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Everything posted by SgtPepper

  1. I am happy to hear that your trip went the way that it did, it sounded like a wonderful experience! I can definitely relate to some of it especially the feeling to tell your loved ones that you love them. However, Leo is 100% correct, heed his words. Edit: If there is a next time and you feel those anxious, doubtful feelings come in, I recommend breathing, maintaining awareness, and controlling yourself with complete acceptance and surrender.
  2. Yes people in general have definitely had bad trips before even experienced users. This is why its critical to be responsible with this stuff. Set and setting is important as well as being aware of dosage. In my experience I have tripped more than 10 times with all kinds of circumstances (with friends, by myself, indoors, and outdoor) and with various dosages (low to high) for recreational and healing/spiritual purposes. I have never had a bad trip or even gotten close to one. I have had difficult moments, uncomfortable thoughts, confusion, uncertainty, feelings of fear, but I have also had the complete opposite positive experiences within the same trip. The feelings one has is a reflection of oneself. At the end of the day though, issues like chronic anxiety and depression can be helped by understanding how one mind's maintains that attitude. Psychedelics in my experience can absolute help with this. Afterwards, its helpful to write down what answers one got through the trip and make effort to embody them on a daily basis.
  3. LSD-25 is great and I recommend it. Of course make sure you obtain it from a trusted source or test whatever you get to make sure it is LSD-25 or any other safe variation. In my experience LSD is just as effective as mushrooms, but they are different in a subtle way. It has a different flavor, comes on differently, and the duration of the trip appears to have its own unique healing effect. Still as psychedelic and mind bending as mushrooms.
  4. right, you're gonna have to just accept that about yourself and work towards feeling comfortable with yourself, it'll probably take years, but do not lose hope. If you don't have a good therapist it can be counter productive. I have found therapy to be extremely helpful as well as Leos videos, meditation, and my psychedelic trips.
  5. I see therapy for anxiety and I have taken mushrooms with no issues. In my experience, anxiety pretty much goes away on trips because I become very present and aware of the flaw in perceiving the world through thoughts alone. I am much more in my body, so i am more aware of how I am feeling and able to regulate it better as well. Group therapy would help with your social anxiety because it will help you practice conversing with people and see that you're not alone with facing social anxiety. I do believe mushrooms can help a lot with anxiety, but its ultimately up to you to decide if you want to trip. You can meditate and self-inquire on the trip about your anxiety and it will show you answers.
  6. I don't understand what is so unclean about it. I've eaten pork my whole life with no issues and a history of good physical health.
  7. I agree with monkey-man that holy scriptures and religions are more profound than what people make it to be. I'd recommend researching early christianity which is very different than today's Christians. Islam's Sufism is also worth looking into. Anyways, these are all concepts and ideas, God is and has always been found in the Present moment.
  8. In my experience, yes. Just take a break, go outside, go to a cafe or a concert. Chill out, have a conversation, live and be human. Laugh, cry. Go to your local park and run a sprint just for fun, do some push ups, try to jump over things and climb trees. Even if we are deeply infinite and one with everything, on the surface, you are still you and it's okay to play along. It's not the ultimate you, but its still you, care about yourself.
  9. I dont even think fundamentalist Christianity is what mainstream media or present day American Christians make it to be. I believe Heaven and Hell just reflects whether one is flowing with God or flowing against God. Abraham's God is most likely the Absolute infinity God Leo mentions.
  10. who? On topic: I have seen some of Osho's video and see him to be quite radical especially regarding moral ideas, but interesting nonetheless. I shall check out this documentary
  11. sv3rige is unique, no doubt, but not the only one who promotes raw meat, so his promotion of raw meat has nothing to do with mental illnesses; Cultures do it, Bruce Lee tried raw meat, and many find benefits from it It has been shown scientifically to carry a lot of nutrients as well, but I am just not interested in it, given the risks. However, my move towards removing cooked meat and fish has halted, I think I will keep meat seeing as there is not enough evidence that removing meat is healthier than keeping meat.
  12. I don't really think about sanity or insanity really. To me, you just gotta be willing to be comfortable with ALL of yourself and just let it happen. In my experience, it is difficult to plan what to do for a trip. So if you're thinking that your going to drop and then just sit and meditate/contemplate on non-duality, its most likely not going to work out like that. In my experience, non-duality just naturally comes as I let my sense of self go which happens naturally and maybe with some resistance in the beginning. The only thing you gotta be willing to do on psychedelics is actually take it, then you just ride it from there.
