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Everything posted by SgtPepper

  1. Honestly, that's kind of gross. Wouldn't you much rather cook it, throw some salt, red pepper, and lemon juice on it? I do not know of any sources and am actually surprised to have found sv3rige's channel. I personally think this is extreme, at least eat some veggies and fruits with the raw meat. There are important nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin A, fiber, and more that we get from vegetables and fruits. but yeah man try it if you want. I would interested in hearing an update if you ever do.
  2. Eat more food, nuts, legumes, seeds, vegetables, and fruits. Meat and fish if you want from good sources. Then for muscles do some workouts and they do not have to be that complicated. You can do push ups, pull ups, dips, squats, lunges, jogging, bridges, planks, crunches, leg lifts, handstand pushups... all you really need to stay physically fit without external weights. You gotta get serious and start educating yourself, start employing healthy habits and slowly the bad habits will fade.
  3. because to be self-realized is better and we can arguably choose to make the dream a harmonious place without all the ignorance and fear
  4. but who chose to think about the elephant before thinking about the elephant? Why not a dog or a clown?
  5. I see gurus and people on this forum say that psychedelics will delude one further, when actually psychedelics exposes how dreamlike "reality" actually is. They do both simultaneously, show you how dreamlike/ungrounded physical reality is and as well as unconscious mechanism of this dream world, so that you learn to make the dream more harmonious for the ego.
  6. I think Leo is right to say it is a dream, I sure have experienced such a feeling. But I'm still gonna play along.
  7. The book covers many aspects of using psychedelics as therapy tools like history, pioneers, etc, but there is a dedicated section to personal growth and self exploration. I still haven't read the book personally because I am reading "The Power of Now" at the moment, but I just bought it and am excited to read it. Honestly, I do not think reading books is necessary as a preparation. Nothing can really prepare you besides a nice meditation session. You can set an intention or ask questions during the trip, but even without those practices, I still found trips to be insightful and healing.
  8. I love psychedelics and I agree with Tom. Psychedelics are not a joke!
  9. Here's a good book: I am biased, but psychedelics are not a waste of time and they grow on Earth (natural). They are serious transforming medicines that has been used by humanity for thousands of years for spiritual purposes. They can also be mind-fucking and I recommend taking big breathes whenever you need to, take on a meditative mindset and an open mind.
  10. Nothing! I am just confused by how people describe enlightenment and what it entails. Sometimes it feels like enlightenment means giving up the ego completely, but I see the ego an integral part of non-duality to begin with. Otherwise, I completely agree with enjoying with what is doing. Good question! That is what I am trying to figure out. I would love a description of what absolute means. I can tell you what I have experienced via psilocybin mushrooms: My experiences are quite similar to Leo's enlightenment video that was just released. 1. I have experienced oneness 2. the temporary quality of feeling, sensations, and thoughts. 3. There being no other, because everything comes from within. "It's all me" 3. Deep peace and quietness of the mind as well as stillness that permeates my being. 4. Complete presence in every single moment. 5. Deep understanding and love for myself and others. 6. Loss of control, being awareness itself, not the body. However, my last trip (approximately 3 weeks ago) left me quite lost as I was very aware of illusory nature of my mind-body in comparison to absolute truth and I had trouble pinpointing or grasping deep Truth. I felt that I become conscious of nothingness, the invisible-conscious quality that a lot of people talk about. It's everywhere but nowhere and invisible but not because it was presence. but I did not know what to make of it, what to say about it, how to conceptualize it, as I felt anytime I had a thought about it, I had already lost touch with it. My last trip really exposed the illusory nature of my ego and taught me how important it is to have a empty mind to see what I guess people call the Absolute. The great thing about tripping is that I am very aware of how to get back into this state of mind because the psychedelics forces me to go through it, so I am aware of what it is to have a clear mind. If anybody has any guidance/evaluation regarding this experience and the topic of enlightenment, let me know!
  11. and that okay! I wasn't sure I wanted it either for years, and have only come to this strong conclusion 1-2 years ago. It takes time and I have faith you will come to know what is right for you too! I just wanted to reply to this topic because it has crossed my mind before hehe.
