliefs are conditioned by your personal past. Infinite intelligence, love and consciousness are beyond your personal mind/ego. They are universal qualities of existence. And they can be accessed in your direct experience by quieting your mind and emotions, and focusing all of your awareness (as best you can) on the consciousness around you and the love in your heart directly. If you can’t feel love in your heart then feel the breathe rise and fall in your chest, and trust that the universal love will arise in your perception. You will eventually reach the deepest part of yourself known as sat-chit-Ananda (love, infinite intelligence and consciousness) as your living experience. This is more than a belief, this is an experience. As Leo says, you will know when you see this. There will be no doubt that you are the light of God. And this knowing will never leave you, it will expand and grow as you align with it in mind, in emotion and body as you naturally express more of your authentic and radiant self into this world that you already are, and this not only uplifts you, but all of life.
  23. @Emerald Its been a good discussion I also wanted to say that the first step is not judging yourself based upon what you eat. Strong negative emotions are easy to take action upon, and often we use food to change the brain chemistry. It’s alright to do this. We are where we are, and we cant align ourselves with our highest values and inner knowing all in one day. So step one is acceptance, and this happens by not judging yourself. You are perfect. You are accepted by all of creation. Expanding upon this topic it all comes down to a value judgement. Either we judge meat as good or bad. And we have reccommended that you transcend this mentality entirely, as well as all thought as a source of guidance and trust more in your heart. But when we let go of judgement, for me for example, it felt like I was letting myself go! When I didn’t judge my emotions I was giving myself permission to feel anger if it arised instead of repressing it. And I said to myself, “Oh no! I’m going to go around and be mean to everyone, and stomp my feet all over the place”. I said this because I had trusted in my analytical mind from a very young age, and now I was letting it go so I could trust in (live from and focus my awareness upon) my heart. But the actual experience I had was that anger started to heal inside of my energy field, I felt lighter every time I let it express itself, and all negative emotions followed in angers footsteps. I finally allowed these emotions to have a voice and be released. The same happened with diet. By letting go of judgement I was giving myself the freedom to eat anything, such as meat or chocolate (or so I thought). I believed I would binge without constantly monitoring myself through judgement. The actual experience was that I started not being able to eat chocolate because I became conscious of how my body withdraws from this food, and that I felt tired after eating it. The Veggie salad then appealed to me, and last week my mouth watered for a salad for a first after a year of accepting myself just as I am, and letting myself be free to eat all kinds of foods (a freedom that I felt but didn’t necessarily express by binging that much like I thought). When you connect to the heart, after a while a Unconditonal love will arise, and stay with you in whatever you do. And soon you will catch onto it’s song, and become more and more aligned with its beat. So, it is an act of trust when we transcend duality embodied as our analytical mind, but I want to let people know, when you let yourself be free from value judgement, you won’t go out of control! You will actually be in harmony with your authentic self and feel free from limiting beliefs because you are living from a reality that has transcended the belief structure and thus, you now have creative mastery over your mind, body and emotions as you continue to align more and more with the hearts song. Anyway this was probably going off topic but I was inspired to write it here by the other forum members who have really good points about transcending the mind/duality, and aligning with love and authenticity etc to find your own truth about these subjects which everyone has a different answer for within themselves. Namaste.
  24. @Emerald Yeah, there is so many examples of this for us to learn from! A criminal feels justified in what he does, but most of society believes from a different perspective, a different group of thoughts, that an injustice has been committed. Yet injustice is another idea in the mind, and it changes all throughout history. Today gay people are accepted so much more than in the crusades. This is perfect, everyone is allowed to have their own perspective and beliefs. But these beliefs are based upon the personal ego structure which has gained most of its knowledge and deeepest beliefs from the parents. We can rather get our knowledge from the clarity of the heart. In the mind and outside of us we only find knowledge based upon separation. We need to seek deeper inside to find knowledge based upon love and understanding, Truth and wisdom. It is already inside of us. The heart is already singing softly. The mind just sings louder. Once the volume is turned down, we move closer to our inner knowing, the timeless wisdom of the universe that we are right now, the highest perspective we have access to, to see our life from and all moral questions.