  13. @Slade I can see by your comments that you have a lot of influence from sv3rige, but I am not convinced of his beliefs. I don't think all studies are bullshit nor are they run by the New World Order. Sometimes I agree with him, sometimes partially agree, and sometimes I disagree. Sv3rige straight up says fruits, fiber, and vegetables are bad or useless and are toxic for your body, but it makes no sense. Japanese people are some of the longest living people and they live off grains and vegetables with minimal meat. It also doesn't explain that vegans in general have less rates of diseases like atherosclerosis. I am not even vegan, but I found vegetables, seeds, nuts, and fruits to be excellent addition to my daily diet. Regarding your last comment, I am aware of the keto-genic diet too, I have a friend who got good results with it but found it to be unsustainable. All people who want to understand Slade, need to understand the paleo movement as well as the fear of nutritional deficiencies in veganism long-term. Videos like this help understand the slade's fear or dislike of plant foods/vegan movement: and he has more where he points certain nutrients are not received from animal products such as Creatine, Taurine, B12, Carnosine, K2, D, "True" Vitamin A, and more that I am forgetting. In a way, sv3rige has definitely made me hesitant about going vegan, so at the moment I will stay eating Whole Foods, mostly plant-based. Still he does not answer how individuals like Paul McCartney who has been vegetarian and recently vegan (2013) for over 30+ years, but still look and act healthy.
  14. "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." - Rumi
  15. I used to find islam interesting when I made a muslim friend in university, I listened to a few lectures, bought an English translated Quran, but overtime I realized that he was extreme in his devotion which is fine, but I could not connect or create a friendship with him due to his devotion. I mentioned once to my friend the possibility of Moses using a psychedelic like DMT and he accused me of being blasphemous. He could not just disagree or say "That's interesting, but I don't believe that." he told me to not say it again because its disrespectful... This is just one example out of many and we ended up not talking to each other much especially because I realized how intolerant he was. Sufism is criticized by many muslims as being blasphemous by the way. Here is a video of Norman Ali Khan talking about the spinning ritual practiced by sufis. Intolerant of any other practices outside of Muhammad's book. Once I realized that the mainstream thought is that listening to music is "haram", I gave up trying to appreciate them since I plan on being a life long musician. A lot of muslims come off neurotic. Not saying all Muslim folks are like this because they are not, but this particular experience definitely left me with a bad impression of muslims for a while that I needed to work through. But I do like Sufism and I have greatly enjoyed Rumi's work.
  16. It is all about how you use it. If you do it everyday, your tolerance is up and the intention can be quite different than spiritual exploration. If you use it once a month, tolerance is reset, in a dark room by yourself, I do not see it as any different than taking psychedelics. Terence McKenna also advocated it to be used this way I believe. Not to mention the multiple cultures who have used it for spiritual purposes.
  17. Leo always with that solid advice and explanation. I agree so much with this, I have also experienced depersonalization on the path through psychedelics and attempting to release ego via meditation, but Ultimately, I have learned that one has to integrate both ego and universe as one in order to feel passionate and in your body. We also cannot forget that the means to experience the absolute is within the body aka reality. Also I am going to agree with @Saumaya here... He is right, there are two sides to the coin and you cannot ignore the personal/subjective experience of life if you want to feel wholesome.
  18. Good discussion here. I have spent the last few days watching sv3rige's videos... heh. Still, I do not see the benefits of being so extreme and eating only raw meat, raw eggs, and raw milk, especially considering the risk of contracting harmful bacterias. There is evidence that humans have eaten both starches (root vegetables), meat to survive, and that cooking food helped us evolve. Our body and brain use glucose for energy. Not to mention the kind of actions one has to commit on a weekly basis to sentient animals to sustain that kind of diet. Yeah, it is natural to kill, to survive as carnivores argue, but it is also natural to have empathy and make friends with sentient animals. Would it not be more balanced to include both vegetables, legumes, nuts, fruits, and meat/fish in the diet? milk and cheese seems debatable since its a recent food in human diets or perhaps was not eaten on a weekly basis all year. Unfortunately, I have not experimented enough with my diet or explored the research enough to be convicted in one place (still need to check out Westen A. Price's material). Also, I have seen sv3rige argue that Vegan diets lack vitamin A, but then why do we not see vitamin A deficiency in vegans? why aren't people going blind? When I look up 4 oz cooked meat like pork chop or chicken on cronometer, not even 5% of vitamin A RDA is met. I have never eaten raw meat in my life, but I have great eyesight (No glasses or contacts).
  19. I agree with Michael569 and am quite aware of all the Youtubers he mentioned. In addition, I would like to add to look for MuscleNBody who recently became vegan and body building is a priority to him.
  20. I would say go grass-fed to go as natural as possible, but I am sure you have done the research. Good luck man!
  21. It makes sense since animals eat plants, that is where they get their vitamin C. I am curious, are you just eating grass-fed cow meat? or will you include chicken and pork?
  22. According to this website by Dr. Axe, raw milk contains Vitamin C Not saying I am in support of this diet, I am wfpb person myself for my own reasons. I think a diet of raw milk and Meat could work considering humans probably have had to live in this condition before especially during the winter.