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Everything posted by SgtPepper

  1. Sounds like to me you already have kids (your animals) jk, jk. Honestly, I am a 24 year old male and I've known I wanted kids since I was a child. I just want my own mini me and I want a family. I am not sure why it is the case. I am aware that to me relationships and connecting with others is one of the best things one can experience in life, so it follows to create a tight knit group of my own. I don't know if its women's inherent purposes to want children, but it is certainly an exclusive and significant experience of females to get pregnant. This sounds like something to explore for yourself and I agree with examining your childhood and your relationship to your mother. I would guess that has had an impact your perspective of children. Like I noticed that a lot of children who have divorced parents are super insecure and dubious about marriage.
  2. I think I understand what you mean. I interpret your post as saying that this distance you felt between your "lower self" and "higher self" is now gone, correct? I recently tried 2c-b and became highly aware that I was directly connected with Truth whereas before I had this mental habit of treating my ego and God as separate even though I knew it was one. hard to explain. Like I was imaging Me ------------ God. Almost as if there was a distant link of some sort, but in actuality Me/God are right on top of each other. But I'm still in need of development and integration. edit: I could just be projecting my experience.
  3. You can't force it, it will naturally happen. Just do it in a room together, sit in silence, clear the air, don't even listen to music and just enjoy the moment. you could also put on an album. But in general, you just want to be quiet, relatively still, and just observe.
  4. Maybe in the populated cities of US, yes, but otherwise loads of people are very conscious where meat comes from especially in lesser developed countries considering that they kill it themselves or watch it get killed by a butcher. Additionally, hunting is a popular recreation in the US.
  5. Sure man. Psychedelics are powerful as fuck especially as you get to high doses.
  6. I like to do a yoga-inspired stretch and breathe deeply, stretch my body, relax, takes about 10 minutes. Then I meditate, which to me is just the process of being. I try to stay aware, and I focus on my breathe, but I also try to stay peripherally aware of everything else in a way, while noticing my breathe. I naturally go on thought adventures, notice it, and just come back to awareness. Thoughts aren't a bad thing, the coming back to awareness from the thought is the important part.
  7. I prefer sitting up, I may do a mini session laying down, but thats like in the moment and I am not timing myself or anything, Im just being present.
  8. I'm just saying it may be confusing to read personal growth, to me personal growth includes dealing with emotions to then move up to a new level of experience as you would put it. Further, you're gonna need to define what you mean by new level of experience. If you're just trying to study what psychedelics do, there's a lot of literature on it already. like Food of the Gods by Terence McKenna. Psychedelics medicines by Robert miller louis the doors of perception by aldous Huxley.
  9. I mostly agree with you and I said it was subjective. I think you're dog is irrelevant. We're talking about children in america who's parents want them to improve their behavior and do well in school to make something of themselves, get along with others. Children who display signs of "ADHD" have a difficult time doing so, it's well-documented from observational studies. and how do you spot it? "It is characterized by difficulty paying attention, excessive activity, or difficulty controlling behavior which is not appropriate for a person's age." you can read more about it on or the DSM-V. Kids have been stuck in classrooms for 6 hours a day for years. The kids who have ADHD stand out and thats why it's considered abnormal. Sensitive therapists will not call an ADHD kid sick, they are able to grasp that the world is a complex place, and the thing we focus on is helping ADHD children improve on the challenges they face which is self-control. we're talking about kids who can't sit still in their seats for a few minutes, sometimes just sitting for 1 minute can be difficult for them depending on the severity. I've seen it. What is interesting is that ADHD kids can play video games all day . I don't necessarily disagree or agree with the current treatment methods of ADHD, but that's what people created, and it is effective. I disagree with your last sentence. A person can have mental illness or be chronically mental distressed, and some patterns can be displayed through brain scans. Schizophrenia can be diagnosed from brain scans for example. I also think he's a bit outdated if he's talking about just behaviorism. Sometimes psychologists don't just diagnose people based on behavior and its based on what people subjectively report through tests or clinical interviewing. How is neuroscience, behaviorism, and some of the most famous psychology experiments not science? the CIA certainly thinks it is. Honestly, I just get this feeling you have a bone to pick with psychology lol. People have patterns and people can study these patterns, come up with hypotheses about them, and then test it, boom, science. Granted, psychology will always be a unique field since people is a hard thing to study. Maybe you think all psychologists go around thinking people have diseases when it's not the case, thats how psychiatrists think cause thats what they teach up in medical school. Psychologists training is more nuanced and some have a wholesome and compassionate way of looking at individuals.
  10. I would stick to games that provide challenge and make you think critically. Like Braid, Zelda, or Dark Souls. avoid games with loot boxes and I'd even say avoid online gaming since unless you are trying to become a professional gamer, I think they just take away from your life purpose development.