  12. I think possession and jealousy are natural aspects of a human being. If I stole or used your phone, car, or computer (possessions) without permission, I am pretty sure you'd be upset with my actions. Then on top of that, I do not value a human being like a phone or a computer. It is possible, I could let go of my need for security and possession, but monogamy is bigger than that to me. It's about creating a secure family system for children as well. It is about respecting what you have with another person. Giving yourself 100% to your partner, building up that commitment and love for each other. I think that is more beautiful than being lustful for other people. OP's point was that it was more natural to be in an open relationships. I am saying it is more akin to my nature to be monogamous because I am naturally possessive and would get jealous. Not saying owning or possession of anything actually exists though in absolute reality. Jealousy and possessiveness is not wanting lose the intimacy and commitment one has with a partner. It is not so much about ME, it is about US. It's also understanding that intimacy with that one partner is very special and valuable, not something to be shared. Sex is different to people. To me it is an intimate connection. Stats on breakup/divorce are 50/50; however, we would have to explore why people are getting divorced. For example, I have read it somewhere, but I am pretty sure the number one reason couples get into fights is financial reasons. In addition, people cheat because their partner are not addressing their sexual needs, hence the couple is not a good fit because they are not communicating well and not synchronizing well. These are, of course, my values. I encourage people to follow what is in their hearts. I mean, yeah, my dick says have sex with everything that moves, but my heart says develop a high-quality relationship an awesome woman. I am biased as well as my parents have been married for 30+ years and I am grateful they provided such a stable family life for me. I want to follow the same path, not because I'm conditioned, but because I see the inherent value of it. EDIT: just be clear, I understand monogamy may not be for everyone. Follow your heart.
  13. but wouldn't you eventually come back to the ego game? Eat food, talk with family, laugh at jokes, listen to music not because there is anything to achieve, but because it fits ego life. It's all "I" know how to do. During an a non-dual experience, I was playing guitar and as I became more conscious of non-duality, it felt like I knew who I was, but I did not know simultaneously. What was "I" suppose to do at the submission of all that is? I just kept playing guitar with my heart containing feelings of joy and sadness, the only thing my monkey ass knew to do. lol. In my experience, ego resists in the beginning but eventually stops and if anything finds solace in non-duality, but eventually "my mother" is like Hello Sgtpepper, ego just goes ahead and plays along. On the path, there is great focus on dropping the ego, but in my experience, ego is part of non-duality and is meant to be played out. I guess the danger is eventually getting too sucked into ego and identifying with the story too much. Still, I do not want to get over my head. I believe Leo when he says that this field is deeper than we think/see
  14. Breaking the duality forever huh? I have had many non-dual experiences, but I eventually allow myself to slip back into ego because that is the game human life is playing. Is that not what all of you do? What would my non-dual experiences do for "others" if "they" have not experienced it. I am able to move between these levels of reality so to speak on a whim. It is impossible to not see things as non-dual since boundaries are created by the mind and the mind is not the ground, if you feel me on that. And as I do more consciousness work I feel non-duality deepen each year a little more. Not sure if this means I had an enlightenment experience and now I am "maturing" it like Osho says, but if I am wrong, thats fine. I do not imagine its helpful to be neurotic about reaching such a state since I am not in control, but I enjoy meditation and connecting with Being.
  15. In my experience, You have to ground yourself in consciousness. Clarity allows one to see the bigger picture. Ego Life is about growth and moving to a place in the world that resonates with your inner Being, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Unpleasant realities can be part of this growth process. I think during these unpleasant realities, we have to continue having hope and look for solutions to current circumstances, understand that nature is in constant motion. Change is happening every moment. Some people get discouraged by difficult circumstances and this could lead to what Psychologists call "learned helplessness" ( If we are in bad circumstances, the best way to get through is to be positive, change the way you look at things, see the bigger picture, have hope, focus, grow, and best of all, meditate. In addition, I think psychedelics can be a powerful tool to break people out of any mental patterns. It destroys ego and then builds it up again.
  16. When that happens to me, I feel that it is because I am feeling disconnected from my body, so my advice is to connect with your body, feelings, and emotions. I think physical movements are great for this such as yoga, jogging, or dancing.
  17. IME, psychedelics are helpful with addictions, so taking mushrooms may not be a bad idea. I do not really know how one can distract themselves on mushrooms, not being honest or authentic is difficult.
  18. There are pros and cons to both relationship styles and everyone is different. I much prefer monogamy because I am possessive and jealous which is something author said she struggled with.
  19. I personally have not taken 5-meo, but from the research I have done, you should be pretty much be ready to die (not literally), its the ultimate surrender. Previous psychedelic experience may or may not help, so I am not sure it matters. Just be ready for an intense life changing event and let go. Be mindful that other traditional medicines such as psilocybin mushrooms, peyote, and ayahuasca can be also be healing and life changing.
  20. Anybody who trips with a genuine curiosity to learn about the self can easily recognize the significance of self honesty, acceptance, and authenticity.
  21. I have listened to music my whole life. I am in love with listening and playing music, but addicted? That is such a strong word. It brings me joy, but not in a neurotic way. Maybe you're just addicted to expressing yourself! Express yourself in other ways.