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Everything posted by SgtPepper

  1. I say Just tell them you're not interested. If they ask why or press you, be honest and then provide the reasons you listed here. If they are really your family & friends, they will respect it. Only issue I see arising is that this is how people socially bond around your state. If you do not go hunting, then you may need to compensate for that social bonding through another activity, or just join them hunting, without you doing anything.
  2. I agree with @Mikael89 here. If you don't have loyalty than what good is your love anyways? Nothing wrong with focusing or prioritizing one relationship over another. it's preference, but in the bigger picture, yeah growing our love for the world as a whole is the ultimate goal. But that doesn't mean, I am going to leave or diminish the treatment of individuals who have been by my side through my bullshit, sadness, mistakes, and accomplishments. That kind of trust and loyalty is hard to come by and to me examplifies deep unconditional love.
  3. Block her and get a restraining order? If he has to, kick her ass... visiting children at school without permission is a big cross in boundaries and I'd fight anybody, I don't care if they're a man or a woman who's doing stalking like behavior around my children. Anyways... that's why you don't fuck around and disrespect your family like that. He made his bed and now he has to sleep in it.
  4. That is not true at all. Plenty of people in marriages have great self-esteem. Some people do not want the drama or emotional turmoil of multiple intimate relationships. It can be exhausting just to have one. Also it appears to me that you are speaking from a place of Lust not Love. Marriage is about love, acceptance, and commitment, not about being able to score consistently like some men make it out to be. @Emerald Interesting explanation about men and femininity!
  5. dude, mushrooms are pretty ideal lol. They blow my mind, I get non-dual experiences every time.
  6. I do not. I stay away from all kinds of tobacco. only smoke cannabis.
  7. What did he even really even do besides express himself? He's just calling it like it is for him and they're the ones who put the camera and microphone at him, so he said his piece. Plus do we know what led Jim to act like that? maybe there is some backstory that explains his attitude.
  8. Monogamy feels more right for me. I do think there is something special about the conventional male to female marriage. I also don't think of marriage as ownership. It's a serious agreement to be life partners. 100% trust. Making babies and taking care of those babies. It's about responsibility and it does grow your ability to love. I doubt health benefits are his real main motivation. People just want different things and different things work for different people. There are polygamous marriages and it has existed historically, Islam and mormonism has it.
  9. He's just having fun. I don't know where he stands on spiral though. I'd say at yellow. Definitely not orange... He did go through an activism phase, but I am not sure he's doing that anymore.
  10. Definitely. I love science and am going into the science/research field myself. The reason new scientific ideas will produce "groundbreaking" experience is because people rely on their ideas/beliefs/paradigms construct how they see reality. So when someone new comes in, the ground breaks a bit because new ideas now need to be merged into previously held ideas that have not been disproven so far. but psychedelics or deep meditative states with high alert and awareness can make all Ideas about the world are straight up laughable when acknowledging how truly mysterious, complex, and deep the world is, leaving you in complete silence.
  11. because it pulls the ground that they've been building their whole lives, right from underneath them. Also mostly because a lot of this spiritual stuff can only be proven subjectively, it is difficult to find a measuring tool that can point to consciousness since everything is made of consciousness including the tool, also lack of resources devoted to scientifically proving these phenomenons. They just mad.
  12. What do you mean another ego is immortal? No ego is immortal. God is not an ego, God is everything and nothing, no ego is involved since God is existence itself. Nothing significant, but the only thing that is significant or living. The ego does not want to merge because it likes being itself. If it merges it means it has to die and accept the truth and perhaps burden of all that life is. Also consider that ego does not want to die because it assumes many ideas about death even though it won't ever know because all "ego" knowing is filtered through ego experience like the brain. I do think illusion is more painful than truth. It's like asking whether someone lying to you is better than them telling you the truth, even though the lie may make you feel better and the truth may hurt you. I'd still choose truth because its the only REAL thing in the world. This is definitely a complex topic, but I am not sure it will get solved from debate, I feel that you are a confused state and need to get out your insights and contemplation which is a good thing, it just means you are ready to learn something new. However, in my experience stay attached to the ego is like staying attached to your finger nail and not realizing the whole picture which is the body that the fingernail is attached to.
  13. Some sort of survival instinct is still necessary, but cooperation will lead to more happiness, less suffering, better tech., better ideas, whole perspective, and more. you should find something valuable you can contribute to the world that you can enjoy that will give you the satisfaction of building relationships, earning money to enhance your life, open up more opportunities, so much more. It's not impossible. Apply yourself. and there are SO many ways to earn money. Yeah, survival is still on the table, but we should strive towards cooperation
  14. There is pain and pleasure, but there is also peace. Also we're not looking at it, we are it. and even if we built technology that could give us infinite vitality which may be a realistic evolutionary path, who knows, but would we really even be human anymore by that point? who's to say the whole universe itself won't eventually get sucked in by a black hole at some point? Everything is evolving. clinging on to the content instead of seeing your wholeness, that's what creating the suffering. I am not saying forego ego, thats why you have to feel wholesome. mind body spirit. Pleasure won't fully satisfy you. It will just make you into a slave. “I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer.” ― Jim Carrey Spiritual path or relationship with God can be bumpy as fk, but wisdom and compassion comes from pain and suffering.
  15. 1. Yes 2. Words are symbols so it can be described, but it's not the actual thing. 3. Id say harder because no one is there is to tell them to look at the truth. 4. can be both.
  16. I think its good to enter that confused state, its a sign that you are open to something more than what you currently know. In honestly, all we know is direct experience. That is Truth as far as truth can be truth.
  17. well "You" are separate from God. that's the whole point about being "you". You want separation from the infinity, but deep awareness will show "you" are actually not separate. how is becoming more aware of the body and what you are without thoughts, ego distraction? Thinking is literally ego distraction because it biased and highly connected to the sense of self, your mind has built.
  18. take a break every once in a while and then come back to thinking about these topics.
  19. You have to connect with your heart. Essentially, your feelings and emotions. How to be proactive about it? I mean just acknowledge how you feel on a day to day basis and do not ignore it or try to say ego or whatever. It's a part of your nature, so praise it. If you feel angry, let the feelings come through, if you feel sad, lonely, or joy and happy, let it yourself be in those emotions completely.
  20. Nope. I love songwriting and doing it almost near daily basis either in my head, writing lyrics, coming up with riffs, and then when I have more free time, tracking it down and figuring out what makes a song good. Follow your passion, that's true living.
  21. the only skill you're gonna master doing pick up is Pick up skills. You are not actually going to master having a mature relationship with a women in my opinion. That will only happen by having actually having a long-term relationship with a woman. How to practice talking to girls? Just find a common ground where they are at and talk with them. Are you attending a university? get into a circle with guys and girls and discuss life, listen to their point of view, exclaim your point of view, not much else to it. Going to parties and picking up tipsy chicks is not the same as being able to have a relationship with one person for two years and being able to keep it fresh, stoke the fire between each other, and problem-solving.
  22. lol, no. A girl can open up to someone who she is attracted to. She can also open up to her friends. If a girl is opening up to you, it mean she's opening up to you.