  11. I agree with his general statement. But it's also a lot more complex than that, the reason why ADHD is considered a "problem" is because those kids do not fit in school's standards and quite frankly they preform worse in terms of testing than non-ADHD students. In addition, we have neuroscience evidence that children with ADHD have different brains compared to non-ADHD group. Whether you want to label ADHD a Disease is subjective, but so is physical diseases since all is God and death is not real from an absolute perspective. And I've worked with ADHD kids, it's real. I've seen non-ADHD kids and ADHD kids and I can spot the difference, and its not because their energetic. My hypothesis is that it is environmental problem, kids today are just not stimulated and trained to become focused. They are actually encouraged to become easily distracted.
  12. I'm still a young clinician, I just got out of a master's program At the moment I'm a behavioral assistant and I travel around helping children with various diagnosis like autism, anxiety, anger management, and life skills. My approach is mindfulness and getting awareness behind our feelings and actions, critically thinking about choices and behavior. Sometimes it may just be helping the parents coming up with appropriate boundaries and plans for their kids. I also work on worksheets with the kids to help them define their issues and help bring more awareness behind it. I also work once a week at facility that provides group therapy to children and focuses on improving social skills. It's a pretty sweet gig for now, I see myself teaching in an academic setting and going for a Ph.D in clinical psychology, possibly investing time to researching psychedelics and meditation while focusing on clinical work. I wouldn't go into psychology for the pay though. It's definitely an arduous journey and doctoral level clinicians are the ones that make big bucks. You don't just get a BA in psychology and make good money quickly. You need at least a master's to reach that 50k level of earnings. Ph.D/Psy.D clinical psychologists can earn up to 70k-150k (maybe more?) depending on marketing and having your own private practice.
  13. Sobriety is already beautiful.
  14. Enjoy, it's going to be amazing.
  15. By yourself or with friends? If you have no houses to go into. I recommend a spacious park with a somewhat low dose maybe 1 tab of LSD or 1.5g of mushrooms. Enough space so you can seclude yourself from others, but also a park that accessible, has bathrooms, and makes you feel safe. I would avoid going into a reservation, if its your first time, as you may get lost or be overwhelmed by the bugs (although I've done it as an experienced user, with no issues) Camping is also a good idea or renting a motel/hotel room. If its just you alone, I'd just recommend walking around town with a book bag filled with water, money, snacks (mixed nuts), and stuff you like to do. Like if you like to draw, bring a blanket, chill at a local park and draw whatever you see. Make sure to communicate well if you're tripping with someone as it is very easy to misinterpret somebody's behavior.
  16. Let go of wanting to keep her. Otherwise you will ALWAYS worry about this. Even if you manage to get into a long-term relationship with her. 2 years down the line you will think, "What if she gets bored? what if she finds a better guy?" Just let go. Be happy alone or be happy being with someone, but most important, don't worry just be happy and to do that, you have to let go. additionally, You will make yourself look unattractive the more you cling as well.
  17. Just follow your heart. you're just denying yourself your true desires if you need Leo to validate them. The only person you truly need validation from is yourself. Do you want to have one night stands and go clubbing? why?
  18. Remove refined sugar in your diet so you won't crave it and add satiating meals that have protein, fats, and fiber, this way you will be satiated and not feel hungry. Like Oatmeal, eggs, fish, high quality meat, vegetables like Kale and broccoli. Eat sugary foods moderately and pick healthier choices like fruits.
  19. If what you're asking is how can you reach for full potential as a male. The answer is to find your purpose and lead your life with passion. Confident, strong, and clear and at the same time, genuine, present, authentic, and loyal. Elliot Hulse is awesome, he knows what he's talking about.
  20. What am I passionate about? why? What makes me happy to do? why? What do I look forward to doing? why? If money was not an issue, what would I do? why? what kind of people do I admire for what they do? why? Who am I? Who do I want to be? What can I do with myself? The purpose is to just Be. Realize the walls is self-created!
  21. I think James Fadiman did a research article where he gave it to scientists who were having trouble solving a problem. however, I got some feedback; for example, your paper is about human actualization and personal growth, but you dismiss the research focusing on treating anxiety and depression. I would say that treating anxiety or depression is helping someone personally grow. Also remember, you want to try to be as unbiased as possible with your research, although I understand how hard that can be sometimes.
  22. I'm in the psych field. you can easily google some of this stuff. You gotta ask yourself what you want to do to serve the world. Do you want to help people? research psychology? learn & create models about psychological functions? Going to school for psychology you take classes that covers emotions, "mental disorders", behavior, cognitive functions, neuroscience, memory, psychology in social situations and other distinct topics that you won't see in a 101 or 102 course. Everything is expressed through models, concepts, theories, and scientific research. you can apply these psychological concepts to various situations, just gotta find a job that wants that kind of perspective.
  23. Since we're uploading images I feel like this describes my non-dual experience.
  24. Notice where that "feeling of solid" is happening in. You say she feels solid, but what you're feeling is a perception in your awareness, that exists within you.
  25. Not even! Way too traditional and ideological. and American Natives mastered the use of psychedelics like peyote.